Saturday, May 28, 2016

how TRUMP "Does It" (to his Political Opponents)??

New "App's" for Old Methods??

Dad told us, as kids: "never argue with a Fool, or a Crazy Person!  They can make YOU sound like THEM"!!  TRUMP is certainly no Fool; but, his mental and emotional status is certainly questionable!  Without doubt; he has viciously "destroyed: every Political Candidate who "stood up" to him!  Master Marco has come "slinking back" to get whatever scraps TRUMP might have for him.
The rest of the RIGHT side of our Politics in the USA, are in similar standing today.  Ryan has not yet "declared" his position; neither has Cruz.  Their time to "put up; or shut-up" draws near!

I recall stories I was told years ago, about the "Experiments" performed on Holocaust Victims, before they were gassed and burned.  Those experiments were designed to test the limits of Human endurance under extreme pressure to perform some desired outcome.  Many of those "lessons-learned" were applied, decades ago, to modern Marketing Techniques.  TRUMP, with the assistance of Media methods developed by Dr. Goebbels, and mega-Advances in Media technology since; has taken these lessons to never-before-seen levels.

Friday night (5/27), on the Bill Maher show
there were two "walk-on" guests:  Bernie Sanders and Scott Adams, creator of the comic strip "Dilbert".  Google both interviews!  Adams clarified TRUMP's methods for "Master Persuasion" and "Persuasion Perfection"; using what he called "confirmation bias".  The technology underlying these techniques are traceable to World War II, and the Cold War that followed it.  This is the same path for the Internet, Broadcasting and Television, and the hardware (Lap Tops and iPhones) that supplement a MEDIA MONSTER that allows TRUMP to dominate all Media, 24 hours a day, and from anyplace he happens to be!

It's fair to say that TRUMP is rapidly "fixating" people all over our Planet.  Most World Leaders who have expressed their opinion of him, loathe what they see!  Not so, for Netanyahu's Israel, and Putin's Russia!

Stay Vigilant!  "Make America Great, Again"; and "Take Back Our Country" are both Luddite; in terms of their desire for Protection from an uncertain FUTURE driven by Technological Change, and, a desire to remain in some Glorified PAST!!  "America", and "Country"; as used by TRUMP and the Republicans, both represent the Old Confederacy of Texas, and our Sewer States, and, its sympathizers; who have internally migrated North and West!!  TRUMP threatens to shut the door on the FUTURE for our Nation!  Will Hillary and Bill stop the Civil War that is gearing up??

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