Sunday, May 8, 2016

Can TRUMP "By-Pass" the GOP Convention??

Why Not??

He has already "destroyed" all opposition : among the Repoob Candidates!  He has now picked a fight with Speaker Ryan, the Leader of the Republican Party.  TRUMP, and his Backers, are  acting as though HE is now  the Head of the Republican Party!  Will he become the newest, and LAST front-runner for the Republican Party?  If he simply ignores the word "presumptive"; who will do anything?  What could they do?

No creature like this has ever been set loose within our Political Party structure.  This MONSTER, created by nit-wits in our Media, who fell in love with Trump's mordancy; present us all with the possibility of a General-Election Candidate that was never voted on by Delegates in a Convention!  The hyenas we've all seen in his Rallies, are bound psychically, and emotionally to TRUMP1  They have been lured out of their crevices within our body-politic, by $B's of free coverage from Media.   Their numbers are expected to grow between now and November!

Stay Vigilant!  TRUMP and his Backers, have found a potentially fatal flaw in our Political System!! The only sure way to combat this scourge, is to make sure NO REPUBLICAN gets our Vote, in November, 2016!!

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All Rights Reserved:  Williams LLC

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