Friday, May 6, 2016

USA: the "Ultimate" TRUMP-TOWER??

from H.L. Mencken, to Rachel MADDOW ??

The "Self-Funder"  has disappeared; in the blink of an eye; once CRUZ and KASICH were out of the way!  TRUMP is now  poised to pick the pockets of those followers whom he bragged would not change their votes for him if he "shot somebody"!

His choice to lead his Fund-raising: Steven Mnuchin, was exposed, last night by Rachel Maddow; so explicitly, with important details, that, I found her coverage to be reminiscent of some of my favorite works by H.L. Mencken!  Even a two-year-old would "get the picture"??  Look for Maddow's show!!  It aired on May 5, 2016.  Anyone who cares about the future of the United States, and plans to VOTE in 2016, should hear Rachel's "take" on Mnuchin.  Other descriptions in the MEDIA are criminally "misleading" in their failure to examine Mnuchin's background.

Only an EGO as monumental as TRUMP's could conceive of buying the United States, and, using OPM (other people's money) to do it!!  

Stay Vigilant!  The HARD PART is over for TRUMP.  The EASY part (buying Votes and Political Supporters) lies ahead.  Remember; TRUMP talked a lot about Trojan Horses, a few months back??

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