Monday, May 30, 2016

a BLACK "Memorial Day"??

are Trumpsters "hanging crepe" across America??

On this Memorial Day (2016), the First Black President delivered his Last Memorial Day Speech at Arlington Cemetery.  The meteoric rise and menacing spread of  TRUMP-Mania throughout the United States, and throughout our MEDIA, is finally beginning to ring alarm bells among those Citizens who realize that our Country might be under threat!

A close friend sent me a BLOG link for  Black Soldiers have fought, with valor, in every one of our Wars; beginning with Wars we fought before we became a Nation!  Older Blacks have known this.  Even some open-minded Whites know this.  Today's Youth (all colors) DO NOT!
Our White-Dominated Public Education System can be faulted for this!  I recommend the site to all who need it.

As a VietNam-Era Veteran; I and other members of my family served in our Military; after Eisenhower got the USA involved; following the failure of the French Forces at Dien Bien Phu, in 1954.  I recommend BLOODS, an Oral History of the Vietnam War by Black Veterans, by Wallace Terry, 

TRUMP, a Monster, posing as a Politician, is barn-storming the country as a manacing Pied Piper, whose tune coaxes every Racist Sicko out of their hiding holes in our Swamps, Bayous, and our MEDIA!  For Memorial Day he is addressing those Unwashed, who can afford MotorCycles, on the Mall, in Washington, D.C.  CNN and MSNBC appear "stressed" as they struggle to cover both events.

Stay Vigilant!  Less than 15% of all the Slave Ships that landed in the Americas, did so, in what is still, the United States.  The remaining 85% landed in Mexico, the Caribbean, and South America.
Could TRUMP be widening the base of the Marginalized, to include Mexicans and Poor Whites; because, there aren't enough gullible Blacks remaining to sustain their Centuries-Old Model of Economic Development for Whites??

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Saturday, May 28, 2016

how TRUMP "Does It" (to his Political Opponents)??

New "App's" for Old Methods??

Dad told us, as kids: "never argue with a Fool, or a Crazy Person!  They can make YOU sound like THEM"!!  TRUMP is certainly no Fool; but, his mental and emotional status is certainly questionable!  Without doubt; he has viciously "destroyed: every Political Candidate who "stood up" to him!  Master Marco has come "slinking back" to get whatever scraps TRUMP might have for him.
The rest of the RIGHT side of our Politics in the USA, are in similar standing today.  Ryan has not yet "declared" his position; neither has Cruz.  Their time to "put up; or shut-up" draws near!

I recall stories I was told years ago, about the "Experiments" performed on Holocaust Victims, before they were gassed and burned.  Those experiments were designed to test the limits of Human endurance under extreme pressure to perform some desired outcome.  Many of those "lessons-learned" were applied, decades ago, to modern Marketing Techniques.  TRUMP, with the assistance of Media methods developed by Dr. Goebbels, and mega-Advances in Media technology since; has taken these lessons to never-before-seen levels.

Friday night (5/27), on the Bill Maher show
there were two "walk-on" guests:  Bernie Sanders and Scott Adams, creator of the comic strip "Dilbert".  Google both interviews!  Adams clarified TRUMP's methods for "Master Persuasion" and "Persuasion Perfection"; using what he called "confirmation bias".  The technology underlying these techniques are traceable to World War II, and the Cold War that followed it.  This is the same path for the Internet, Broadcasting and Television, and the hardware (Lap Tops and iPhones) that supplement a MEDIA MONSTER that allows TRUMP to dominate all Media, 24 hours a day, and from anyplace he happens to be!

It's fair to say that TRUMP is rapidly "fixating" people all over our Planet.  Most World Leaders who have expressed their opinion of him, loathe what they see!  Not so, for Netanyahu's Israel, and Putin's Russia!

Stay Vigilant!  "Make America Great, Again"; and "Take Back Our Country" are both Luddite; in terms of their desire for Protection from an uncertain FUTURE driven by Technological Change, and, a desire to remain in some Glorified PAST!!  "America", and "Country"; as used by TRUMP and the Republicans, both represent the Old Confederacy of Texas, and our Sewer States, and, its sympathizers; who have internally migrated North and West!!  TRUMP threatens to shut the door on the FUTURE for our Nation!  Will Hillary and Bill stop the Civil War that is gearing up??

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Friday, May 27, 2016

will TRUMPSTERs "Kick" the USA into a DUMPSTER??

The GOP's Nightmare has comes to Life??

Foreign Leaders are outspoken, with concerns that TRUMP might become the occupant of the Oval Office in 2016!  North Korea, by refusing TRUMP's offer to Meet; might think TRUMP is beneath them!

Red-State-Hatred, spread by the Repoob Infiltration within the Republican Party, has reached every corner of our Nation.  Closeted Trumpsters are to be found throughout our MEDIA.  These are really perilous Times for our Country.  It doesn't take a lot of I.Q. to understand that TRUMP actually "believes" very little of the filth he utters.  HE USES THAT to HIDE his real objective; which he tells us is "Secret".  Who is he keeping it from?   It cant't be the Blacks, the Hispanics, Native-Americans, Latino(s), Women, or anyone else he has trashed with his severely limited vocabulary!  THEY all KNOW everything they need to know about his intentions.  Rather than worry about Hillary's e-mails; we all might be wiser to worry about where the allegiances of the Trumpsters lie?? 

