Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Can you Accept "Secular"??

One of my most interesting courses of study at the Drucker School was that of "Managing Change".
Change occurs constantly throughout a person's life, but sometimes the change is so large and so permanent that people can't comprehend or accept it. 

We talk a lot about "recovery"; which most of us think of as a return to "normal", but there are times when that is not possible.  Think of the German people laboring under oppressive debt payments after losing World War I.  The change that brought about triggered other large changes that eventually impacted everyone on the planet.

You also hear a lot about "secular" change.  We often know the word "secular" as simply "not religious".  Businesses look upon secular change more as permanent structural change.  This means everyone affected has to struggle to survive the event triggering the change and chart a new path ahead.  Many often don't survive at all, others survive within a different structure.

Except for World War, very few large changes occur that impact everyone on the planet.  We are now experiencing a "secular" change, not caused by traditional war, but rather by economic catastrophe.  Those who still are hoping for some return to "normal", may be hoping in vain, regardless of whom they choose to lead them in government or in business.

Stay Vigilant!

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