1. Hope and Change (revisited): There is no hope for us unless we change the most consistent facet of our economic difficulties: the flow of MONEY that CORRUPTS our Processes and Representation. The most malevolent among the monied interests have come out of the shadows to buy every bit of "whatever it takes" to eliminate Obama. From the day of Inauguration, they have locked up our government, showing no concern for the financial health of our economy or for the plight of job seekers. So far, thanks to Roberts protecting his Court from images of corruption, the President dodged their ploy to take him down on Obamacare. If we elect Obama again, the good money people can emerge and get our economy moving.
2. Economic Shift: In an earlier blog, I explained SAY'S LAW, and showed how the Malevolent Monied Interests in the Global Economy have rendered it inoperable. In its August 20, 2012 issue, TIME Magazine shows in an article entitled GO GLOCAL, what has happened to the world economies post-2008 Meltdown. They explain why manufacturing jobs (the most lucrative in any economy) will NOT return to this country at a time when even foreigners are interested in building new operations here. Since 2008, the Global Economy has shifted to a Glocal Economy, and what is called the Great Moderation has begun. Check it out. Romney and the Repoobs will do anything to get control of this economy before the citizenry catches on to these changes and their implications.
3. Concentrated Power: Those on the Right who are not blinded by dark emotions must see by now that Romney is a money-hungry, un-principled head about to be attached in Convention to a malevolent social-issued body of Repoobs. Even those Republicans who have not been run off by the Repoobs, are finally beginning to object to the levels to which their party has sunk. Limbaugh, and now Akin, (throw Rove in the mix) have both parties holding their noses. The time is ripe for the voters to break the power lock these elements have held since the 2000 "Selection".
4. Recovery: The sane money people in the world's Financial Markets are beginning to sense real recovery from the Cheney/Bush wreckage; although it will be slow going for at least two more years. Pay attention: Mitt has pledged to return to talk of War and Protectionism. Against China!That's exactly what drove this nation to its ecoonomic depths in the 1930s Depression.
5. The Fear Factor: The Gun Nuts, along with the No Tax Pledgers, have done their bit to cripple this country and to hold us in fear of the future and of each other. They must be put back into the caves they crawled out of.
6. The TRUST Factor: After the deep destruction of ourTrust, in our institutions and in each other, accomplished by the Repoobs during the Cheney/Bush years; Mitt has the blind belief that we should elect him, ignoring his secrecy about his financial dealings, and to do so based on BLIND TRUST!
Even Mad Ronnie cautioned us to Trust, but VERIFY!!
Stay Vigilant ! VOTE EARLY!!
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