Recent GOP Senator Bennett, with his dying breaths, apologized for what the Republican Party has become!

Dissatisfaction with both TRUMP and Hillary, fuels the chances that some acceptable alternative might be found, to the election of EITHER of them!

Stay Vigilant!  TRUMP is also betting on the ignorance, within our MEDIA, and, the general population, concerning issues  that involve National Security and Classification!  It is very often trivially used!  The Power to Classify is ubiquitous within our Government!  Politicians know that; and play on Public ignorance to gain political points.  Trumpsters can always understand E-mails, however.

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Thursday, May 26, 2016

why (I think) BLACK Kids "shoot" (each other)??

I can remember when that would be "Un-Think-able"!!

Technically, I am a Member of the Silent Generation,; but I was born only 5 years, or less, before the first "Baby Boomers" arrived.  In my Community (Segregated, and full of every possible skin-shade of Black); NO ONE would tolerate a child (below the age of 21) behaving with "dis-respect" toward ANY BODY!!  Physical "discipline" was administered by any adult (over the age of 21) who witnessed such behavior from a child in our Community. That is hard to find -- today!!

What Happened?  "Integration" ( as perceived by individual Blacks); and the introduction of Guns and Drugs, by Whites, to what was left of those Communities after LBJ's "War on Poverty"! Male Youth Gangs (all Races) were endemic in Urban America after World War II,  The Black Youth Gangs were transformed by White, Institutional changes; to Public Housing, Public Education, and Racial Politics, after the Riots that followed the Assassination of Martin Luther King.  Blacks quickly lost control of their Schools, their Kids, and the governance of their own Communities.  In small Towns, like the one I was raised in, most Black Communities quickly "disappeared"!  While Blacks were busy Integratin' ; Whites were pursuing new strategies.

It is "unnatural" for Children to raise themselves, on the streets of Urban Ghettos, designed and controlled by our Real Estate Industry!!

Then there is "Dis-Respect"!!  Historically, Blacks have been forced by Law to suffer disrespect from Whites, and, all others who felt Superior to people with any hint of African descent!  Lower-classes among Blacks were prone to "hair-trigger violence" whenever they sensed disrespect from another Black!
I witnessed a murder by switchblade between Black adults, in my youth; but,  again, no such event occurred between Children!!  The Black Communities (all classes) made sure of that!

Stay Vigilant!  What does it profit a People to gain material wealth at the expense of their Children??  Until a viable Community is invented and in place, that can insure a healthy life start for Black Infants; (regardless of the skin shades of its inhabitants) -- No CURE for Black Youth Gun Violence is possible! 

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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

is TRUMP "Politically-Correct"? or, "Divider"(of whites)??

How a Madman Divides?

Not since Rasputin, has a man of such questionable mental stability commanded such attention among Power Players on the World Stage!  He isn't "legal" yet (not formally a Nominee), and he has already destroyed the old GOP!!  Another six months awaits, before we know how this will all turn out.

The man is all about DIVIDING WHITES in the United States!  For decades, Conservatives on the Political Right, have declared that they are not RACIST!  Trump will put that question to rest, by tempting the likes of Paul Ryan to "come out of the closet"??  Whites who are NOT Racist, but also Conservative, like Meg Whitman; who is unequivocal about where she stands, against TRUMP (and Guv'na Christi) -- may NOT be "trumpsters"!!  Is Ryan!!  Will he embrace TRUMP, while still clinging to a claim that Trump is not a "Conservative"??  The GOP is stewing in a strange pot of poisons? 

It's clear the GOP is ready to trash Washington, Jefferson, the Adams es, Ben Franklin, and the rest of our Founders; and REPLACE them with today's version of thugs; like Jackson, Houston, Austin, and Fremont! These old Frontiersmen, manned the front-lines of filibusterers who killed off Mexicans, and Natives, and took their Lands.  We're back to the Gunslingers!  

Taking advantage of two fatal flaws in the formation of our Democracy: "3/5ths of a person", and the opening to FACTIONS; todays Insurrectionists, led by Texans and the Usual Suspects in the Sewer States have wrought Havoc on Government at the Federal Level, and throughout our 50 States!  

MEDIA is driving the TRUMP Train!  Scarborough, Imus, O'Reilly, and others are worthy of close observance for sympathies??

Stay Vigilant!  Polls (driven by Media), inch us closer to accepting the possibility of a TRUMP Presidency!  Frogs in a Bath; Lemmingsheading over a cliff:  take your pick!

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Sunday, May 22, 2016

D'ya THINK?? .. you have Nuthin' to LOSE??? ..

... Better think AGAIN!! (stupid)!!

TRUMP & his Gang, represent
the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalype!!
CONQUEST is clearly on their Minds;
can't be far behind!

Any Citizen of the U.S.A.; whether born in some TRUMP Ghetto, or not; is far better off, materially, than anybody , on average, in Countries outside our borders!  We're SPOILED, and think our VOTEs are for "getting ahead"!!  That ain't Right!

Anybody (eligible); no matter what Political, Social, Religious, or Economic Axe you may have to grind; had better NOT think you can afford to "stay home"; and not Vote this November.  There just may not be "another election"; ya know??   That applies, especially, to all Millennials!!  You know who you are!!

