Thursday, February 7, 2013


With TERROR ???
This morning, in the run-up to the Brennan Hearings before Congress, some wag on our mind-effin'
Media posed the question above.  The focus of the "report" was DRONES.  As someone very familiar with the technological evolution of these things since the days of the Boeing CONDOR , I'm, once again aware of the shallow, un-informed, lazy Media and its ability to keep "mushroomin' " us.  Our media can barely comprehend the advances in technology this country has brought since 1960.  We deserve better! 
The media is dangerous, but our lazy, corrupt Congress is even more-so.  Our Constitution requires our Congress to decide and "declare" when and whether this country is at war, and with whom.  It hasn't honored this requirement since the 1940's.  Instead, we got the crazy bunch who controlled our government (all three branches) between 2000 and 2008, who stuck us with this insanity called "The War On Terror".  Our public, fully in awe and fear of "technology"; which it wants to hide from and worship, simultaneously, sucked it up!!  I contend this opened the door for the leaders of that bunch to systematically loot the country and build its power base.  We were seduced into accepting the concept of our nation being at War, with an EMOTION!!  Is that crazy, or what?
Back to drones, the subject of today's hearings.  This is another path for "proliferation" of technology that we need our best, and least corrupt, minds to tackle.  Since the days of the debate over whether Leibnitz or Newton "invented" Calculus, smart thinkers realized that the spread of "technology" cannot be contained.  
In a world and at a time when drug dealers, gun-runners, and pirates in corporations are busy corrupting and seizing control of government, from nation-states to small bergs, we should worry that drone technology is now in the hands of "local law enforcement"  -- whatever that becomes.
Having survived our "near-death" in the 2012 elections.  We cannot afford to allow marginally sane, ambitious- but- incompetent, people to make our national decisions in Congress!  We should all be "terrifed" that we, collectively have been so "stupid"! 
Stay Vigilant!  Stay Involved!
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