Wednesday, September 5, 2012


The GRANDEST THEFT (and impending Death?) OF A NATION??
Will the "Guilty" be REWARDED and NOT PUNISHED?
How big was the heist?  Add Clinton's surplus in 2000 (236 $B); analysis_N.htmttp://;  to Dubya's deficit in 2008 (450 $B);  
and you get 686$B!  Now we know, perhaps, why they held us up for another 700 $B on their way out the door!  Altogether, there was about 1.4 $T mismanaged by that gang.  Who was onboard and voted for all of this mess?  The "Big-Eyed Slasher" -- Paul Ryan, who is now accomplice to Romney.  This knife-weilder was not only a party to grand theft, he also "knifed" the Simpson-Bowles Commission; denying our country a path to recovery.  Ambition for you!! 
A significnt number of voters appear to want to reward him for that behavior by making him Vice President??
Now, for the other part of the dynamic duo trying to steal what's left of this country -- Mitt??  He's been adamant and crafty and so far successful at hiding two things:  his taxes and his religion.  Ever wonder why?  Check out  the  Mitt Romney Documentry on the BBC.  Pay attention to charges that Mitt, as a Bishop in the Mormon Church, threatened  a young pregnant unwed girl in an effort to force her to give her unborn child to the Church.  No voter should go to the polls without watching this 58 minute video.
But, tell us a gain, you ask, where in Hell did all that money go?  Tax cuts for the rich (Mitt & Paul want even more); three wars (Mitt & Paul want more); Medicare part D (Mitt & Paul want to destroy Medicare as we've know it).  God help those seniors in nursing homes paid for by Medicaid -- Mitt & Paul plan to get rid of that program at the Federal level. They put everything they did not stuff in their pockets  on a Chinese credit card!!!
Given all this, why is any sane voter seriously considering these guys?  Well, the big-eyed one has taken a page from the book of John Edwards, and is trading on his looks; Mitt is doing what the rich always do -- get someone else to pay your bills, while allowing them to victimize you; and have someone else to blame for their screw-ups.  They call these activities "hard work".  Then there are those who hated Obama from the start and support the treasonous behavior of Congressional Republicans as they thwarted all efforts to  repair the damage.
Yeah, but what about the voters?  They could have avoided a lot of this mess by voting Kerry instead of  Bush in 2004.  The Supremes opened the door to the rabble in 2000, but not in 2004!  Now they're behaving like a drunk with amnesia, who has forgotten everything except the promise that a cure for a horrible hangover is to continue drinking.  And, as always, there's the race thing.

Stay Vigilant!

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