Thursday, July 26, 2012

NATIVISM (2012) in the U.S.

Send a Message to Mitt and the Repoobs

The steady march down a road illuminated by the ugliest thread running throughout the history of this country is gaining steam as we approach the election of 2012.  Fanned by the fears emanating from the global meltdown, (initiated by Money Boys in the U.S), the Nativist side (joined by the Globlists) in a four-way struggle (against the Safety-Net and United Citizens sides) is stepping up their assault. 

Beginning with Reagan, assisted by Atwater and his disciple, Rove, the movewment toward the separation of the citizenry by economic class, race, personal relationship patterns, and ownership, have culminated in the candidacy of Mitt Romney and his fellow Repoobs.  The Repoobs, united in the Congress have consistently driven our economy toward total collapse in their efforts to regain power.

Mitt equates INDIVIDUAL wealth with "success".  The "success" of this nation has emerged from the growth and strength of the Middle Class, coupled with the leadership of enlightened Corporate Leaders.  Barber Conable, former member of the House Ways and Means Committee, and a man famous for his expertise on taxation, once made it clear that the Middle Class pays the bills in this country.  The Rich have the means to avoid paying taxes, and the Poor don't have the means to pay the taxes.  Since Reagan, we have starved government of tax revenue, squeezed the income of the Middle Classes and now we're shocked that the country is losing its ability to pay its bills.  Join to this the rise of the klepto-rich, and we have this sorry state we face economically.  These forces feed on each other to spiral down the economy and the society.  It sets the stage for violence, mega-poverty, and corruption.

As we approach the election, the Nativists (think KKK, anti-Catholic, anti-immigrant, etc. groups among us) have been enlisted to capitalize on the fear, xenophobism, isolationism, anti-Wall Street sentiments to put the Repoobs back in power.  Boosted by the fear spilling over us following 9-11, Cheney and his boys set the stage for the Meltdown of 2008.  The tactics led to the election of 2004.

As we've been reminded, "We've Seen This Movie, already"!  The profiteering that took place post-9/11 is not to be confused with "success".  Romney, I'm sure, knows this.  He's hoping we don't, and will again vote our fear as we did in 2004.
To understand the power amassed when big money, xenophobia, and extreme individualism merge into a "perfect storm", read more about the history of Nativism in the United States on Wickpedia. (

Stay Vigilant!

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