Can U hear "The Donald", now?? "I AM THE STATE"!!
Roger Stone was on "Mourning Joe's" show this morning, providing us new insights into "The Donald", and, why Stone resigned from Trump's Campaign. (see Jessica Firger:
Stone is a savvy veteran of many national campaigns and seems to know how to "Package" candidates enough,so that they canl pass the"smell test" and "get-elected" by Amerikan Voters.
He provided fresh insights into our children, born since 1980, that all voters should hear.
He believes that "The Donald" could be elected as President, in 2016, as a Republican! That tells me how incredibly WEAK the Repoobs in their Field of Candidates are! For racial reasons, I find the two, off-white, Cubans most interesting. One, timidly will "go after" Trump; while the other, whiter one, "sucks-up"! Speaks volumes of what those guys think of our Voters??
Back to Louis the XIV, and that other "revolution": the Rabble ("grass-roots", in the usa) was "plenty-pissed", then, as now. Seems the FAT CATS spent up all the money, leaving the little people to starve.
"The Donald" may have the larger ego?? History doesn't tell us much about how "thin" Louie's "skin" was! He sure as hell cared more about himself than anyone else?
As the for the guillotine? Trump's tongue, will suffice?? Master Marco would be mortally wounded in two "snaps"!!
Stay Vigilant! Our ancient lies, told by those who think they run this country, may be "bubbling" to the surface? They're having trouble holding Ferguson down!! Someone should check on Bob McCollough ... the Prosecutor, who "Didn't"?? What's he up to these days? Note the announcement of all the Attorneys General in our several States who have been "caught" breaking the LAW!!
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