61 years: at "all deliberate" SPEED??
I guess "Dick n' Dubya" didn't get it right, when they "fixed "children's behinds" for Education? It's "back to the "Bush"? Jeb, this time? The guts of a nation lie strewn along the path of the past sixty-one years that White Amerika has so desperately and strenuously fought against better education opportunities for Persons of Color. All of this in a Country that strongly denies it is "Racist"! What we're left with is a Public School System that NOBODY wants to use! Charter Schools are joining the long list of alternative kinds of schools that began with "Christian" Schools, in the Sewer States, 60 years ago.
It happened on Ike's WATCH!! (the 1954 Warren Court's Decision to "Racially-Integrate our Public Schools"). Ike's Protest, in a time of "Loyalty" Oaths, was to add "Under God" to our Pledge of Allegiance. Tricky Dick, his Vice-President, got is chance later, when, as President, he led the Republican Party and our Nation in a massive, on-going, Race- War against our Children of Color.
The Record is open, clear, and tragic! Generations of Children, all colors, have been damaged through traumatic "education" experiences that have left them unable to compete, educationally, with children from many countries. After decades of efforts to make sure white children had more privileges and more opportunities than other children; Politicians, Educators, Union Leaders, and Churches have screwed up Education; beyond repair!!
The List of White tactics, Policies, Programs, Movements, starting with closing schools across the sewer States,, and ending with "No Child Left Behind"; have managed to leave our Nation behind!
It looks like they haven't given up, however. The Republicans are attacking Common-Core; a set of "standards" to be enacted by States to "improve" educational performance of children in Public Schools.
Stay Vigilant! By destroying natural bonds between children and parents, and substituting white-led "government" (all Education is governed by States), communities have also been destroyed, and all of our children have been divided into two groups: those who are cripplingly spoiled and "coddled", and those who are abandoned to the worst daily living conditions we can imagine. All in the name of "Integration"!! All at a cost of many BILLIONS of Dollars!!
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