Monday, August 31, 2015

Could it be Our STATE DEPARTMENT?? (they're after?)

Think About It??

What if the War Dogs on the RIGHT are really trying to turn our Citizenry against the State Department?? If so, they get a "two-fer", by dragging down Hillary!

Cheney returns to MEDIA;  adding his "2-Cents" about E-Mails.   Remember, "DickandDubya" treated the State Department as a place to "reward" people they wanted to get "out of the way" (Condi and Colin, of late)!  Obama/Kerry have utilized the State Department more effectively than any Administration since, (wash my mouth out) NIXON/KISSINGER!  The WAR DOGS; and  NeoCons, LOVE our DEFENSE DEPARTMENT, and have little or no use for STATE!!  Eisenhower warned of this, as he was leaving office, in 1960.

GOD knows that Dick-n'-Dubya treated the DOD like their private "playpen"!!  "Rummy" was there, too.  Repoob Candidates can't seem to "defend" themselves, however;  TRUMP destroys them at will.! He's now attacking a staff-supporter for Hillary, by making risque comments about the woman's husband.!  Welcome to TABLOID Campaigning.

Stay Vigilant!  Repoob  WAR DOGS  want to re-gain control of the Defense Department; "gut" the State Department, and 'run amok"  once again.

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Sunday, August 30, 2015


Is it "Collapsing" from Within??

"Mourning Joe"; "O'Reilly"; and, now, Palin??  The entourage of "knee-jerk" TRUMP supporters continues to grow!  Joe rushed to DEFEND TRUMP from Jorge Ramos, Anchor of Univision News.  For what?  For thinking he was Dan Rather, I guess.  After what happened to Candy Crowley, I guess the MEDIA is appropriately "cowed" by the power of the Right Wing Hardliners and their supporters.  

Those of us who grew up with Murrow, Cronkite, Howard K. Smith, Eric Severeid, and several others of that class of Journalist;  have to hang our heads and mourn; as we witness the Drivel who have taken their places!  When the story is finally written about the demise of that vaunted "Free" Press there once was in the United States, the blame will rest on the sorry lot who assumed the positions of those great men.  One, female Reporter defended Ramos for doing his job, and challenged TRUMP to permit his return, after he had his bodyguard throw Ramos out of the Press Event.  She serves to highlight the servile behavior of the rest of the Reporters in attendance.

Stay Vigilant!  We may be in the early stages of the takeover of our MEDIA by forces seeking to use it as their Propaganda Machine. 

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Saturday, August 29, 2015

TRUMP brings "Klass" to (his) "AMERIKA"??

race?, class? or, BOTH?? 

Listen, carefully to TRUMP's "psycho-babble"!  Watch where he GOES!!  His STRATEGY for "winning" the Presidency in 2016 is in the open!  The Global Economy has killed the old BLACK/WHITE Model for governing the United States; begun more than 200 years ago by our Founders.  TRUMP recognizes that it is being replaced by a New Model that is based on Economic Class, in which Race is encapsulated inside Class, through "Gentrification".  New Orleans and Detroit provide examples.

The Founding Slave Masters, it is clear, preferred the company of their Slaves to that of the White Trash that served as their Overseers.  The Overseer Klass was given "leeway" to satisfy their limited economic and ego needs at the expense of the Blacks.  When the Civil War collapsed Slavery in favor of a Jim Crow System of enslavement, by economics and Class, the MASTER CLASS fled the country for Europe and Latin America.  View Band of Angels, (1957), and you see the roles of Clark Gable and Sidney Poitier demonstrate that part of our history.

As the JIM CROW Model was being instituted, Crackers from Europe flooded the United States, doubling our population in the thirty years between 1890 and 1920.  I list in my 1972 Masters Thesis, American Values in Black and White, (UNM), by order of rank:

(1)  American (white)       (7)  German
(2)  Canadian                    (8)   Finn
(3)  English                       (9)   Italian 
(4)  French                       (10)   Polish
(5) Irish                            (11)   Greek
(6)  Swedish                     (12)    Czech

Social Distance Data:  (1926) Bogardus.

American Indians ranked below the Japanese, Turks and Russians below the "Filipino"; and Jews below Negros.  Over time this measure was taken again (1939) and (1952) and the Social Movement of the various groups changed slightly.

Just as JIM CROW succeeded in pitting lighter-skinned and more wealthy Blacks against each other; TRUMP is showing amazing success at pitting whites who were Middle Class at the time Reagan was President, against those whites who are more wealthy in this time of Big Banks and Technology Fortunes.  TRUMP "barnstarms" the Old South and places where the more wealthy whites escaped to; pulling on the "heart strings" of fans of ELVIS, the KLAN, and lower-class white musicians, actors, and TV "Celebrities".  He knows that most whites; who have lost their economic standing as the wages of the World come down in the face of foreign labor and Robotics; will NEVER regain their former, "Archie Bunker" wealth!  Angry whites, and their relatives, know that too.  They're PISSED!  TRUMP is "cleaning up"!