Stay Vigilant!  I'm sure the Citizens of Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, and SYRIA; never thought their lives would turn out as they have!  When Governments and Institutions weaken and collapse, there are no RULES that determine who Takes Over!  Remember:  First they come for those you don't like!  Rest assured, even TRUMP has no idea what happens once he and his Crowd "break through"!!

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Saturday, May 21, 2016

EDUCATION: ... (under) TRUMP?? (Our Achilles' "Heel")???

"I LOVE the un-educated!"
Donald Trump; 2016

Knowing full well the extreme "limitations" of his Party, and his Followers, Donald Trump, our ultimate Financial Vulture, is poised for the KILL of his lifetime!!  Public Education (and, indirectly, Private Education) has always been held in a "strangle-hold" by our Malignant Right. In the early days of JIM CROW, the common Cracker Cry was: "keep them barefoot and ignorant" (for Blacks and Natives; the two Groups originally designated for Genocide in the United States).  Their corollary cry for females, (all colors) was: "keep them barefoot and pregnant"!!  Black Slaves were summarily put to death; on any bare suspicion that they might know how to read!!

Public Education was first used by the Right to convert our European Immigrant Population from rag-tag Ethnic Groups, to a single, White Tribe.  Stories were told when I was young, of Immigrants who did not speak English; who were marched to the POLLS at gun-point; to VOTE, as instructed!  In the 1960s and 70s, Blacks in our Sewer States were required to VOTE according to the dictates of their White Employers, on pain of losing their Jobs!

These techniques, over hundreds of years, have led to 2016, where White MEDIA finds it easy to dominate the Narrative of all U.S. Citizens!  This has become a Major Strength for Donald Trump.  Talking Heads in Media know in their gut that they are contributing to the Collapse of our Democracy; yet, feel helpless to stop themselves.

TRUMP has not been NOMINATED yet; but, already, we see Non-white faces "disappearing" from Television Programming.  Gwen Ifill, of PBS, has been "else-where" for months, leaving Judy Woodruff in charge??  She was "missing" last night from here own SHOW!  What happened to Toure', Melissa Harris-Perry, and many others.  Even Reb'm Al has been relegated to the Pre-Dawn Hours.

Stay Vigilant!  Education Costs are "sky-rocketing" at the Kindergarten Level, AND, in College Costs!! Rationing of access to Education appears everywhere, as young Parents struggle to meet $1000/month Tuition Costs for Kindergartners!  TRUMP knows his "quarry"??

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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

is RELIGION (really) WAR (in Disguise)??

'Track-Records' Don't LIE!!

Frontline's Inside the Rise of ISIS, aired  last night on PBS.  It convincingly showed how the Roots of ISIS can be traced to the machinations of Dick Cheney and "Scooter" Libby.  Remembering my concern with the machinations of Lynne Cheney, as Chair, of the National Endowment for the Humanities for the Reagan and Bush (41) Administrations; I was not "surprised"!!  Her hard-Right "spin" of American History was almost "laughable"; for those of us who, as non-Whites in America, "knew-better"!!

I wondered, after viewing Frontine, how the Bush Dynasty "hooked up" with Cheney.  I found online Nicholas Lemann's article, How The Bushes Misunderstood Cheney.   Lemann points to "Daddy" Bush, for linking Dick Cheney to Bush (43)!  Cheney served as Secretary of Defense for "Daddy" Bush.  After anointing himself as V.P. for "W"; Cheney picked Rumsfeld for Secretary of Defense.

Fast-forward to 2016, Cheney's "pick to serve" after President Obama:  Donald Trump!

Before 1492, the world's Religions were more openly tied to Warfare.  The Catholic and Protestant Christian Religions, in the Americas, moved "Heaven and Earth" to separate War from Religion in the minds of their followers.  Pretending to focus on the works and teachings of Jesus Christ;  both versions of the Religion have spent the past 500 years in pursuit of wealth expansion, through Violence, and Control; over their "Faithful", and, the non-white Races and Cultures they Marginalized!  The trail of Genocide, Slavery, and racial Segregation; speaks for itself.  Over the past five centuries, a mounting Terror has grown within succeeding generations of Whites, as their "Faith-Inspired", Programs. Laws, and Social Practices have led to the Ideologies of 2016.  Spreading from the Americas back to Africa, and then around the Globe, these beliefs and practices can be found, deeply-held in people like Dick and Lynne Cheney.  There is not much evidence of the Teachings of Christ in the Institutions that have been built in the Americas.  Reagan's "Shining City" hides the Plantations, Ghettos and Barrios that have been so essential to the wealth they built over time.  Through slick "Foundations", new "Wealth" is found in the Poverty that was sown over five centuries!

Stay Vigilant!  All of this Past, has given rise to TRUMP!  A $Billionaire Mogul of the most Racist of Industries (Real-Estate)!! TRUMP is a Master at separating and manipulating People on the basis of Race and Income!  Ultimate Irony:  Frontline's presentation places Blame for ISIS, today; NOT on Cheney, but, on "W" and Obama!!  (Go figure)

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Tuesday, May 17, 2016

TRUMP: "Revolutionary"? (or) "Civil"(?) WAR (redux) ??; BOTH ???

Inside the MIND of a Megalomaniac??

