Saturday, July 7, 2012


Oh Lord! Let's Hope Not!!

Last week, our limited media quoted Anne Romney as stating that her husband "was considering" a woman as his Vice Presidential pick.  If it's Condi Rice (who figured prominently at a bash for the right-rich held in Utah a week or so ago), that could prove to be troublesome -- not sure for which side, really.  Would be interesting, though.

Remember, Condi's the one who testified before Congress that the Bush-Cheney Administration did not know an airplane attack on the World Trade Center (WTC) was threatened.  Even Eric Holder was not charged with anything so egregious -- and the Repoobs held him in Contempt!!  Surely, that was for his not playing ball like his predecessor, Hapless Alberto Gonzales.  The Repoobs like Condi though, for some reason, even if she, also, is "a minority".  Condi is reported to have given a well-received speech at the Romney right-rich-shindig.

Then there was Katrina and hundreds of poor blacks in New Orleans facing ignominious drownings.  Condi was simply insensitive to the issue; not as mean as Mama Bush was reported to be.  Seems Condi comes packaged the way they like-em!

But Romney knows these are hard times and he's gearing up, apparently.  The mean-spirited responses common among Repoobs and their supporters are in line with those David M. Kennedy cites in his book: Freedom From Fear:  The American People in Depression and War, 1929-1945:

       " The Depression thus revealed one of the perverse implications of American Society's vaunted celebration of individualism.  In a culture that ascribed all success to individual striving, it seemed to follow axiomatically that failure was due to individual inadequacy."

As for the causes of the severe unemployment, underemployment, starvation, and other hardships of the 1930's; the similarities to what is happening today are stunning.  The European banks were fighting over war debt payments to be extracted from Germany.  The furor fueled the rise of Adolf Hitler and was a trigger for the collapse of Wall Street in 1929.  Despite efforts of Hoover to stave it off, the resulting forces caused the near collapse of the British economy.  The full depth of the economic decline into Depression greeted Roosevelt (FDR) when he took office in 1933.

That was a finance-led, structural collapse, as was the 2008 collapse.  Romney knows this (or should, if he's qualified to be President), and is lying when he equates the 2008 debacle with the recession following the WTC attack.  Structural collapes caused by financial shennanigans take at least ten years to fix!  If they can be fixed at all.

Stay Vigilant!

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