Answer to a Riddle??
Are we kidding ourselves when we think the miscreants in our Congress are "crazy"? Whether its the gun nuts and their backers, or those who blow up our economy, we tend to think they are "crazy". What if they don't think so? What if they see a way around their recent losses? What if they're "crazy" like the proverbial fox?
Perhaps Limbaugh, who stole control of that party, gave us a clue! He's been caught lately swooning in the media over "Master Rubio".
In addition to our current rage over guns, there is the push to "fix" immigration. "Master Rubio" is being pushed out front as the Repoob "lead" on the issue. He will be rewarded with the opportunity to "respond" to the President's State of the Union address this coming Tuesday.
Our foolish media constantly reminds us that we're an "immigrant" nation. That is true, but for the whites and Jews. De Tocqueville told us about the planned fates for the African slaves (and their descendants), brought here in chains, and the Natives (called "Indians" by the immigrants). Montesquieu, the French philosopher of choice for our Founders, states in Spirit of Laws: " It is so natural to look upon colour as the criterion of human nature, ..." . This belief is buried deeply within the religions that shaped the Americas.
In a North/South divide of the Americas (south of the border with the original colonies of the United States, that is), we see a religious and national divide. North of the divide we see mostly Protestantism; English and German (with the Dutch thrown in to explain New York). South of the divide we see mostly Catholicism and more French and Spanish influences. The attitudes toward race are markedly different across the divide. Spanish and French Creole vs. Mestizo to the South, and more French Creole vs. Mulatto in the Caribbean and most of what now forms the former slave states in the U.S. today.
Long-story-short, with the Castros and the embargo on last legs, the Repoobs and their dirty money allies just might be counting on the Creole portion of the rising Hispanic majority to make up their losses?
Rubio, like so many of the Cubans I observed in Miami, want so desparately to be white. The Cubans in the U,S, are special "wards" of Republican immigration gifts. In strange ways, the Miami Haitians exhibit similar tendancies - without any "favors". Such is the insanity of the role of race in the formation of the Americas. Does this provide a glimpse of what a Post-Obama "Dis-United States" might look like?
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