TRUMP; a daily, and hourly Fixation for America (and the World); shows the inner workings of his MIND, as he tries to "pick" a loud, un-diplomatic and low-class verbal fight with David Cameron, the British Prime Minister!  Sure to be red-meat for his low-class followers; "The Donald" shows his "reach" (remember; he is still the Nominative Front-Runner of, what remains of our GOP)!!

Friendly with the likes of Putin and Netanyahu; TRUMP stretches to "have it all", by negating the outcomes of our Revolutionary War with England, and, our Civil War.  I'm sure Putin and Netanyahu are deeply jealous of the way our Deep-South Whites have managed to keep our Deep-South Blacks oppressed, mentally, spiritually, and physically; for centuries!! They would give their left-member to have that condition for the populations they struggle to oppress.

Oh well, so much for our "Special Relation" with Great Britain??  How about re-igniting our Civil War by re-awakening the Klan, and inciting racial riots??  TRUMP shows us our future??

Stay Vigilant!  There are more "bets" than we can see, riding on the Election of TRUMP!
Many of us can see some of the wreckage of our Future, in TRUMP's antics -- today!  Oh Say, can YOU "see"?? 

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Monday, May 16, 2016

2 MILLENIALS (fore-tell) 21st Century: a BLACK and WHITE "Crystal Ball" (??) ...

What do we "See"??

Born less than a year apart, in the waning years of the 20th Century; two Millennials, Trayvon Martin, (2/5/95) and Dylaan Roof (4/3/94) may tell us all we really need to know about our lives on this Planet, during the 21st Century!  The Heroic Death of the Black child; in the eyes of those who could "see" him as a Human Being; was also "seen" as the "justified" death of a Villain, in the eyes of his Murderer, and, in the eyes of those who participated in, and approved of, the Judicial Farce known as the Trayvon Martin Trial!

The Heinous Murders of 9 Black Citizens, in their own Church, during Bible Study, by the White child, is "seen" as the most Horrific Murders of their life-times, by those who could  "see" the Victims as Human Beings!  Those who could not, saw it as some lesser-event!  The White Child is wrapped in the deep protections afforded to White Males who murder Blacks, by what America calls its "Justice System"!  It is unlikely he will be put to death for his crimes.

Both Events occurred within the past 5 Years!  Already "un-hinged" by Events during the 8 years of the Cheney-Bush Administration;  our Nation appears, today, to be be rapidly headed in unknown and dangerous directions!

We are seriously considering electing a person of questionable mental status to become President of the United States!!  This morning, a Black C-Span caller from Alabama, expressed the mistaken notion: "there will always be another election" (in case the election of TRUMP went awry).  She obviously is not familiar with the old saying: One Man; One Vote; One TIME!!

Stay Vigilant!  We had "Know-Nothings" in our Politics, once before!  Those Voters had the Good Sense NOT to elect them to POWER!!  Republicans, Tea Party, or Repoob -- the Party clearly qualifies, by its actions, to contain KNOW-NOTHINGS, who will DO NOTHING to bring this Nation back to its former Stability and Humane ways!!

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Saturday, May 14, 2016

"NINA" (sang): "BLACK is the COLOR" ...

... and I say: it provides subtext for TRUMP, in 2016!!

No matter what Individual, Group, Minority, Gender, or Religion TRUMP chooses for his daily "throat cuts"; the entire Population of the United States knows, that BLACKs (and, especially President Obama) are implicitly present in his language!  Black Americans, like "Dr. Carson" should know that, and behave accordingly; but they don't!!  The reasons for that are much too long to list in a BLOG, but those who want to know can begin by Googling: "Scientific Racism"!!

Clarence Thomas,; Black Youth who routinely gun down each other on the streets of our major cities; Condoleeza Rice, whose role in 9/11 may never be fully explained; and virtually all Blacks who consider themselves fundamental Christians, and/or "Conservative"; can be considered  "Hand-Maidens" for TRUMP and his supporters!!  In his evil, tiny, heart and brain, TRUMP know's that!  With the winds of MEDIA (including "Talking Heads of Color") at their back; the GOP expects to beat Hillary (and Bill) in November!!  We may never know what Foreign Interests are included among Trump's Supporters.

Two Hundred and Forty Years after 1776, white parents are still teaching  fear and loathing of all things Black and Non-white, to their children!  Dylaan Roof should have all white adults shaking in fear; but they choose, instead, black male youth in our city streets, and the first Black President, as the targets for their concerns.  A unique "Religion"; crafted by whites, and spoon-fed, for hundred of years, to Southern Blacks, is the ACE up their sleeve!  It is being applied,  in 2016 also, and,  is working well, in parts of AFRICA and LATIN America!!  That Geography defines Developing Markets for European Interests in 2016.  The guts of their centuries-old, white race models are currently being modified to encompass new technological impacts on MEDIA; but the old outline remains the same.

Stay Vigilant!  Even the most well-educated Citizens (fewer than 1%) have a clue as to where all of this is heading.  We know that every self-governing Nation on the Planet is under extreme pressure as a result.  The Race Model has had a significant history, since Sputnik, on the shape of technological change, itself!  I have seen it up close, over the past fifty-Four Years; in Government, in Education, and in Industry.

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"White" (male) OPINION; (under) TRUMP??

An "AMAZON" Preview??

