Truman's Definition of a Republican
I remember being taught, as a child, Harry Truman's definition of a Republican as "a person who will not lend anyone a dime, until they first prove they don't need it". We have come to 2012 only to find that the Republican Party has been swallowed by Repoobs; deep South discontents, and their expatriates, who have doubled down in their efforts to take over this country, even if it takes another Civil War!
Democrats, who tend to not fare as well in the ovarian lottery as Republicans, have throughout our history, tended to be builders, people who want to grow the country, who do so by making things. The Republicans, throughout our history, tend to be people who are entitled to take; our money, our dreams, our lives and labor, and now our future.
The Repoobs, led by Mitt and Congressman Ryan, are demonstrating their disregard for truth, the law, and for the nation's financial health in their push to regain power.
When I was in uniform, the Hatch Act,, passed by Congress the year I was born, was used to deter us from speaking out on political matters while on active duty. We see evidence on our T.V's everyday that this law is being brazenly broken.
When I was in uniform, the Hatch Act,, passed by Congress the year I was born, was used to deter us from speaking out on political matters while on active duty. We see evidence on our T.V's everyday that this law is being brazenly broken.
Similar disregard for law is evidenced by religiously funded groups, called "social welfare groups" who openly fund political advertising.
We have to apply equal vigilance against "domestic enemies" as "foreign enemies". Our Constitution requires it. Any Party that fails in this requirement does not deserve to continue in existence. Don't let your vote become weapons against your country. This is not simply "dirty politics as usual".
Stay Vigilant!! "Citizens United" is a cancer in our Democracy.
Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC
Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC
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