Friday, February 1, 2013


Who Gets "Hit"??
I watched Charlie (Rose) interview Al Gore last night.  Al has a new book out entitled The Future.
Al spoke of the "death of Democracy" -- strangely, part of the title of my blog, dated March 10, 2012.
Al is concerned that "capitalism" has been "hacked" as well.  The interview is worth catching, Google it!
There is an old story of the canary that became so accustomed to its cage that, when it was removed, the canary continued to "observe the restrictions".  To all victims of white supremacy in this country, it is now time to "break out" of our old "accommodating" behaviors.  Those victims include blacks of all income levels, some poor whites, and most other non-whites; of varying income levels.  Under white supremacy, which dominated every aspect of life in this country from 1620 until 1960, white males enjoyed unlimited privilege and choice over everything in this country (from money to sex; in all of their manifestations).  The law rarely provided protections to anyone not white.
Chief Justice Taney, invoked the 5th Amendment in the Dred Scott case, and ruled that whites could "take" anything they wanted from non-whites.  Those "takings" continue until this day by our institutions; to banks, employers, and average citizens.  I grew up on stories of members of my family who were terrorized and robbed in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the white pogrom in the 1920's.  We can start to get rid of the "black tax" by heeding Justice Marshall's admonitions and insist on full protection under our laws.  It could free our children from the threat of the prison-industrial-complex that feeds investors today.  It could correct the tremendous errors inflicted on our nation by Daddy Bush's installation of Clarence on the Court to "replace" Justice Marshall.
We have to learn to manage our money, our creativity, and the stability of our communities.  It is especially necessary to halt the ages old practice of whites "stealing" the creativity of non-whites in sports, entertainment, and throughout industry.
We must create non-violent methods of changing these ages-old practices.  If we succeed, those outside our country who have to deal with the international version of this phenomenon may learn non-violent methods for redressing their grievances.
Stay Vigilant! Stay Informed!
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