Stay Vigilant!  A future in which Crackers continue to inflict violence and exploitation on Non-whites, and, also  on the RICH; among both Whites and Non-Whites; will be a much different, and less safe "Amerika".  TRUMP and his backers will be as happy as "Pigs in Sh*t"!!

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Friday, August 28, 2015

Will (white) "Amerika" FILIBUSTER Mexico (again)

What is TRUMP Stirring Up??

Is TRUMP just another "Politician" who chooses Polemics as his appeal to those among the electorate who resonate to his messages of Hate?  He has singled out Hispanics; "Mexicans" in particular, as the target for his denigrating messages, and scapegoating.  We see televised clips where a noted Hispanic, U.S. Citizen,  and Journalist, was told by a TRUMP supporter, after he was forcibly ejected from an Event, in TRUMP's presence, to "get out" of our Country!

The use of race-baiting to gain political advantage is common, and very old.  It is disgraceful to see a major figure in U.S. Media resort to it, as he enters Politics!  It comes at a time when immigration to the U.S., by Mexicans is at an all-time Low!

It is also reported that One Million former U.S. Citizens are living in Mexico as Expatriates.  Given the financial hard times faced by those whites TRUMP appeals to; it would seem that THEY, also might find it easier to live, at lower costs, in Mexico?  After all, our History tells us that was exactly what happened as whites moved into Mexico in the mid 1800s, with intent to take the territory.  The process was known as "Filibustering".  That was the story of the Alamo; so beloved by Texans!  TRUMP might help his economically beleagured whites who feel threatened by Mexicans, to MOVE to Mexico.  That might solve their economic plight, and ease tensions among the rest of the populace in the United States?

Stay Vigilant!  Putin has employed FILIBUSTER tactics in his move to "take back" Eastern Ukraine.
In his 2009 book The Next 100 Years, George Friedman predicts war with Mexico as tensions rise over the course of the 21st Century.  Instead of being an entertaining "sh*t-stirrer", TRUMP could, instead, provide a real service to the country he wants to make "Great, Again"??

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Thursday, August 27, 2015

"workplace" KILLINGS? or, "H.R."- Killings??

How Did We Get Here?

While TRUMP is proclaiming loud and wide that there "ain't gonna be no equal opportunity, in HIS Amerika"; our MEDIA is telling us much More!!  The recent shooting tragedy in Virginia, reported by Media as a "workplace killing";  also STARS Media workers!!  (they shot their own footage, and made sure we got to see it!)

We have to reflect back a ways, to put all of this in perspective.   Long before there was pressure from Black Kids to integrate Lunch Counters, in the 1950s, their more mature parents and grand-parents had been pressuring for Fair Employment!, in the 1930s!  Before President Kennedy; (Johnson stole all the credit?); no President had used Executive Action to end racial discrimination in employment!  That happened in 1963!!

All of the usual suspects who, later, got a "ticket" on that bus; (women, Brown Peoples from around the world; Gays, the Handicapped) have been busy during these many decades of "Blowback", making Damn Sure that Blacks continued to ride "in the back"!!  How did they do it?  

Companies began, under Reagan (of course) OUT-SOURCING their hiring practices to FOREIGN firms, and getting around our Affirmative Action Laws.  Later, the H.R. part of companies, both large and small. expanded this practice to Discrimination against the Aged, the Ill, those with too much Seniority; and, of course, Persons of Color.  Only those who are "less threatening" are spared, so long as they "stay in their place"!!  Later, firms began out-sourcing their payrolls  and related employment practices.

With the rise in power of MEDIA to control perceptions, most workplaces are turning to "pressure cookers" for issues that include Race, Class, Religion, and the petty personality disorders of individual workers.  Make sense, now??

Stay Vigilant!  Our Media and our Politicians have led us on a Fools Errand as we struggle to manage our daily lives.  This has been going on for Decades!  It's obviously reaching a boiling point as Social Media introduces its peculiar influences.  H.R. is where all the Action is!  It scripts what Management does and says.  It is the Shield behind which Corporate America hides, while breaking our Employment and Labor Laws!

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Tuesday, August 25, 2015

BEHOLD! a Megalomaniacal DEMAGOGUE??

The Anti-FDR Arrives??
This is where keeping our children under-educated, on purpose, really hurts us all!
It's doubtful whether any of the 40,000, or so attendees at TRUMP's Klan-Rally in Alabama can define, or even spell Megalomaniac, or Demagogue, but, for them, I Googled:

MEGALOMANIAC:  a person who is obsessed with their own power.

DEMAGOGUE:  a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument.

TRUMP mixes truth, with fiction, and with "fairy-tales", to an audience that "worships" him!  Senator Jeff Sessions, former Alabama Judge, currently a Repoob Senator, who chairs the Judiciary Committee, was literally "teary-eyed" as he stared up at TRUMP, from under his white TRUMP-Cap!  Such Adulation!; from a man who is in position to do so much harm to our Justice System !

