Friday, July 20, 2012

"WILD WEST": New U.S. "Government"?

Do the Majority have "Sheep" for Brains?

We awake today to yet another senseless gun killing in the "Wild and Repoob" West.  Like sheep, we all weep and pray, but we fail to act to stop what is now a very long list of incidents.  One of the most recent, in Tucson, targeted a sitting member of the House of Representatives.

 We know that there has been a large migration of "religious" and right-wing citizens to the old, "wild" west.  Last week, I drove through Phoenix and Tucson in Arizona.  The economic degradation in both cities since I was last there, three years ago, is stark.  This move to violent lawlessness by people who used to champion "law and order", shows they have clearly abandonded that political stance.  If you compare the brain of sheep with the brain of humans, the differences are tremendous, yet humans can be "conditioned" to behave like sheep.

What will it take for the voters in this country to "connect the dots"?  Is it the power of the media, and the power of lobbyists for the NRA that reigns over us all?  After more than two decades since Littleton, Colorado, the drift has accelerated toward a lawless future in which the "government" is seen as the enemy.  We know which politicians  and corporations lead this movement.

Florida's answer to this trend appears to be "everybody packing heat"; empowered by special new laws to feel free to kill anybody that "scares you".  This is a march toward mass insanity.

We all grew up on the Hollywood lies about the likes of Billy The Kid, Wyatt Earp, the G-Men, John Dilliger, the list seem interminable.  We were taught to worship these people.  This mind-sets leads to a "Blade Runner"  future from which there is no escape. 

The Buffalo Soldiers and the Texas Rangers (they were enemies) were used to establish "law and order" in the Old West.

Stay Vigilant!

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