Saturday, May 14, 2016

"NINA" (sang): "BLACK is the COLOR" ...

... and I say: it provides subtext for TRUMP, in 2016!!

No matter what Individual, Group, Minority, Gender, or Religion TRUMP chooses for his daily "throat cuts"; the entire Population of the United States knows, that BLACKs (and, especially President Obama) are implicitly present in his language!  Black Americans, like "Dr. Carson" should know that, and behave accordingly; but they don't!!  The reasons for that are much too long to list in a BLOG, but those who want to know can begin by Googling: "Scientific Racism"!!

Clarence Thomas,; Black Youth who routinely gun down each other on the streets of our major cities; Condoleeza Rice, whose role in 9/11 may never be fully explained; and virtually all Blacks who consider themselves fundamental Christians, and/or "Conservative"; can be considered  "Hand-Maidens" for TRUMP and his supporters!!  In his evil, tiny, heart and brain, TRUMP know's that!  With the winds of MEDIA (including "Talking Heads of Color") at their back; the GOP expects to beat Hillary (and Bill) in November!!  We may never know what Foreign Interests are included among Trump's Supporters.

Two Hundred and Forty Years after 1776, white parents are still teaching  fear and loathing of all things Black and Non-white, to their children!  Dylaan Roof should have all white adults shaking in fear; but they choose, instead, black male youth in our city streets, and the first Black President, as the targets for their concerns.  A unique "Religion"; crafted by whites, and spoon-fed, for hundred of years, to Southern Blacks, is the ACE up their sleeve!  It is being applied,  in 2016 also, and,  is working well, in parts of AFRICA and LATIN America!!  That Geography defines Developing Markets for European Interests in 2016.  The guts of their centuries-old, white race models are currently being modified to encompass new technological impacts on MEDIA; but the old outline remains the same.

Stay Vigilant!  Even the most well-educated Citizens (fewer than 1%) have a clue as to where all of this is heading.  We know that every self-governing Nation on the Planet is under extreme pressure as a result.  The Race Model has had a significant history, since Sputnik, on the shape of technological change, itself!  I have seen it up close, over the past fifty-Four Years; in Government, in Education, and in Industry.

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC 

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