In places where, even that crowd, (so happy to be out from under their "P.C. Sheets"), could see gaping holes in TRUMP's rhetoric and promises;  Trump's response, when challenged, is: "My People" will take care of that!  There's a "sh*t-load" of Pigs in that "Poke"!!
We must recall "W" and his "People"!!  Chief among them were Cheney (who took the Administration by the "behind"); Condi (the "Mushroom Cloud" lady); "Rummie" (who actually got fired); and the rest of that sorry lot!  Wanna go through that again?? 

The fact that any of our Incompetent Media "Talking Heads" take this guy seriously in any positive sense, is something for which we should all hang our heads in shame!.  Our children should have learned in school about these kinds of Scalawags; from the works of Gordon Allport, and Brewton Berry!

Stay Vigilant!  There is still time to WAKE UP, and realize that not one of the Candidates currently before us for the Office of President of the United States in 2016; is able, or willing, to dispose of this imposter!  TRUMP is a Demagogue, posing as an Entertainer, who is posing as a Politician!
Are we ALL "Germans, circa 1933" in 2015??

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Sunday, August 23, 2015


HILLARY! .. Are You Listening??

This WARNING, emanates from the BLACK Kid, among the "French Heroes" in our MEDIA this morning.  "French", in that France has "Decorated" them, that is; they're kids from the U.S.  That explains why our Cracker-MEDIA broke the story as "two (white) American Heros"?  I guess our MEDIA is still busy "cutting out" those parts of the story they don't intend to use in their Propagandic Reportage!  Our Media also "cut out" a 60-year old man who participated in that rescue!
His warning, though, is a Cry for our Times; as our Country is plunging, head-long, toward its own "Train" Disaster.  Our Media fails to recognize that fact; while our silly and immature Repoob Candidates are pounding Hillary with E-Mails! TRUMP has exposed the entire "sh*tty-bunch" running on the Republican Ticket, as Grossly Incompetent to Lead this Country!  That, also, includes TRUMP!!  The nasty little secret is that TRUMP KNOWS THAT!  His real target is HILLARY,  Trump must first "clear the deck" of the Lilliputians on the Right.  If Hillary does not stop Trump now, before he gains his full head of steam, she shows us all, that she, too, is UNFIT to SERVE!  The Presidency in 2016 is not something Hillary can "float" into, on a wave of Feminism!

Black Women, especially, must take a HARD LOOK at the Clintons!  Bubba took a page from LBJ's book, and managed to convince Black Women that he was a "Black" President.  We know now, with our Prison Industry bulging-at-its-seams with Black and Brown youth; what Bubba really accomplished!  De Tocqueville recorded in th 1830s, the fact that Blacks in the U.S. become Slaves in the womb.  The same observation will hold for the Black Condition in 2015??  Only Black Women can do something about that!  The Misogyny argument, gaining steam over the film, Straight Outta Compton, is a distraction!
I cringe when people "Thank" me, "for my SERVICE!  The time, when that mattered, was, in 1976, when our own citizens were shooting at us wearing the Uniform.  We entered service at a time when all youth faced a crushing DRAFT.  In 2015, with no Draft, we know that fewer than one-percent of our youth managed to "stand before the enemy" in Iraq or Afghanistan.  Those "Thank-You"(s) come from people who think we fought to PROTECT THEM!  They seem not to recognize our devotion to Country.  Many, today, sound like Cowards.  The three Americans on the Train in France, were certainly not Cowards.

Stay Vigilant!  The nine in the church in Charleston, waited patiently, while the demented young Killer re-loaded.  They did not resist.  Yet, because their families forgave the Killer, White America sees the Blacks who died as Heroes -- for patiently waiting to die.    The Black Kid on that train did not think it right to not defend yourself!  What's wrong with people??
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Saturday, August 22, 2015

"INCITE" (violence); but, Don't 'CONDONE" (violence) ?? ... "TRUMP-Speak"-2015??

Do many of Trump's Followers even KNOW the Difference??

In a recent report of a brutal beating of an Hispanic in Boston, by two white males who invoked Trump's name; Trump first says he didn't know about it -- then explained that his Followers were "passionate".  He later stated that he does not "condone" violence.

Seeing 2016 as a "completely open" Election, and the first one, post-Obama, TRUMP, and the entire line-up of Repoob Candidates are singing their "White-Supremacy" tune.  (even the Black-guy)!!  Given their numbers, there aren't enough white Repoob voters to WIN the Presidency with this Strategy.  Does TRUMP see a different path to "Winning"??

TRUMP-isms abound, about the 14th Amendment of our Constitution (as fanciful as what  our Gun Nuts believe  about the 2nd Amendment?)  Also, about "babies" and "anchors"!   According to reports, Rubio may find a tiny "anchor" tucked away among his baby-clothes?  Yet, sniveling Rubio, ever-ambitious, eagerly joins this MADNESS!  It seems that the State of Alabama, helped by Senator "Judge" Sessions, has passed a LAW that makes Hispanics "Vanish", over-night!

