Friday, September 21, 2012

READ THE TRANSCRIPT!! see the 53%!

Click on the link above and read the entire transcript of Mitt's "exclusion" of 47% of the voters in his revelationist speech in Boca Raton.
Focus, not on the media clips of Romney, but on the audience.  You will see a representative group of the 53% of the voters Mitt covets.  During most of my early lifetime, the wack-jobs of the extreme Right numbered about 25% of the U.S. electorate.  That percentage was steady and predictable.  They represented those who wanted to oppress non-whites forever, and the  "hard money" nuts.
Since Tricky Dick, reinforced by Mad Ronnie, we've seen this percentage of the electorate grow.
Nixon's "Southern Strategy", reinforced by Reagan's "Starve Government" strategy, brought on Repoobism; a political and economic cancer that has rooted inside what used to be the Republican Party.  The party cannot survive if the Repoobs are not soundly defeated in the 2012 election.
It began when Nixon took us off the gold standard.  This sparked a series of commodity shocks around the globe; principally in oil.  As Drucker told the story; A greater transfer of wealth had never before been seen on the planet.  The tremendous sums that went to the Middle East could not be absorbed and wound up in Money Center Banks (New York, London, Tokyo; and later Miami and Los Angeles). 
Walter Wriston of CitiBank/Citicorp got the notion that if banks (that had to lend money to make money) would lend to sovereign nations, they would never face default.  Hence, the shift of debt onto the backs of the poor, mostly in under-developed and Latin countries.  The economic problems have rattled around the planet ever-since.  We now face a culmination of the past 41 years of financial mayhem; as the world's central banks struggle to help their economies survive.
Politically, here at home, the Money Boys arose (first Boesky and Milken, and now the "Venture" Boys); and, through a series of financial shocks, first in housing, then in hi-tech, and, finally, the "whopper" in housing under "W".  These rich newcomers joined the wacko-Right to give us the Repoob Mess in our House of Representatives (where our government funding is controlled).  The 25% grew to what Mitt thinks is now 53%.
Stay Vigilant!  We have to show Mitt and Queen Ann that they are wrong.  The people in that room do not represent us!!

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