The Anti-FDR Arrives??
This is where keeping our children under-educated, on purpose, really hurts us all!
It's doubtful whether any of the 40,000, or so attendees at TRUMP's Klan-Rally in Alabama can define, or even spell Megalomaniac, or Demagogue, but, for them, I Googled:
MEGALOMANIAC: a person who is obsessed with their own power.
DEMAGOGUE: a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument.
TRUMP mixes truth, with fiction, and with "fairy-tales", to an audience that "worships" him! Senator Jeff Sessions, former Alabama Judge, currently a Repoob Senator, who chairs the Judiciary Committee, was literally "teary-eyed" as he stared up at TRUMP, from under his white TRUMP-Cap! Such Adulation!; from a man who is in position to do so much harm to our Justice System !
In places where, even that crowd, (so happy to be out from under their "P.C. Sheets"), could see gaping holes in TRUMP's rhetoric and promises; Trump's response, when challenged, is: "My People" will take care of that! There's a "sh*t-load" of Pigs in that "Poke"!!
We must recall "W" and his "People"!! Chief among them were Cheney (who took the Administration by the "behind"); Condi (the "Mushroom Cloud" lady); "Rummie" (who actually got fired); and the rest of that sorry lot! Wanna go through that again??
The fact that any of our Incompetent Media "Talking Heads" take this guy seriously in any positive sense, is something for which we should all hang our heads in shame!. Our children should have learned in school about these kinds of Scalawags; from the works of Gordon Allport, and Brewton Berry!
Stay Vigilant! There is still time to WAKE UP, and realize that not one of the Candidates currently before us for the Office of President of the United States in 2016; is able, or willing, to dispose of this imposter! TRUMP is a Demagogue, posing as an Entertainer, who is posing as a Politician!
Are we ALL "Germans, circa 1933" in 2015??
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