Stay Vigilant!  We may be heading for a repeat  of that old Butcher, President Andrew Jackson, and his War on African-American Slaves at FORT NEGRO?  Casting our Citizenship Definition in doubt; I guess they'll be squabbling over Who is WHITE?; next??

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Thursday, August 20, 2015

Can "J.C." (still) "SAVE AMERICA" ??

YES!; IF, he could Restore Us, to our former "DECENCY" ??

As I've written in earlier BLOGs, our "Decency" FLED the U.S. with the arrival of Ronald Reagan!  We forget that "some" Americans were having secret "Talks" with "some" Iranians in 1979; to make a Deal for Hostage Release, as soon as Reagan replaced Carter in Office.  We also forget the "cake" for Iran exposed during the "Iran/Contra" Affair that Reagan and Wineberger were caught-up in.
I remember, though, another time; when President Carter first WON the Office!  It was late on a night in New York City.  I took a break from one of my several "Special" assignments, during my tour in the Air Force; to see my first Broadway Play.  It was "Guys and Dolls", as I remember -- its 1976 Broadway Revival.  As I left the Theater, I passed a shop, and in its darkened window, the street lights reflected on it ... "J.C. CAN SAVE AMERICA!"; it said.  It was a Poster to hang on your wall; a Poster for a time of generalized political trauma in this Country.  As I remember, it was still not clear that night, who won the 1976 Election:  Carter, or Ford!  Returns from some States were not yet in (I think New York was one of the late-reporting States).  I went back the next day and bought the Poster, and hung it in my Recreation Room.  It "disappeared" in the 1980s.  during my last Military Move,

Our Electorate was still reeling from the Watergate Affair, and the resulting shock to our sensibilities. We  were permanently changed, as we realized the crimes committed in the Executive Branch of our Government by the Nixon Administration.  Nixon came to be seen as "Evil", Carter was envisioned to be "Pure".  We all know the Cynicism that grew under Carter, and flowered in the Greed and Corruption sowed by Reagan.
 A Former President; a few months shy of 91; Jimmie Carter gave an "amazing", "gracious", and "frank" Press Conference this morning on Television.  It was "Vintage Carter", and it's purpose was to announce his recent affliction with liver and brain cancer.

Stay Vigilant! Let's see, in these troubling times of TRUMP, whether we can summon up enough DECENCY to atone for the atrocious way the Electorate treated President Carter, while he was in Office, and to return some DECENCY to our behavior for electing the President of the United States!!   Jimmy Carter is certainly my perfect example of a GOOD Christian!!  President Carter and his life's works, can, perhaps, counter the image of  Dylann Roof, and his "Church-work", as one of our  BAD Christians??  As "J.C". said this morning; he is "in God's Hands" now!

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Wednesday, August 19, 2015

REPOOBs "Huddle" to "Fix" EDUCATION (again)??

61 years: at "all deliberate" SPEED??

I guess "Dick n' Dubya" didn't get it right, when they "fixed "children's behinds" for Education?  It's "back to the "Bush"?  Jeb, this time?  The guts of a nation lie strewn along the path of the past sixty-one years that White Amerika has so desperately and strenuously fought against better education opportunities for Persons of Color.  All of this in a Country that strongly denies it is "Racist"!  What we're left with is a Public School System that NOBODY wants to use!  Charter Schools are joining the long list of alternative kinds of schools that began with "Christian" Schools, in the Sewer States, 60 years ago.

It happened on Ike's WATCH!!   (the 1954 Warren Court's Decision to "Racially-Integrate our Public Schools").  Ike's Protest, in a time of "Loyalty" Oaths, was to add "Under God" to our Pledge of Allegiance.  Tricky Dick, his Vice-President, got is chance later, when, as President, he led the Republican Party and our Nation in a massive, on-going, Race- War against our Children of Color.  

The Record is open, clear, and tragic!  Generations of Children, all colors, have been damaged through traumatic "education" experiences that have left them unable to compete, educationally, with children from many countries.  After decades of efforts to make sure white children had more privileges and more opportunities than other children; Politicians, Educators, Union Leaders, and Churches have screwed up Education; beyond repair!!

The List of White tactics, Policies, Programs, Movements, starting with closing schools across the sewer States,, and ending with "No Child Left Behind"; have managed to leave our Nation behind!
It looks like they haven't given up, however.  The Republicans are attacking Common-Core; a set of "standards" to be enacted by States to "improve" educational performance of children in Public Schools.

Stay Vigilant!  By destroying natural bonds between children and parents, and substituting white-led "government" (all Education is governed by States), communities have also been destroyed, and all of our children have been divided into two groups: those who are cripplingly spoiled and "coddled", and those who are abandoned to the worst daily living conditions we can imagine.  All in the name of "Integration"!!  All at a cost of many BILLIONS of Dollars!!

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Tuesday, August 18, 2015

USA: "Evolving" toward a (white) "TRASH" nation??

Did Ailes/Atwater "STEAL" our "Decency" (in 1980)??