Not yet NOMINATED; nor, ELECTED: Trump shows how he will be "Presidential"
by threatening AMAZON with "Anti-Trust" action; to punish the Washington Post for something they printed; that, he did not like!

In his OPINION, that is possible!!  FACT(s), TRUTH, and knowledge,  don't matter, in his world; a world controlled by OPINION!! There is simply too much IGNORANCE in this story to "unpack"; in any way that his foolish, nit-wit, racist, backers and sympathizers can understand!  The most serious threat our Nation faces comes from our MEDIA:  it has surrendered to OPINION, forsaking FACTS, and TRUTH, for Profit!! 

Stay Vigilant!  ANYBODY who believes TRUMP is "acting"; and, not serious; needs to get their sanity checked.  This incident reveals how much the REPOOBS fear our First Amendment!  They love the Second Amendment, however; so what does all of this portend for the future of our Constitution??  Dick Cheney told the answer to that, more than ten years ago!!

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Thursday, May 12, 2016

REPOOBs launch "WHITE PARTY" (today)

"Bye-by" GOP??

TRUMP and his Storm Troopers invaded Washington, today, to claim Victory over the Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan!  The "top" of the 2012 GOP Ticket (Ryan was the "bottom") hounds Trump to release hi Tax Returns.  The meeting is over, now, and Ryan is beginning to "fall in line"!! 
The GOP continues to fracture, while proclaiming "UNITY".

Before the Tea Party, there were Gingrich and his "Contract on America" folk; people I call Repoobs!
We saw them in Florida, in 2000, counting "hanging chads"!  TRUMP, with the massive assistance of MEDIA, has ridden the wave.  Our clueless MEDIA tries, in vain, to put what is happening in "context" -- there is no context for the events we're witnessing!

Stay Vigilant!  TRUMP has discovered all of the "50-Shades of WHITE" in the USA, and is busily seeking to "conquer" them all!

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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

what TRUMP "exhibits" as the White Male "World-View"??

"Good" Guys (with GUNs, and without a Conscience )??

Every day, we're pushed farther away from the "American" images of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and, other Exemplary Leaders that have been held high, as images of  the "America"  we wanted to represent us to the World!    TRUMP offers instead a Raw, Mean, and Unprincipled White American Male, with a very narrow World View!

His Message, targeted, without doubt, to White Males, offers them, and, his other followers, a character thatis  more commonly associated with Mob Rulers.  The kind of Society that requires Reason, Deliberation, and Patience, is spurned by his followers, in favor of: Win; at Any Cost!  Gingrich likened Romney to a Vulture.  In that political parlance, TRUMP may be likened to a Jackal!  Anyone, in search of Safety and good Social Order would be a fool to place any Trust in a person like that.

As his Operations expose these traits, he coaxes more followers from the Shadows.  What may prove most amazing, is that, even though everyone has been defeated in competition with him;  the GOP deludes themselves, that he can be controlled, somehow!!

Stay Vigilant!  TRUMP will likely become an  obsession for all U.S. Citizens who are at least minimally aware of what is at stake, from now until November!  The wiser ones among us realize that a very thin reed stands between who we are, and have, today -- and, what Syria has become!!  It is those relatively wealthy Syrians who are now tramping across Europe, in search of the Safety and Security they recently had; AT HOME!

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Tuesday, May 10, 2016

GOP: "Attack(s)-by-SPEAKER(s)??

"Third-in Line" to PRESIDENCY!!

Coincident with the Reagan Years, an idiot-savant, from one of our Sewer States,  began working his way to Power within our House of Representatives.  He seized Control, assuming the Power of 3rd-in Line for our Presidency, when, in 1995, he successfully ousted Tom Foley to become Speaker of the House of Representatives.  He was known as a "disrupt-er" and a "bomb-thrower".  He resigned in 1999; only, to be succeeded by a Speaker who is in the News today, as he faces a term in Jail as a "child-molester".  That GOP Speaker kept control of the House of Representatives until John Boehner, who also, resigned the job!  The current GOP Speaker on that "Hot-Seat" is being "pressured", and threatened with "replacement", by another idiot-savant, who is perilously close to becoming President of the United States!

Taking the mordancy that worked so well for the earlier usurper to the House, to un-imagined extremes, the current Presidential Candidate/"bomb-thrower"  has, also, unique powers of MEDIA at his beck-and-call!

The TRUMP Phenomenon didn't simply "come out of the wood-work"!!  It has been growing, disguised as stresses within one Political Party, for a very long time!

Stay Vigilant!  The Forces that brought us JIM CROW, have manipulated Power in this Country  for more than 140 years.  Now, they are facing a rising, Non-white, younger, and better educated electorate, that opposes them!  With the Ballot Box, and Government, slipping from their grasp, they gravitate to people like TRUMP; who seek to replace our Democratic Republic with a form of Government with fewer Freedoms than those in our Constitution!!

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Sunday, May 8, 2016

Can TRUMP "By-Pass" the GOP Convention??

Why Not??

He has already "destroyed" all opposition : among the Repoob Candidates!  He has now picked a fight with Speaker Ryan, the Leader of the Republican Party.  TRUMP, and his Backers, are  acting as though HE is now  the Head of the Republican Party!  Will he become the newest, and LAST front-runner for the Republican Party?  If he simply ignores the word "presumptive"; who will do anything?  What could they do?

