What's Our Role In This??
Today, in the announcement of it's punishment meted out to Penn State for its role in the abuse of small children, and the connection of that behavior to their sports mega-programs, the phrase "too big to fail" was used.
Here we go again: banks -- too big to challenge or to let fail; Wall Street -- too big to challenge or let fail; Our Media -- too big to effectively challenge or effectively counter; The NRA -- too big and powerful to challenge or counter; The Repoobs -- too big and powerful to be countered by our federal government; The Money Boys, etc. Where does it all stop, and who is big enough to end the insanity and effectively counter the monsters who beset us and our future?
Does all of this prove that the people, united, can no longer govern themselves? Please check out a blog I wrote entitled "THE WATCHERs" , dated March 21, 2012. The Media, today, broadcasts a "consensus" to the effect that nothing can be done by anybody to stop events like the Dark Knight Shooting over the past weekend. They claim that we'll all wail for a while, and then go predictably back to sleep. The Repoobs know this and and are counting on this factor to prevail. Will we let them and their backers get away with it?
In my earlier blog, I posit that we're doped and duped by a variety of media that is piped directly into our brains. It circumvents our senses, preventing us from evaluating and reacting against any harmful stimulus received. Note how many of the shooting victims thought they were experiencing a "media stunt".
We all recognize that we live in a global economy; yet, we insist on selecting our leaders on the basis of what is happening in what used to be our national economy. Mass insanity?? Or, is it all just too big to comprehend?
Stay Vigilant!
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Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012: Williams LLC
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