...The Poor CAN'T Pay
The MIDDLE Class has always been the part of our society that has paid the bills, produced the talent, and grown the economy! Since Ol' Triple Six became President, the middle class in this country has been steadily starved and shrunk, along with funding for the federal government. The strangest part is that the middle class helped them do it! Read Stockman, he told about it when it started; and he's still around trying to get us to listen to him.
When the middle class can't pay its bills, it has to cut spending and get a second (or third) job. This is because the rich started sending jobs out of this country, while killing off unions and reducing pay and benefits for workers. They accomplished all this through the Republican Party -- their "bought and paid-for" worker-bees. They also lavishly funder lobbyists to keep the worker-bees happy; and, sometimes, writing legislation and manning regulatory bodies.
They used this method, over the past 30-plus years to make sure they don't have to work for their income. The put their money to work for them -- that's why they can't give any money up to pay the cost of government. As they continue to starve the middle class, they shrink the country down to a size they can understand and control. (Drown in a bath-tub?)
We're re-playing the Civil War -- 21st Century version. This time, the great unwashed from below the Mason-Dixon intend to win. It helps greatly that their foil is not white -- that gets the juices of those good ol' country boys flowing strong. They speak with a forked-tongue when they talk about government spending. They love it for the rich (tax subsidies and loop-holes). They hate it for the poor (food stamps and college loans).
In the 70's when I was studying for my Masters in Public Administration, my economics professor explained how and why the lesser educated "country bumpkins" consistently beat the more sophisticated "city slickers" in Legislatures, both at the state and federal levels. THEY ARRIVE AT WORK EARLIER. By the time the lazier city boys come in, all the business is done!
The sophisticated voters in this country went to sleep in 2010, allowing the country bumpkins to steal the House of Representatives while promising to provide JOBS. Fast forward to now, and we have no choice but to un-seat them in 2014!
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