Faulkner, who wrote a lot about RACE in the United States, often pointed to the "Decency" that prevailed in the early, post-Slavery, SOUTH.  We no longer have that, anywhere in the USA, in 2015.

My Grandmother taught me, before I was ten years old, the difference between "DECENT" people (of all Colors), and "TRASH"!!  

DECENT people know the difference between the "Price" of things, and their "Value".  
"TRASH" cannot distinguish between Price and Value.
DECENT people know that being Poor, is no excuse for being Dirty! ("Soap and water are cheap", she would say, and, "A Clean Mind produces a Clean Life!")
DECENT people know "limits"; the meaning of "ENOUGH"!!
"TRASH" have "no Clue".
No amount of MONEY, in the World, can Cover "TRASH"!!

It is the "Decency" aspect of our Civility that allowed what little "Progress", we have achieved in "Race-Relations", since our Civil War.  Right Wing Politics and its dependence on RACE as its mainstay, thanks to Nixon, has progressed from the 1870's and JIM CROW, to the CRUD we now see installed in both Houses of Congress and on our Supreme Court.  These two Institutions provide the mechanisms that are used by "TRASH" Politicians, to make our Nation "Ungovernable"!

The 2016 Election, due to the declining demographics of our White Citizenry, may be turning toward
another type of racial "balkanization" of our Nation, led by its White-Trash Element.  That Element has spread from the Deep South toward the North and West, turning many States Politically "RED".  No white candidate can seem to find a way, to say anything Nice, or even mention Non-White Citizens, in their Campaign Speeches.  Non-whites are referred to, in terms of their "Dysfunction"; or not a all.  Such is the POWER of White "TRASH" Politics, in 2015!

Stay Vigilant!  The Magpies in our MEDIA do us all a disservice by treating this phenomenon as "Entertainment".  They seem to believe that we have a DECENCY tucked away in some closet; to be brought out in the General Election, once the Primaries and the "TRASH" are dealt with.  TRUMP, and his Followers (and, maybe, many of SANDERS' Followers) could SURPRISE us all!

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Monday, August 17, 2015

SOS: for ALL BLACKs and BROWNs: in the USA, in 2015 ??

Check your "Mirrors"??

Every day now, TRUMP bleats a message that builds and reinforces the following facts:

His audience "resonates" to his "White's-Only" Siren Songs.
All other Candidates (Right/Left/Center) are hesitant to CHALLENGE that message.
Trump continues  the "DickandDubya" message about our Constitution and "Suicide Pacts" !!
NO CITIZEN WILL BE SAFE; if they get rid of the 14th Amendment's definition of

Stay Vigilant!  Eighty years ago, in Germany, another "spell-binder" appeared as a Candidate in a Democracy.  The entire world knows what happened to that Democracy and the "Scapegoats" singled out by that Candidate.  Don't let ANYBODY convince you that it "can't happen here" !!

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Sunday, August 16, 2015

'GODSPEED"; JULIAN !! ..say "Hello" to MARTIN (for us)??

January 14, 1940,  to August 15, 2015
a "REST", Well Earned!

I pulled from the shelf this morning, my copy of the 1972 volume of OUTSTANDING YOUNG MEN OF AMERICA, published by the JAYCEEs, and read, again, the Biography of Julian Bond.
Barely beyond the age, then, of our Millenials today, his list of accomplishments, at 32, were highly unusal, when compared to the thousands of other young men that volume included.  He went on, in the struggle, after Martin Luther King was murdered, to become, at one point, the Leader of the NAACP.  We can take this time to reflect on our Hopes, then, and our Realities, today?  Julian, a few months younger than me, was one of my HEROs!

Lawrence Lessig, Harvard Professor, gave an interview to Fareed Zacharia, this morning, in which he outlined his PLAN to restore Democracy to the United States by taking the power of Money out of our Politics.

Lessig promises in the interview to: "de-corrupt, uncorrupt the system, to make it so we are equal citizens again."  Lessig undermines his own effort, I believe, because he has the same failing most white leaders, of all political stripes have ... the "we" they speak of does NOT Include the Marginalized -- the Blacks, the Browns, and the Poor!  Lessig is energized for the same reason that Bernie's followers are:  they want those White, Middle Class persons, who never before doubted their Citizenship Status, to be restored; to no longer be Excluded by Big Money!!  TRUMP "GET's THIS", as he continues to POPULARIZE his concoction of CORRUPTION and RACISM!!

"We" have NEVER been a nation in which all natural-born citizens had Full Citizenship!  Only some Ivory-Tower Professor could be that blind??  Lessig says: "in the South, they used to run the white primary, where only whites were allowed to vote."  TODAY, both major Parties have extended that practice to the entire nation by designing Primary Elections in ways that very effectively shut out Non-White Voters !!

Lessig will FAIL with his Plan, if he thinks he can "fix" the system by only re-opening it to those white, Middle Class Voters who are currently shut-out by Big Money!!  Only fuzzy-headed Liberals could be so Blind!!

