We Have to "Snap-Out" of This!
I learned about The Holocaust in 1960 in San Francisco. I met Genny Gerechter there, who, along with her sister, were the only survivors in their family of that horrific event. I remember most Genny telling me that she and her sister would never be rid of the "terror"; they could never be convinced that it had "gone away".
Fifteen years later, I bought a house for my family in Lawrence, Kansas. My realtor was a young Jewish lady. I told her of my time in San Francisco (of the housing discrimination there against Negroes and Jews), and, about Genny. She said she recognized the "constant terror" Genny spoke of. She said she had relatives who were Holocaust Survivors and who lived every day of their lives expecting the "knock on the door". We would never think of calling these people "crazy"; would we??
Yet, from Trayvon, to Newtown, to South Africa, we see armed, terrified minds at work -- but then, we don't see it! That's the last thing our media and our policitians would have us see. From "9/11" to this day, the carnage and wreckage mount with untold damage to our lives, our faith, our nation, our world. We think we have to control the weapons. We don't think we have to change behaviors of people! We don't think we have to regain control of our senses!
In the twisted world of the terrified mind, even language reverses meaning. The beady-eyed Repoob leader of the Senate of the United States and his bumptious side-kick in the House keep yelling that our President "must lead"! What they mean is that he must "submit"! They know that our Constitution gives executive power to the President; and not members of the Legislature. If the President submitted to their demands, he would fail to lead and fail his oath of office. The three Fascist-leaning Justices in our Supreme Court, one of whom was personally involved in Tea Party attempts to oust the President, boycotted the State Of The Union last week. Ohio and Kentucky voters should be ashamed of the spectacle their "representative" is showing to the world, and the harm they are doing to our nation. It is in their power to remove this curse from our politics and our nation. This phenomenon should not be mistaken for "politics"; no matter what our ding-bat media says. This is terror-driven, mass-loss of perspective, logic, and common sense! Cheney and the Neo-Cons were quick to catch their opportunity to screw us, our economy, and the planet. None of them has, yet, gone to jail for their crimes.
We should all hear Genny!
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