Sunday, July 15, 2012


Why White Supremacy may Never Go Away
July 13, 2012

Even a casual reading of the Post-Columbian history of the Americas will show the integral nature of African slavery to European success and the infinite creation of wealth throughout the Americas, and in Europe.  Reaction to all things African created a unique mind-set in the part of the Americas  known as the United States.  Tonight, Erin Burnett, in her CNN show, Outfront, took on the question of whether or not Zimmerman, the killer of Trayvon Martin, is a racist, and whether his actions were tainted by racism.
Erin quickly entered that space that enables and supports the survival of what has become our most monstrous collective evil.  In her interviews she purported, with the implication of some sort of mass consensus, that Zimmerman's actions in the Trayvon Martin case cannot be considered "racist" because the number of Zimmerman's friends who thought he was a racist was not as large as the number of his friends who thought otherwise.  What's up with that logic?  Racism has now become a question of majority opinion?  I don't think so; and such thinking defies common sense.  President Eisenhower, when urged to get involved in the Little Rock matters in the Fifties, stated that racism was a matter of the heart.  Over the ensuing years, he has been proven right!  Erin should think twice before airing such shabby logic, amplified by a media juggernaught like CNN!
I'm personally saddened by her actions, because I have been her fan since she and Mark Haines were together on CNBC.  She has lost my respect.  Perhaps some blame goes to her writers.

Maybe White-Racism-Denial is at work here.  It may occupy some peculiarly similar space in the mass mind as Holocaust Denial.  Given the rise in living standards of non-white peoples on this planet, white "talking heads" may need some special psychoanalysis to end their practice of spreading their poison on the airwaves.  Karl Rove, student of Lee Atwater,  has successfully mined the value of such mind-rot for purposes of getting right-wing candidates elected in this country; and is currently raking in millions of dollars to float Mitt in 2012.

In today's USA Today  there are stories and reports that lend support to such conclusions:
Opinionline (pg 9A): reviews various takes on Romney's recent performance before the NAACP.  Race serves as a backdrop for each of the comments, submitted by a broad spectrum of writers; none of whom address the subject openly.  The political cartoons on the same page embrace notions of race as a part of our political "game".  None of them cite the fact that both Romney and Reagan employed these tactics before the NAACP.

Wells Fargo Settles lending bias case (pg 1B): reports the settlement of a case against a mega-bank for race-based sub-prime lending practices.  Although the case revealed that senior bank officials were aware, the bank was allowed to settle the case without admitting guilt.  This practice is a de-facto (and profitable?) legalization of white racism.  The rich and powerful backers of Zimmerman may be applying similar practices to get him freed of his charges.

School culture blasted in report (pg 1A) : reveals the power, values, and ethics of Penn State, a large and wealthy institution, and its dealings in matters involving defenseless, lower-class children.  It underscores the attitudes of the rich and powerful toware our laws and  how our laws are to be respected and applied.

Stay Vigilant!

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