Monday, July 30, 2012


Will the Repoobs take us "Back to the Fifties" Internationally??

Are any of my readers old enough to remember "The Ugly American"?  A famous book in 1958 and a movie, starring Marlon Brando, in 1963, this title for both crept into national language during my youth.

At that time in our history, we were the richest, by far, nation on earth.  Little more than a decade after the end of World War II, with just about all of Europe in ruins, we were riding high on the savings of U.S. citizens.  Those savings, stoked by memory of the horrors of the Depression, followed by deprivation and rationing during the war, were at record levels in our history.

Coming of age, and awakening to national politics during the Fifties, I am getting a chill watching Mitt's peformance on his international swing to England, Israel, and Poland.  The Fifties,  gave us our entry into military involvement in South Vietnam; McCarthyism; Afro-American student uprisings across the country; "Checkers" and the early revelation of the real Richard Nixon.  Only the immense good will the nation held toward Dwight Eisenhower was able to contain it all.  It was truly a Dark Decade for me; matched and exceeded only by the decade led by Bush/Cheney.  The list of horrors that took place between 2000 and 2008 will be studied for decades; especially the "finale" which took place in 2008.

Eisenhower was a Republican; not a Repoob.  He was a decent, fair-minded leader whose leadership style and abilities were forged in World War II.  As a first voter, at the national level, in 1960; I was never presented with a Republican candidate choice: only Repoobs.  For me, Eisenhower was the last Republican.  The descent into Repoobism was steady, beginning with the rise of Tricky Dick.  The transformation of the party to the Repoob Party also began with Nixon.  The Ugly American characteristic of Repoobs also began with Nixon.  The Democrats caught the disease over time, but never as egregiously as the Repoobs.  Our Nativist values were adapted to foreign policy; leading to spreading resentments abroad. 

President Obama, in addition to patching a severely broken economic structure, also brought this nation back from the extremes we suffered in our relations abroad.  Mitt and the Repoobs are rapidly moving to turn us back to the "Ugly" direction.  This can be much more dangerous today, given that the world has changed drastically, making it much less likely that such past behaviors could succeed.

We have entered the last 100 days leading to the Presidential Election of 2012.  Given the clear record of events in this nation since the Fifties, it is my hope and prayer that the voters will shake off the fear and xenophobia that have dominated the past several national elections and stay on the course the current president has set.  The country is in precarious condition, economically and socially, and it would not take much to sharply steepen the slope we've been on since 2000.  Suicide should not be an option!

Stay Vigilant!

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