No creature like this has ever been set loose within our Political Party structure.  This MONSTER, created by nit-wits in our Media, who fell in love with Trump's mordancy; present us all with the possibility of a General-Election Candidate that was never voted on by Delegates in a Convention!  The hyenas we've all seen in his Rallies, are bound psychically, and emotionally to TRUMP1  They have been lured out of their crevices within our body-politic, by $B's of free coverage from Media.   Their numbers are expected to grow between now and November!

Stay Vigilant!  TRUMP and his Backers, have found a potentially fatal flaw in our Political System!! The only sure way to combat this scourge, is to make sure NO REPUBLICAN gets our Vote, in November, 2016!!

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Saturday, May 7, 2016

who will DEFEND the USA ?? ...

...against Enemies FOREIGN, and DOMESTIC??

 If you sense that our Nation is "under attack" both, from outside and from within; you  can be forgiven!!  There are conditions facing our Country that are unlike any in its History.  In the face of frightening  events outside, we appear to have abandoned our internal Defenses!!  We allowed the attacks that took place on 9/11; and we're fecklessly allowing one of our two National Parties to systematically weaken our Country from within!  There can be little doubt that Abraham Lincoln, a founding member of the Republican Party, lost his life, Defending this Nation!!  After winning our bloodiest WAR, he Fought for National Unity, against tremendous odds.  Not so, for hisParty, in 2016!!  Greed, Cynicism, "Zero-Sum" Policies, Delusional Ambitions, and willful Stupidity all combine to Rule his Party, and lead our Nation in this "Race to the Bottom"!

Significant numbers within the Democrat Party are playing into the mayhem among Republicans; cynically hoping to Rule over the Rubble left in their wake.  What Happened to US??

As someone who, in the dead of night, deep under ground, faced live nukes, preparing them for detonation; so this Nation could acquire the technology it needed to win the Cold War; I feel BETRAYED!!  Today's Congressional "Leaders", in both Parties,  do not, vaguely, resemble the Party Leaders we had before 1960!   Did we lose our way after the Cuban Missile Crisis? Or, was it the Vietnam War?  The Assassinations of Jack and Bobbie, and Martin and Malcolm?

Religion  also looms large in what ails this Nation, both a home, and abroad!  Religious Leadership has also performed pivotal roles in bringing about the Decline of the Republican Party.  Nixon, assisted by J. Edgar Hoover, as I remember, were first to shove our Politics in the direction that lead us to our current Predicament!  The rise of Putin, among the rubble left in the wake of the collapsed Soviet Union, also caught our Leaders "off-guard"??

Stay Vigilant!  Trump's Candidacy parallels Putin's pattern of internal disruptions along racial, ethnic, and other Nativistic lines.  Modern Media, a critical, and, so far, negative factor;  is ready-made for someone like Donald Trump!
The Citizens of the United States, in the early 1940s, were much SMARTER, although pitifully less-well EDUCATED than today's citizens; and YET, they won a two-front WAR, while rationing commodities at home,  and putting our Country more than 100% in DEBT!  What is our EXCUSE??

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Friday, May 6, 2016

USA: the "Ultimate" TRUMP-TOWER??

from H.L. Mencken, to Rachel MADDOW ??

The "Self-Funder"  has disappeared; in the blink of an eye; once CRUZ and KASICH were out of the way!  TRUMP is now  poised to pick the pockets of those followers whom he bragged would not change their votes for him if he "shot somebody"!

His choice to lead his Fund-raising: Steven Mnuchin, was exposed, last night by Rachel Maddow; so explicitly, with important details, that, I found her coverage to be reminiscent of some of my favorite works by H.L. Mencken!  Even a two-year-old would "get the picture"??  Look for Maddow's show!!  It aired on May 5, 2016.  Anyone who cares about the future of the United States, and plans to VOTE in 2016, should hear Rachel's "take" on Mnuchin.  Other descriptions in the MEDIA are criminally "misleading" in their failure to examine Mnuchin's background.

Only an EGO as monumental as TRUMP's could conceive of buying the United States, and, using OPM (other people's money) to do it!!  

Stay Vigilant!  The HARD PART is over for TRUMP.  The EASY part (buying Votes and Political Supporters) lies ahead.  Remember; TRUMP talked a lot about Trojan Horses, a few months back??

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Thursday, May 5, 2016

Is TRUMP "evil" ??

COULD he be MORE DANGEROUS than  9/11??

Barry Diller, Chairman of Expedia, thinks TRUMP is "actually of evil character"

When we realize that never in the History of the United States, has one of our Two Major Parties been destroyed in the manner that TRUMP, and his Backers, have destroyed the Republican Party; we must also realize that we, and the Global Economy, are in "unchartered territory"!!

9/11 scared Hell out of us; and, caused the last President, and his Rasputin, to "overreact"; with disastrous consequences; that continue, well into our future; we have NO CLUE, as to whether TRUMP will be his OWN Rasputin!!  Big Money "Talking-Heads"  in the MEDIA, like Kudlow, and Santelli express sentiments that oppose those expressed by Diller.

