Monday, August 10, 2015

Are REPUBLICANs "Sowing the Whirlwind" ??

Nixon's "Race" Nightmare??

The GOP must "rue the day" they let Tricky Dick convince them to "steal" the Sewer States away from the Democrats; to build their political future!  Dick (the first one?) also set the stage for the Race Mess we're facing, by stuffing all of us into Race Boxes;  dividing us up for the Constitutionally-Required Census, every decade.  Reagan came along, advised by Roger Ailes and Lee Atwater, to campaign on Race, and to win his Presidency in 1980.  That set the stage for the Meltdown, under the 2nd "Dick", who, leading Dubya by the nose, brought down our economy in 2008!

Given a Pass, and told to "go shopping"; all but 1% of our Brave White Males, took them up on it!
Now, scripted and outfitted by Hollywood, these jerks, talking like bullies, and armed better than our troops were during the time of Shock and Awe, are pretending to PROTECT us??  Trump isn't the only CLOWN in this Mess!

As we watch and hear what's left of the GOP  bubble and hiss in our Media,  Ailes (Atwater has passed on) reaps Big Bucks from his years of "advice" to politicians.  A Kewpie Doll; painted, and scripted, and put before cameras, by FOX, was "attacked" by TRUMP!  This time, for sure, TRUMP was heralded to be "Toast"!! NOT!!; -- his ratings show that his Sewer, and Red State Supporters  are steadfast!.

ALL Parties; Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, and Progressive, are convinced that they can continue to finesse Race: to ignore our Institutionalized Caste structure that has served Whites so well since our Civil War.  We see it in our elections, our Public Education, Policing, our Prison Industry, the NFL, the NBA, Hollywood, and throughout our "NEWS" MEDIA.  Whites are running out of rope in their insistence to keep a blind-eye as Violence mounts on our streets.  White Supremacists seek reliance on two piglets, descended from Latin Oligarchies; to provide them a buffer?? 

The election of the first Black President was an opportunity for Whites to dispense with their age-old practices; but they "were forgiven", and chose, instead, to reward Republicans for their churlish and unpatriotic behaviors against our Constitution and our time-proven Governing Traditions.  They have suborned overt intervention by a Foreign (so-called) Ally into our Domestic Politics!  all of this in efforts to maintain historic white privilege, to spite demographic facts, of their declining numbers.

Stay Vigilant!  The Horriffic Race Murders in "God's House" in Charleston, has had no impact on Whites, nor convinced them that they must change their ways.  They prefer their Armed Bullies; thinking, that way, they will be PROTECTED??  A clear-thinking Five-Year-Old, would know better!  Where were these "imposters-before-cameras", in 2003??

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