Wednesday, May 11, 2016

what TRUMP "exhibits" as the White Male "World-View"??

"Good" Guys (with GUNs, and without a Conscience )??

Every day, we're pushed farther away from the "American" images of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and, other Exemplary Leaders that have been held high, as images of  the "America"  we wanted to represent us to the World!    TRUMP offers instead a Raw, Mean, and Unprincipled White American Male, with a very narrow World View!

His Message, targeted, without doubt, to White Males, offers them, and, his other followers, a character thatis  more commonly associated with Mob Rulers.  The kind of Society that requires Reason, Deliberation, and Patience, is spurned by his followers, in favor of: Win; at Any Cost!  Gingrich likened Romney to a Vulture.  In that political parlance, TRUMP may be likened to a Jackal!  Anyone, in search of Safety and good Social Order would be a fool to place any Trust in a person like that.

As his Operations expose these traits, he coaxes more followers from the Shadows.  What may prove most amazing, is that, even though everyone has been defeated in competition with him;  the GOP deludes themselves, that he can be controlled, somehow!!

Stay Vigilant!  TRUMP will likely become an  obsession for all U.S. Citizens who are at least minimally aware of what is at stake, from now until November!  The wiser ones among us realize that a very thin reed stands between who we are, and have, today -- and, what Syria has become!!  It is those relatively wealthy Syrians who are now tramping across Europe, in search of the Safety and Security they recently had; AT HOME!

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