Monday, May 30, 2016

a BLACK "Memorial Day"??

are Trumpsters "hanging crepe" across America??

On this Memorial Day (2016), the First Black President delivered his Last Memorial Day Speech at Arlington Cemetery.  The meteoric rise and menacing spread of  TRUMP-Mania throughout the United States, and throughout our MEDIA, is finally beginning to ring alarm bells among those Citizens who realize that our Country might be under threat!

A close friend sent me a BLOG link for  Black Soldiers have fought, with valor, in every one of our Wars; beginning with Wars we fought before we became a Nation!  Older Blacks have known this.  Even some open-minded Whites know this.  Today's Youth (all colors) DO NOT!
Our White-Dominated Public Education System can be faulted for this!  I recommend the site to all who need it.

As a VietNam-Era Veteran; I and other members of my family served in our Military; after Eisenhower got the USA involved; following the failure of the French Forces at Dien Bien Phu, in 1954.  I recommend BLOODS, an Oral History of the Vietnam War by Black Veterans, by Wallace Terry, 

TRUMP, a Monster, posing as a Politician, is barn-storming the country as a manacing Pied Piper, whose tune coaxes every Racist Sicko out of their hiding holes in our Swamps, Bayous, and our MEDIA!  For Memorial Day he is addressing those Unwashed, who can afford MotorCycles, on the Mall, in Washington, D.C.  CNN and MSNBC appear "stressed" as they struggle to cover both events.

Stay Vigilant!  Less than 15% of all the Slave Ships that landed in the Americas, did so, in what is still, the United States.  The remaining 85% landed in Mexico, the Caribbean, and South America.
Could TRUMP be widening the base of the Marginalized, to include Mexicans and Poor Whites; because, there aren't enough gullible Blacks remaining to sustain their Centuries-Old Model of Economic Development for Whites??

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