Wednesday, May 18, 2016

is RELIGION (really) WAR (in Disguise)??

'Track-Records' Don't LIE!!

Frontline's Inside the Rise of ISIS, aired  last night on PBS.  It convincingly showed how the Roots of ISIS can be traced to the machinations of Dick Cheney and "Scooter" Libby.  Remembering my concern with the machinations of Lynne Cheney, as Chair, of the National Endowment for the Humanities for the Reagan and Bush (41) Administrations; I was not "surprised"!!  Her hard-Right "spin" of American History was almost "laughable"; for those of us who, as non-Whites in America, "knew-better"!!

I wondered, after viewing Frontine, how the Bush Dynasty "hooked up" with Cheney.  I found online Nicholas Lemann's article, How The Bushes Misunderstood Cheney.   Lemann points to "Daddy" Bush, for linking Dick Cheney to Bush (43)!  Cheney served as Secretary of Defense for "Daddy" Bush.  After anointing himself as V.P. for "W"; Cheney picked Rumsfeld for Secretary of Defense.

Fast-forward to 2016, Cheney's "pick to serve" after President Obama:  Donald Trump!

Before 1492, the world's Religions were more openly tied to Warfare.  The Catholic and Protestant Christian Religions, in the Americas, moved "Heaven and Earth" to separate War from Religion in the minds of their followers.  Pretending to focus on the works and teachings of Jesus Christ;  both versions of the Religion have spent the past 500 years in pursuit of wealth expansion, through Violence, and Control; over their "Faithful", and, the non-white Races and Cultures they Marginalized!  The trail of Genocide, Slavery, and racial Segregation; speaks for itself.  Over the past five centuries, a mounting Terror has grown within succeeding generations of Whites, as their "Faith-Inspired", Programs. Laws, and Social Practices have led to the Ideologies of 2016.  Spreading from the Americas back to Africa, and then around the Globe, these beliefs and practices can be found, deeply-held in people like Dick and Lynne Cheney.  There is not much evidence of the Teachings of Christ in the Institutions that have been built in the Americas.  Reagan's "Shining City" hides the Plantations, Ghettos and Barrios that have been so essential to the wealth they built over time.  Through slick "Foundations", new "Wealth" is found in the Poverty that was sown over five centuries!

Stay Vigilant!  All of this Past, has given rise to TRUMP!  A $Billionaire Mogul of the most Racist of Industries (Real-Estate)!! TRUMP is a Master at separating and manipulating People on the basis of Race and Income!  Ultimate Irony:  Frontline's presentation places Blame for ISIS, today; NOT on Cheney, but, on "W" and Obama!!  (Go figure)

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