Some of them are "Laughing" All The Way to the BANK!
I guess its to be expected that a poorly educated and over-religious country like ours will laugh at those things we are troubled by, but don't fully understand. The Mormons seem to be counting this in their efforts to install Mitt. And it's our fault!
This nation has given the green light to religions to participate in business in ways that give them a competitive edge. Businesses that are not backed by organized religions are at a distinct disadvantage. The "Chicken" flap currently in the news today is a case in point. The Mormon backing of anti-Gay issues has been widely reported. We know the results of the invasion of organized religion invasion into our politics, during the Repoob rise. We don't pay much attention to their activities within our corporations and smaller businesses. We should, because we make it possible by giving them humongous tax breaks.
They were given these breaks because they promised to significantly reduce poverty, and to improve the lives of the communities in which they operate. Have they?? Nobody's taking a serious look at this issue. Maybe now, when the country faces bankruptcy is a good time to study it??.
Mitt also provides an excellent opportunity for all of us to look around at the lucrative activities of not only the Mormon businesses, but also those of all faiths.
Laughter is a poor substitute for knowledge. Google, in 2012, takes away all of our excuses for staying tragically ignorant on this phenomenon. How much do we know about the "Mormon Wars" and "Massacres"? What about the "White Horse" prophecy of Joseph Smith? If we seriously start Googling, maybe Mitt will have to break his silence on these topics. Laughter will not penetrate the shield behind which Mitt hides his tax treatments and his religious beliefs.
Stay Vigilant! Don't let the joke be on us!
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