Monday, August 27, 2012


About Race and Hurricanes
This blog is being written as the first day scheduled for the Repoob's Big Shindig in Tampa draws to a close.  It was feared that God Almighty was sending a mighty storm aimed at Tampa.  We now know that Tampa has been spared, but, eerily, we're staring at the possibility that Katrina's Ghost has appeared, to strike New Orleans on the anniversary of the debacle that occurred there seven years ago.  The spectacle of the Repoobs partying while New Orleans is evacuating, or worse, now haunts their big television mind-screw of the voters.  And they can't blame Obama for this!
This caused the cancellation of the opening day in Tampa, and the compacting of the remaining events scheduled.  Bobby Jindal, slated to be a star at the Shindig, is out of that picture and struggling to perform better than a former Governor of Louisiana did in 2005.  Is God riled by all the crap the Repoobs have thrown at us in the name of running for President of the United States?
Mitt's revelation over the weekend of where he really stands on the "Birther" question has caused a crap-storm on its own.  Other cracks in the Repoob party are showing at a very in-opportune moment.
The power to conjure up all of this for the Repoobs, at this time,  surely lies beyond that of man.
I know a bit about hurricanes, as it turns out.  I spent 2003 and 2004 in Miami in a high-rise in the middle of Biscayne Bay.  I rode out big hurricanes like Isabel, Charley, Frances and Ivan.  I threw in the towel and got the Hell out of Florida in the Spring of 2005.  The trail I followed as I returned to the more secure high desert of the Southwest, was dogged latter in that year by Katrina and Wilma.
My household goods got out of that Hell Hole, just a few days before Wilma hit the area where they were stored.
It occurred to me during my experiences riding out those storms, that the hurricanes that plague the southern states each year travel along the route of the Slave Trade.  That path is actually the graveyard of many thousands of slaves that were thrown to the sharks during the hundreds of years the Europeans plied that trade.
This nation still has some 70-plus days to ride out this election.  We can all pray that we save ourselves and secure a better future by putting these Repoob horrors behind us.
 Stay Vigilant!

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