Stay Vigilant!  One of the Repoob Candidates would REMOVE the "natural-born" provision of Citizenship from our Constitution!  It ain't just the Mexicans, they Hate, folks!!  ALL CITIZENS, regardless of wealth, gender, skin color, or any other prohibition based on circumstances of birth within our United States; MUST be accorded FULL, and function-able CITIZENSHIP RIGHTS under any scheme "hatched" by Reformers!!

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Saturday, August 15, 2015

"Look What Dey's Done, to our Song(s) Ma!!

Deyz Done Made Dem-selves a "Fortune" wid-em, Too!

They took our Spirituals! (19th Century)

Never did get em Right (wrong "spirits")?

We Still Got's da Best Ones

Still ain't learned to Use-em right, tho!

They Took our JAZZ !! (20thCentury)

Like Duke said:  Dey's never could "catch" the Beat, Tho!

They Took our BLUEs n' ROCK n' ROLL!!! (20th Century, also) 

Dey's lots of it, dey ain't found, yet!  Derz don't sound right, either!

Daez takin' our RAP, Now!!!!

Can't get the rime or rithm Right, tho!


And Weez still "heppin-em"!!

DON'T MAKE NO (economic) SENSE!!

Stay Vigilant!

We jus might get it right? One-a deez days??

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TRUMP "Lets-Loose" in NH: Repoob-Furr "Flies" !!

Read the Transcript ?

Leaving behind, on the walls of the joint, all manner of "stuff; from furr, to feathers, to guts, and, "whatever"; "The Donald", in New Hampshire yesterday, began to "lay-in" to his political opponents; on all fronts.  If you didn't see it, you must; but, at least, read the transcript:

You may see, immediately, why all Repoobs, from Jeb on down, are terrified  of this guy!  He knows his opposition is guilty of his charges, because HE provided some of the "GILT"!!

Waging a blitzkrieg of invective, TRUMP took no prisoners; and, instead, may be threatening to make prisoners among those who are fools enough to believe what he has to offer!  In the tradition of the best of our Carnival Snake-Oil salesmen, TRUMP offers us a dangerous "Pig in his Poke"?  Sounding a lot like "Dubya", he claims to get along well with Putin.  In another 'breath" he says that Russia has to "behave"?? 

For someone like me, who lived through World War II, Trump's call for a re-armed Germany, doesn't sound too smart.  The Germans worked with the Russians on the Iran-Deal (the Plus-One)!  He wants Carl Icahn to "take care" of China??

TRUMP sounds like a Liberal sometimes, a Libertarian at others, and , too often, like someone to the RIGHT of Atilla the Hun!

Stay Vigilant!  This guy is a fast-talker, who transmits in 360-degree radii!  Most of the transcripts of his utterances, miss a great deal, so get the video!  He intends to become PRESIDENT of the U.S!!

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Friday, August 14, 2015


The U.S. EMBASSY is OPEN (again) in CUBA!!

In 1960, I got Married, and Voted in my first Presidential Election.  In less than two years  after,
my wife and I, and our new-born son, were expecting to DIE, within a few days!!  We were located on Fort Meade, in Maryland, adjacent to the NSA!

Cuba, President Kennedy, Vietnam, Bay of Pigs, Cuban Missile Crisis, are signature events in my life.  Today's Event in Cuba,  in which Secretary Kerry addressed the Cuban People and the World, offering a hand across DIVIDEs, carries a theme, long overdue, at the highest level in U.S. Politics!!

I lived at the water's end of Calle Ocho in Miami, from 2003 to 2005.  The Cuban, local, Small Business Owners I spoke with, were in fear that Castro would die, any day, and Miami would be "over-run" by Cubans leaving the island.  Today, the reporting around "Versaille" is very "laid-back", and sparsely attended.  War, and Racial Tensions seem to have eased, somewhat.  There was a distinct caste, color, and class distinction within those Cubans, the Republicans loved so much.  Jeb Bush, in his reported remarks from his Campaign in Iowa, appears to be dreaming of "re-installing" Batista's followers, and re-establishing their old White's-Only- Controls!  Today's Island inhabitants may not want that!  It has been reported that GOOGLE offered "free" Internet Connectivity, and was refused.  The Island currently gets their limited services from China. 

The tremendous opportunities for U.S. Citizens of all colors and classes, will come late, but may still be significant.  It depends on WHOSE INTERESTS our State Department will champion?  For us old Cold-Warriors, a long nightmare may be lifting.  Our relations with Vietnam may offer even more hope, as an example for a better Cuba??

Stay Vigilant!  after almost seven years of the most vicious, malignant, personal, race-based, disrespect that any President, in my life-time, has experienced; these Republicans, who have been beating their Race-Hate Drum to the frenzy we now see throughout our country, should, first, APOLOGIZE, and then, DISAVOW all ties to Ailes, Limbaugh, McConnell, Boehner, and others of their TRIBE who have led this filth!

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Thursday, August 13, 2015

"Outside" THE (white) "BOX' ??

