Saturday, August 11, 2012


FORWARD, into the Past, MARCH!!

Mitt staged his big Veep Launch this morning on a ship named Wisconsin.  He stepped on his big moment by introducing Ryan as "the next president" of the United States, and then left the stage, only to return to make the necessary correction.  The pattern continues!
What takes closer scrutiny to discover is the nature of the staunch backers of Mitt and the Repoobs.
Although the location and setting were distinctly "military", the audience was more militant than military.  It had the "feel" of a people who were fearful and angry.
Their most ardent responses were to calls to "identity".  One of their fears may lie in their uncertainty whether their chosen "leader" identified with them!  His new Veep, Paul Ryan, may share that anxiety about Mitt, given the great wealth disparity and class difference between them.

For all of the rest of us; those Ann Romney denoted as "you people", there can be little doubt that we don't fit in Romneyworld, and will certainly not fare well in the future, as yet unspecified, that he envisions for us.

In his acceptance speech, Paul Ryan spoke of "equal opportunity, not equal outcomes".  His tone and context suggested he clearly meant "not-equal" outcomes.  Romney has made it clear that he see's himself and those dear to him inhabiting a world apart from the rest of us.  Its quite amazing that he managed to shield all five of his sons from public service, of any type, while he constantly pursued public office.  There is a subtle, but important, difference in the terms, you know.

The wreckage of the 2008 Melt-down is as complex and far-reaching as that of 9-11.  Why are we shocked that there is no clear vision, after just 3 and a half years, for where this economy, the European economy, and the global economy are heading?  It took about 10 years to work out the immediate repairs for 9-11.  Early repairs have been introduced, but will take years to work their way through the various economies.  Any politician who takes a non-compromising posture toward such an unclear aftermath of such monumental events is deranged or supremely dishonest.

Stay Vigilant!  Hang on for the next twist in this twisted tale!

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