Understand the "Strategies" of your "Opposition"??
Between WW I, and WW II, there were the New Negro Movement, The Garvey Movement, The Pullman Porters Movement; the Tuskegee Airmen; and the early formation of what became the Civil Rights Movement. It surfaced fully, shortly after 1954, and the SCOTUS School Integration Decision. The fact that we now see a "Black Lives Matter" Movement, signifies fatal flaws in those earlier movements. None, obviously, were "adequate" to solve the issues those earlier Movements sought to solve; therefore, more attempts have followed. Women, Gays, other Minorities, the Handicapped; all, have "piggy-backed" on the Civil Rights Movement; weakening its impact.
Montesquieu, In Spirit of the Laws, 1784, explains how Europeans learned from the Egyptians how to discriminate by skin color. He implicates Christianity as a major tool in the European efforts. "Divide and Conquer" is the strategy that has served Europeans well, throughout History; both within Europe and without! That strategy is buried in just about everything they do. As a distinct "minority" on this planet, we can understand that mind-set. In 2015, however, after so many failures at "appealing for fair treatment" from Whites, it is long past time to consider why those attempts failed. President Obama's RECEPTION, and white reaction to TRAYVON's killing, certify the failure of the earlier Movements! Religion has been replaced by MONEY as the weapon used to "Divide"!!
The power to "Divide" is a precondition to Conquest. From the days of the Spanish in the Caribbean, South America, and Mexico; and, from the French and English Histories in, what is now, the United States and Canada, European behavior has been uniform. Overwhelmed by Technology and/or Religion, Blacks and Natives became permanently Divided; and then "locked-down", under Control! Throughout Africa, the Middle East, India, (until 1947), China during the Opium Wars -- the pattern is consistent.
Within the United States, the strategy is used effectively against all Non-white Groups, along the lines of a"going-in" Plan revealed by De Tocqueville. The Plan required immediate annihilation of Native Peoples, "Work Blacks", slowly, to Death", as Slaves, and rule with "Laws" and Social Rules, crafted to sustain White Hegemony.
To overcome that History, Blacks have believed that THEY, too, could use Christianity as their tool to overcome those historical behaviors. Moral appeals have failed, and Blacks remain deeply "Divided" by White Laws and Institutions. Native and "Hispanic" survivors bear their own version of this History. The lack of unity evidenced by "Black Lives Matter" (its current "face" is young, Black, and female); is its greatest "challenge"??
Stay Vigilant!! In today's, Global World, versions of yesterday's Grievances, require MORE ORGANIZATION and effective unity, to address them!! They cannot be limited by gender, or RACE, because there are too many persons to "Look" like too many others! Former boundaries, within which these Grievances could be addressed in the past, HAVE DISAPPEARED!!
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