Sunday, August 12, 2012


The Latest Wrinkle in the OBSTRUCTION Game??

The Repoobs are doubling down on the death grip they have our our politics, and on our future as a nation. 

What is the Gun Belt?   The end of World War II brought an end to the need to continue war-rationing our manufacturing resources and capabilities in this country.   The automobile industry  had been re-directed  to support the war effort.  The beginning signs of the coming Cold War required that our manufacturing industries continue, and to support a new need for high technology "aerospace" pursuits.  The auto industries at that time were itching to get back to making cars and, therefore, declined the proposal.  As a result a new set of companies came into being that ringed our coast lines and the deep South.  That "ring" of geography came to be known as the "gun belt".  Throw in NASA and you get the total picture.

Why is this important?  The Repoobs are waging war over the WARN Act  They're spreading fear among voters that there will be massive layoffs within days before we go to the polls in November.  The Aerospace Companies figure prominently in this move.  Check it out.

The liberals in the media (as opposed to the fictional "Liberal Media") are chucking over the Romney/Ryan combo.  They may be laughing too soon.  Nobody now doubts the power of fear-mongering during the Dubya years, before and after 9-11.  The success of the fear campaigns, mixxed with masss greed, caused middle-America to vote against their pocket books for the first time in our history. It brought about massive misappropriation of our treasury for wars, tax cuts, and an historic housing bubble.  The total list of malfeasance and misfeasance add up to the gigantic turn of a large budget surplus in 2000 to a massive budget deficit by the end of  2008.

Can the Repoobs "double down" on their tactics of fear-mongering, stoked by race-hatred and greed, to enable their four-year,  lock-step,  obstruction within our legislatures to work?  Only discerning and truly skeptical voters can prevent it.
 Stay Vigilant!

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