Sunday, August 23, 2015


HILLARY! .. Are You Listening??

This WARNING, emanates from the BLACK Kid, among the "French Heroes" in our MEDIA this morning.  "French", in that France has "Decorated" them, that is; they're kids from the U.S.  That explains why our Cracker-MEDIA broke the story as "two (white) American Heros"?  I guess our MEDIA is still busy "cutting out" those parts of the story they don't intend to use in their Propagandic Reportage!  Our Media also "cut out" a 60-year old man who participated in that rescue!
His warning, though, is a Cry for our Times; as our Country is plunging, head-long, toward its own "Train" Disaster.  Our Media fails to recognize that fact; while our silly and immature Repoob Candidates are pounding Hillary with E-Mails! TRUMP has exposed the entire "sh*tty-bunch" running on the Republican Ticket, as Grossly Incompetent to Lead this Country!  That, also, includes TRUMP!!  The nasty little secret is that TRUMP KNOWS THAT!  His real target is HILLARY,  Trump must first "clear the deck" of the Lilliputians on the Right.  If Hillary does not stop Trump now, before he gains his full head of steam, she shows us all, that she, too, is UNFIT to SERVE!  The Presidency in 2016 is not something Hillary can "float" into, on a wave of Feminism!

Black Women, especially, must take a HARD LOOK at the Clintons!  Bubba took a page from LBJ's book, and managed to convince Black Women that he was a "Black" President.  We know now, with our Prison Industry bulging-at-its-seams with Black and Brown youth; what Bubba really accomplished!  De Tocqueville recorded in th 1830s, the fact that Blacks in the U.S. become Slaves in the womb.  The same observation will hold for the Black Condition in 2015??  Only Black Women can do something about that!  The Misogyny argument, gaining steam over the film, Straight Outta Compton, is a distraction!
I cringe when people "Thank" me, "for my SERVICE!  The time, when that mattered, was, in 1976, when our own citizens were shooting at us wearing the Uniform.  We entered service at a time when all youth faced a crushing DRAFT.  In 2015, with no Draft, we know that fewer than one-percent of our youth managed to "stand before the enemy" in Iraq or Afghanistan.  Those "Thank-You"(s) come from people who think we fought to PROTECT THEM!  They seem not to recognize our devotion to Country.  Many, today, sound like Cowards.  The three Americans on the Train in France, were certainly not Cowards.

Stay Vigilant!  The nine in the church in Charleston, waited patiently, while the demented young Killer re-loaded.  They did not resist.  Yet, because their families forgave the Killer, White America sees the Blacks who died as Heroes -- for patiently waiting to die.    The Black Kid on that train did not think it right to not defend yourself!  What's wrong with people??
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