The "Poison" Spreads
It lies within the "psyche", or "subconscious" of ALL of us; and is approached, historically, through subliminal messaging. We all know it. We all deny it, to some degree. The Republican Right has lived on it, since Nixon turned the Party in that direction. The Laws, the Language, the Words endure from the Slave Experiences of the Americas. We can't escape it. TRUMP and CRUZ are its most Dangerous Products, within our political infrastructure; Dylaan Roof is the most
Dangerous Product, among our Millennials; and, Killer Cops are the most Dangerous Products in our Law Enforcement infrastructure. As Government continues to weaken at our Local, State, and Federal Levels, this phenomenon looms as a menace to our future as a Nation. I'm sure Putin, and his U.S. Sympathizers, know this.
Larry Wilmore, at the Presidents Correspondents Dinner last night, went beyond Raw, and Raunchy, all the way back to the SOURCE: The Commandments of "Willie Lynch"!! By resurfacing terms like "CPT", and the "N" word, both the viewing audience and the attendees, were "put-off"! Younger participants and viewers were probably confused, as well, because our various Institutions have labored so hard to "whitewash" our JIM CROW Past. If Wilmore thought he was delivering an answer to Senator McConnell, and his seven-year effort to lead the Republicans in their "freeze-out" of Obama; he went too far, and lost his audience.
Read and think-through the implications of the Commandments of Lynch, and you will understand the subtext of Wilmore's mind-set. By systematically subjecting Slaves to the level of Depravity prescribed by Lynch; a sense of Decency was destroyed among many of those who survive it. Tightly- controlled living space (Segregation) caused it to pepetuate itself and grow within the subconscious of populations of all skin shades! This malignancy is 500 years old! It has produced strange characters; like Clarence Thomas, Condoleeza Rice, Dr. Ben Carson: and many "tools" of Politicians who serve the Jim Crow tradition. In 2016, TRUMP, CRUZ, and their MEDIA backers capitalize within the Republican campaigns to replace Obama.
Stay Vigilant! Obviously TRUMP Voters expect to WIN this November; no matter whom the Democrats select. Why? Because they know TRUMP "resonates" with their Sub-Conscious Minds!
They're betting that the remaining White Voters will either join them, or, NOT VOTE for anyone!!
They may be betting on a REPEAT of 2014; when 2/3 of eligible voters did not bother to participate in the Election! Both TRUMP and CRUZ have made it clear that they are focused on the WHITE VOTER!
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