Saturday, September 15, 2012


Let's Connect The Dots....
Seven weeks before the 2012 Presidential Election, the voter faces an unusual and ominous set of circumstances that bear the mark of some kind of "set-up".  Suspiciously timed before the target events occurred, Mitt and the Repoobs rushed to condemn our State Department in a way that help inflame and spread international religious outrage. 
We've experienced "October" surprises (in September?) before, but never involving foreign intrigue, except for the rumors of Reagan's "deal" over the Iranian hostages in 1980.
What do we know so far?  A film, developed and funded in the United States, intended to inflame Muslim passions, was released on You-Tube and timed to the anniversary of 9-11.  The person or persons who developed, funded, and released the offending film are subjects of FBI investigation.
The desired impact was achieved and is still spreading throughout the world.  Four of our Embassy officials are dead; to include an Ambassador.  Rather than atone for their role in these events, the Repoob campaign is "doubling down".  Already jeopardizing our national economy in their push to regain power, the Repoobs are now threatening World Peace.  This is far more serious than burning a government building and shifting blame onto your political enemies.
Are these people that craven?  Having relentlessly played the "race" card domestically; are they now prepared to play the international "religion" card?  All actors, foregin and domestic must be identified and laid before the electorate BEFORE THE ELECTION!
We know that at least some of the players involved are craven enough to commit these acts, but what about the head of the pack?  Well, again, what do we know already?
     There was the bully teenager who led the attack on another teenager and cut his hair.
     There was the teenager who got his Governor dad to give him a State Trooper uniform to use to
      harrass motorists.
     There was the Mormon Bishop who threatened an unwed teen if she did not give her child to the
     There is the candidate, who at his own Convention giggled off-camera while his surrogate
     delivered a racist attack against the President.

Stay Vigilant!  None of this is "politics as usual" !

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