The peculiar phenomenon of TRUMP is exposed, for all to see, in the one-by-oneblitzkrieg, fashion that he "gutted" each of his opposing Repoob Candidates: live, and on T.V.!  Like some instinctual "bottom-feeder" from one of those Swamps in the Sewer States, TRUMP's killing ways have been vicious, inescapable, and certain!! We have not seen anything like this, in Politics, in this Country.  No Politician has, yet, successfully countered it!   In the process, he single-handedly destroyed  a Major Party, that has been critical to the function of our Two-Party System.  We have yet to learn what this means.  It cannot be a good thing for the Citizens of this Country.  9/11 exposed the USA to major attack on our shores; TRUMP exposes our Constitution to attack; in ways unforeseen by the Nation's Founders.  There is no obvious remedy for what has occurred.

Stay Vigilant!  When troubled personalities, both, inside and outside of electronic Media, gain insights into possible uses of it's technological advances, and, express themselves; their Power grows exponentially!  No sectors of our Lives may be safe from their Reach??

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Wednesday, May 4, 2016

TRUMP: (will bring) "Generational" COLLAPSE? ... (of USA)??

"PRIDE before a FALL??"

Thanks to Republican Primary Voters, in Indiana; the United States is now threatened with the possible Presidency of Donald TRUMP!!

As a member of the SILENT Generation, I have had a front row seat as  Baby-Boomers of the United States were born, and worked their Will on everyone, and every Institution, of our Country.  Seventy-Six Million Natural Born Citizens (1946-1964); approximately  65 million of them, born White, Privileged, the Richest Kids on the Earth, and, Protected by global White Supremacy!  Most powerful among this cohort were White Males; who possessed powers to abuse their children and their Wives, within the privacy of their Homes.  White Males, in 2016, fight to continue to exercise total control over every aspect of the lives of those who are Marginalized in this Country.  TRUMP (1946), and Hillary (1947) are "Boomers"; as also are George "W" (1946), and "Bill Clinton (1946).  Bernie Sanders is NOT a "Boomer" (born in 1941).  
"Boomer" Lives of  relative ease, whether born to inherited wealth, or not;  produced many citizens who were uniquely self-centered, without much self-discipline, and unwilling to accept the responsibilities, or, the accountability, for those duties required of Self-Governing Citizens!  President  George "W" Bush convinced them to let others do the dirty work of fighting their Wars!
I was born when FDR (born 1882) was President.  There have been twelve Presidents since; including President Obama.

Either Hillary, or TRUMP would be a 4th "Baby-Boom" President!  Sanders would join those earlier generation Presidents:"Daddy" Bush (1924); Reagan (1911); Carter (1924); Ford (1913); Nixon (1913); LBJ (1908); JFK (1919); Eisenhower (1890); and Truman (1884).

Our MEDIA ALSO bears the traits of the "Baby-Boom".  That might explain why "Morning" Joe Scarborough, and others are such diligent TRUMP supporters (He's also from Alabama)!!  Without the $B in free MEDIA, the Republican Party might still be functioning as usual.  TRUMP and Hillary BOTH expose the weaknesses of the Two-Party System.  TRUMP "resonates" with the subliminal beliefs of Baby Boomers; and, has mastered techniques for "short-circuiting" the path to their GUT?
Modern Media has dangerous capabilities for calling forth the Rabble, and, inciting a MOB?
Stay Vigilant!  Call It What It Is" (Ben Harper) (??)
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Tuesday, May 3, 2016

HAMILTON: is "Broadway" (turning) BACK to BLACK??

Evry'thing OLD, is NEW Again??

In 1896, the early days of JIM CROW, our Supreme Court ruled that Plessy, an Octoroon, was BLACK, and could not "pass" for WHITE, legally, in the United States.  Hamilton, our first Secretary of the Treasury, and a Founding "Father", was, as we were taught as children, also an Octoroon!
In 2016, there are MILLIONS of American Citizens who may not sleep very easily; with DNA Tests so readily available!

In New York City, our gateway for European Immigrants, the Broadway Stage, has, for hundreds of years, served as Protector of White Supremacy and European Culture!   It barred works that did not hew closely to the dictates of White Supremacy; and also, barred anyone who was not white from performing alongside whites in Broadway Plays, Opera, Ballet, and Symphonies.   Broadway became a bastion for preserving White Supremacy in the Arts.  "Shuffle Along", a record-setting, all Black Broadway Show that opened in 1921, has been revived.

"Madame Butterfly", "Showboat", "West Side Story", Finian's Rainbow", are examples of works with strong RACE messages.  There are probably hundreds more that are not so well known.  HOLLYWOOD, formed from the marriage of Broadway Stagecraft with Black Minstrels and Vaudeville, became a second, more formidable purveyor of White Supremacy.

HAMILTON, a current Broadway Show that is highly Nominated for Awards, not only features many Black and "Mixed" Performers, it relies on RAP:  the "blackest" of Black Musical Creations.
Does this signify some fundamental change in the sensibilities of Whites?  With TRUMP and CRUZ; both "throwbacks" to the early days of JIM CROW, also dominating the Public's consciousness in 2016, I don't think so!!  Hamilton is so much the  Rage (in a good sense), one might wonder if White Americans  are displaying some deep Racial Schizophrenia?  Is it just an opening for WHITES to "process" RAP in the same way they did Ragtime, Jazz, and Rock n' Roll??

Stay Vigilant!  With TRUMP about to get his "ticket" to the Presidency, today, from Voters in Indiana,  sane people can wonder if  "poison water" is being dispensed by Republicans in places other than the State of Michigan!

