Yet Another "Clue"?
If you can get your hands on a copy of the February 9th - 15th, 2013 issue of The Economist, flip to page 75, and you'll see an article entitled Nomencracy. Read it, and you might understand better why a segment of our population (Red-staters) are ignoring the results of the 2012 election, and bearing down on their hatred of President Obama. Its about money and generations!
My father (who had a 6th grade education) told me in the 1950's that this country is a place where one can go from Rags to Riches, or, from Riches to Rags, in the space of three generations. The Economist article cites two college professors who spent ten years in research to come up with the exact same conclusion!
What we're talking about here are things inherited; like money, social standing, education (to a much lesser extent in the Americas), skin color (extremely important in the Americas), and family names.
Our politics are overtaken by this subject. We talk about "shrinking middle classes", "stagnant wages" "renewed value and importance of education". Politicians who seek to form dynasties, gravitate to Washington, D.C., where the opportunity abounds, to stuff a family's pockets for generations ahead!
Our nation is separting into two nations, one Blue the other Red, over this issue. You see, Ol' Triple Six duped the white trash into believing that their white skin made them "middle class". After 30 years under that spell, they've discovered their benefits didn't show up; while their richer 'kin' made out like fat rats. To add insult to injury, the President, who is trying to save the "real" middle class (those people with education and trade-able skills); is not white - according to their reckoning. They are moving into red states and buying as many guns as they can.
Whatever finally comes of this "awakening", Public Safety will take it in the shorts!
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