We Used to Call our TVs; "The BOX" !
TVs have DEFINITELY become "THE BOX" ... (in the usa)(?); in 2015! Pressed up against the "glass" like some kid drooling at a candy-store window display; are the Non-White Citizens of our Planet!! They are attracted by BRANDS, and the "fairy-tales" that depict Life in Amerika; TV in the USA is "of the Whites -- by the Whites -- and, for the Whites! Non-whites, who have been American Citizens for CENTURIES, when depicted on TV, today. are mostly "Visitors" in "White-World"!! Those "visitors" are scripted by Whites, and speak White-Speak. Any "black-stars" who "piss-off" Whites, for any reason, are easily destroyed (Cosby, O.J., "Michael", any Black Sports figure; are clear examples).
As the World's WHITE BOX, Amerikan Television lures the poor, uneducated, and "extreme" Christians like "flies to tar-paper". (for those old enough to know). Advertising Dollars DRIVE just about everything and everyone who appears on The Box.
Advertisers, according to presenters on this morning's "Mourning Joe Watering-Hole" have a new "wrinkle" -- they 'package" products "by the BOX; thereby getting their victims, (customers) to swallow the thing "whole" ?? Is this a microcosm of what the BIG WHITE (tv) BOX does with "News", "Information", "Entertainment", "Education", and, "Kultur"??
Their number-one Money-Maker, however, is Politics and Campaigns for National Office. Citizens United has produced a GOLD MINE for TV; beyond its wildest dreams!! It has even drawn The Donald, that Master-Builder Master-Showman, and Carnival-Barker Supreme; to all of the Watering Holes that TV can make available.
In the current Campaign, Senator Lindsey Graham proclaimed this morning on the Joe-Show, that "The Republican Party has "a problem" with Hispanics and Women"!! (No mention of Blacks --you can guess why(?) -- He is from South Carolina, after all)!!
Stay Vigilant! T.V. is "feeding off the bottom" of the White Box, in this campaign season. It runs the risk of earning a new title: The Cracker Box?? TIME MAGAZINE hawked its new Cover Story, on the "Joe-Show". They are clearly eliciting sympathy for (white) Cops. They don't mention the HUGE number of Cops who have Rich Retirements, gained from careers spent "squeezing" Minorities!
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