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Monday, May 2, 2016

PRINCE: (shows us "How") WEALTH turns WHITE (in the USA)??

WATCH this NEWS Closely??

We haven't been told whether his body has been buried, yet, but already an "Administrator has been Appointed" to oversee his ESTATE!

Anecdote:  a few years ago, along with my Assistant, who had two Master's degrees, and, was born in Mexico, although now a U.S. Citizen; gave a Sales Pitch to a Vice President of a major  U.S. Bank.  After we finished the Pitch, he looked at both of us and asked: "where's the White Guy"??  Suffice it to say, he then told us he was not interested.  A couple of years later, the Bank rolled out its own version of our Proposal.

What is happening with the Estate left behind by the death of PRINCE, reminds me of details I experienced when the State of Oklahoma gained ownership of Real Estate amassed by a member of my Family.  My Grandfather's Sister and her Husband amassed enough real estate to form what is now a significant portion of the North Campus of OSU.  Her husband died in 1944, leaving behind a WILL that named my Mother, among other heirs, and my Grand-Aunt was given Living Trust.  She died in 1962, and, immediately an "Administrator" was appointed under claims that my Aunt did not leave her own WILL; it was also claimed that,it could not be "found"!!  We hear reports that they are still "searching" for any WILL that PRINCE may have left.

In the Oklahoma case, the 18 years  that elapsed between the two deaths, permitted an already  extended family to grow substantially.  The State decided, therefore, that the entire ESTATE had to be PROBATED.  My Mother died in 1945, leaving 8 children, and no WILL.  voila!!  WHITE-Heir Time in America!!  The Court System for distributing Property can be "rigged"  more easily than the Courts that "oversee, and protect" our Lives (Trayvon Martin Trial; McCollough's Prosecutorial tactics; are examples).

The larger the extended family, the more  Administrators, Judges, Lawyers, and their support services, get to divide the wealth among themselves!  Guess the Color of those happy Cats!!  Finally, the State sells off transferred Property to Owners of their choosing.

(another anecdote:)  when I lived in the Pacific Northwest, I recall reading an account of a land sale by the Klamath Indians.  Because of their different beliefs about "owning" Land, Whites were reported to have chased after Native Members of the Tribe, offering Cash -- in Paper Bags!  How fast do you think THAT deal returned Wealth to White Hands?? 

Stay Vigilant!  Blacks and other Non-Whites (throw in, Poor Whites) simply do not KNOW how to protect their Property Rights, any more than they understand how to protect the LIVES of their Loved Ones!  Once they learn, its too late to keep control of their Assets, or, those Lives!  Yelling at the top of their lungs in our streets only underscores their weaknesses.  We have to learn More, Work Harder, and Work Smarter??

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Sunday, May 1, 2016

RACE: did Wilmore "define" DECENCY down (last nite)??

The "Poison" Spreads

It lies within the "psyche", or "subconscious" of ALL of us; and is approached, historically, through subliminal messaging.  We all know it.  We all deny it, to some degree.  The Republican Right has lived on it, since Nixon turned the Party in that direction.  The Laws, the Language, the Words endure from the Slave Experiences of the Americas.  We can't escape it.  TRUMP and CRUZ are its most Dangerous Products, within our political infrastructure; Dylaan Roof is the most 
Dangerous Product, among our Millennials; and,  Killer Cops are the most Dangerous Products in our Law Enforcement infrastructure.  As Government continues to weaken at our Local, State, and Federal Levels, this phenomenon looms as a menace to our future as a Nation.  I'm sure Putin, and his U.S. Sympathizers, know this.

Larry Wilmore, at the Presidents Correspondents Dinner last night, went beyond Raw, and Raunchy, all the way back to the SOURCE: The Commandments of "Willie Lynch"!!  By resurfacing terms like "CPT", and the "N" word, both the viewing audience and the attendees, were "put-off"!  Younger participants and viewers were probably confused, as well, because our various Institutions have labored so hard to "whitewash" our JIM CROW Past.  If Wilmore thought he was delivering an answer to Senator McConnell, and his seven-year effort to lead the Republicans in their "freeze-out" of Obama;  he went too far, and lost his audience.

Read and think-through the implications of the Commandments of Lynch, and you will understand the subtext of Wilmore's mind-set.  By systematically subjecting Slaves to the level of Depravity prescribed by Lynch; a sense of Decency was destroyed among many of those who survive it.  Tightly- controlled living space (Segregation) caused it to pepetuate itself and grow within the subconscious of populations of all skin shades!  This malignancy is 500 years old!  It has produced strange characters; like Clarence Thomas, Condoleeza Rice,  Dr. Ben Carson: and many "tools" of Politicians who serve the Jim Crow tradition. In 2016, TRUMP, CRUZ, and their MEDIA backers capitalize within the Republican campaigns to replace Obama.

Stay Vigilant!  Obviously TRUMP Voters expect to WIN this November; no matter whom the Democrats select.  Why?   Because they know TRUMP "resonates" with their Sub-Conscious Minds!
They're betting that the remaining White Voters will either join them, or, NOT VOTE for anyone!!
They may be betting on a REPEAT of 2014; when 2/3 of eligible voters did not bother to participate in the Election!  Both TRUMP and CRUZ have made it clear that they are focused on the WHITE VOTER!

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