We Used to Call our TVs;  "The BOX" !

TVs have DEFINITELY become "THE BOX" ... (in the usa)(?); in 2015!  Pressed up against the "glass" like some kid drooling at a candy-store window display; are the Non-White Citizens of our Planet!!  They are attracted by BRANDS, and the "fairy-tales" that depict Life in Amerika; TV in the USA is "of the Whites -- by the Whites -- and, for the Whites!  Non-whites, who have been American Citizens for CENTURIES, when depicted on TV, today. are mostly "Visitors" in "White-World"!!  Those "visitors" are scripted by Whites, and speak White-Speak.  Any "black-stars" who "piss-off" Whites, for any reason, are easily destroyed (Cosby, O.J., "Michael", any Black Sports figure; are clear examples).

As the World's WHITE BOX, Amerikan Television lures the poor, uneducated, and "extreme" Christians like "flies to tar-paper".  (for those old enough to know).  Advertising Dollars DRIVE just about everything and everyone who appears on The Box.  

Advertisers, according to presenters on this morning's "Mourning Joe Watering-Hole" have a new "wrinkle"  --  they 'package" products "by the BOX; thereby getting their victims, (customers) to swallow the thing "whole" ??  Is this a microcosm of what the BIG WHITE (tv) BOX does with "News", "Information", "Entertainment", "Education", and, "Kultur"??

Their number-one Money-Maker, however, is Politics and Campaigns for National Office.  Citizens United has produced a GOLD MINE for TV; beyond its wildest dreams!!  It has even drawn The Donald, that Master-Builder Master-Showman, and Carnival-Barker Supreme; to all of the Watering Holes that TV can make available.

In the current Campaign, Senator Lindsey Graham proclaimed this morning on the Joe-Show, that "The Republican Party has "a problem" with Hispanics and Women"!!  (No mention of Blacks --you can guess why(?) -- He is from South Carolina, after all)!!

Stay Vigilant!  T.V. is "feeding off the bottom" of the White Box, in this campaign season.  It runs the risk of earning a new title:  The Cracker Box??  TIME MAGAZINE hawked  its new Cover Story, on the "Joe-Show".  They are clearly  eliciting sympathy for (white) Cops.  They don't mention the HUGE number of Cops who have Rich Retirements, gained from careers spent "squeezing" Minorities!

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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Why the "Black-Lives" Movement may FAIL??

Understand the "Strategies" of your "Opposition"??

Between WW I, and WW II, there were the New Negro Movement, The Garvey Movement, The Pullman Porters Movement; the Tuskegee Airmen; and the early formation of what became the Civil Rights Movement.  It surfaced fully, shortly after 1954, and the SCOTUS School Integration Decision.  The fact that we now see a "Black Lives Matter" Movement, signifies fatal flaws in those earlier movements.  None, obviously, were "adequate" to solve the issues those earlier Movements sought to solve; therefore, more attempts have followed. Women, Gays, other Minorities, the Handicapped; all,  have  "piggy-backed" on the Civil Rights Movement; weakening its impact.

Montesquieu, In Spirit of the Laws,  1784, explains how Europeans learned from the Egyptians how to discriminate by skin color.  He implicates Christianity as a major tool in the European efforts.  "Divide and Conquer" is the strategy that has served Europeans well, throughout History; both within Europe and without!  That strategy is buried in just about everything they do.  As a distinct "minority" on this planet, we can understand that mind-set.  In 2015, however, after so many failures at "appealing for fair treatment" from Whites, it is long past time to consider why those attempts failed.  President Obama's RECEPTION, and white reaction to TRAYVON's killing, certify the failure of the earlier Movements!  Religion has been replaced by MONEY as the weapon used to "Divide"!!  

The power to "Divide" is a precondition to Conquest.  From the days of the Spanish in the Caribbean, South America, and Mexico;  and, from the French and English Histories in, what is now, the United States and Canada, European behavior has been uniform.  Overwhelmed by Technology and/or Religion,  Blacks and Natives became permanently Divided; and then "locked-down",  under Control!  Throughout Africa, the Middle East, India, (until 1947), China during the Opium Wars -- the pattern is consistent.

Within the United States, the strategy is used effectively against all Non-white Groups, along the lines of a"going-in" Plan revealed by De Tocqueville.   The Plan required immediate annihilation of Native Peoples, "Work Blacks", slowly, to Death", as Slaves, and rule with "Laws" and Social Rules, crafted to sustain White Hegemony.

To overcome that History,  Blacks have believed that THEY, too, could use Christianity as their tool to overcome those historical behaviors.  Moral appeals have failed, and Blacks remain deeply "Divided" by White Laws and Institutions.  Native and "Hispanic"  survivors bear their own version of this History.  The lack of unity evidenced by "Black Lives Matter" (its current "face" is young, Black, and female); is its greatest "challenge"??

Stay Vigilant!! In today's, Global World, versions of yesterday's Grievances, require MORE ORGANIZATION and effective unity, to address them!!  They cannot be limited by gender, or RACE, because there are too many persons to "Look" like too many others!   Former boundaries, within which these Grievances could be addressed in the past, HAVE DISAPPEARED!!

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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

2016: TRUMP .. and, a (usa) "FRENCH" revolution??

Can U  hear "The Donald", now?? "I AM THE STATE"!!

Roger Stone was on "Mourning Joe's" show this morning, providing us new insights into "The Donald", and, why Stone resigned from Trump's Campaign. (see Jessica Firger:

Stone is a savvy veteran of many national campaigns and seems to know how to "Package" candidates enough,so that they canl pass the"smell test"  and "get-elected"  by Amerikan Voters.

He provided fresh insights into our children, born since 1980, that all voters should hear.
He believes that "The Donald" could be elected as President, in 2016, as a Republican!  That tells me how incredibly WEAK the Repoobs in their Field of Candidates are!  For racial reasons, I find the two, off-white, Cubans most interesting.  One, timidly will "go after" Trump; while the other, whiter one, "sucks-up"!  Speaks volumes of what those guys think of our Voters??

Back to Louis the XIV, and that other "revolution":  the Rabble ("grass-roots", in the usa) was "plenty-pissed", then, as now.  Seems the FAT CATS spent up all the money, leaving the  little people to starve.
"The Donald" may have the larger ego??  History doesn't tell us much about how "thin" Louie's "skin" was!  He sure as hell cared more about himself than anyone else?

As the for the guillotine?  Trump's tongue, will suffice??  Master Marco would be mortally wounded in two "snaps"!!

Stay Vigilant!  Our ancient lies, told by those who think they run this country, may be "bubbling" to the surface?  They're having trouble holding Ferguson down!!  Someone should check on Bob McCollough ... the Prosecutor, who "Didn't"??  What's he up to these days?  Note the announcement of all the Attorneys General in our several States who have been "caught" breaking the LAW!!

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Monday, August 10, 2015

Are REPUBLICANs "Sowing the Whirlwind" ??

Nixon's "Race" Nightmare??

The GOP must "rue the day" they let Tricky Dick convince them to "steal" the Sewer States away from the Democrats; to build their political future!  Dick (the first one?) also set the stage for the Race Mess we're facing, by stuffing all of us into Race Boxes;  dividing us up for the Constitutionally-Required Census, every decade.  Reagan came along, advised by Roger Ailes and Lee Atwater, to campaign on Race, and to win his Presidency in 1980.  That set the stage for the Meltdown, under the 2nd "Dick", who, leading Dubya by the nose, brought down our economy in 2008!

Given a Pass, and told to "go shopping"; all but 1% of our Brave White Males, took them up on it!
Now, scripted and outfitted by Hollywood, these jerks, talking like bullies, and armed better than our troops were during the time of Shock and Awe, are pretending to PROTECT us??  Trump isn't the only CLOWN in this Mess!

As we watch and hear what's left of the GOP  bubble and hiss in our Media,  Ailes (Atwater has passed on) reaps Big Bucks from his years of "advice" to politicians.  A Kewpie Doll; painted, and scripted, and put before cameras, by FOX, was "attacked" by TRUMP!  This time, for sure, TRUMP was heralded to be "Toast"!! NOT!!; -- his ratings show that his Sewer, and Red State Supporters  are steadfast!.

ALL Parties; Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, and Progressive, are convinced that they can continue to finesse Race: to ignore our Institutionalized Caste structure that has served Whites so well since our Civil War.  We see it in our elections, our Public Education, Policing, our Prison Industry, the NFL, the NBA, Hollywood, and throughout our "NEWS" MEDIA.  Whites are running out of rope in their insistence to keep a blind-eye as Violence mounts on our streets.  White Supremacists seek reliance on two piglets, descended from Latin Oligarchies; to provide them a buffer?? 

The election of the first Black President was an opportunity for Whites to dispense with their age-old practices; but they "were forgiven", and chose, instead, to reward Republicans for their churlish and unpatriotic behaviors against our Constitution and our time-proven Governing Traditions.  They have suborned overt intervention by a Foreign (so-called) Ally into our Domestic Politics!  all of this in efforts to maintain historic white privilege, to spite demographic facts, of their declining numbers.

Stay Vigilant!  The Horriffic Race Murders in "God's House" in Charleston, has had no impact on Whites, nor convinced them that they must change their ways.  They prefer their Armed Bullies; thinking, that way, they will be PROTECTED??  A clear-thinking Five-Year-Old, would know better!  Where were these "imposters-before-cameras", in 2003??

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Sunday, August 9, 2015

the "WRONG" party??

Let it be written that on August 6, 2015, there came forth a NEW POLITICAL PARTY!  
It shall be known as The WRONG Party!

Before a Live Audience of barely "potty-trained" individuals, 
who posed as thinking, and Voting Adults; and, a Television Audience of 24 million 
(who swallowed the thing whole); and, 36 million (who could stand at least
parts of it); Donald-di-Trump took a DUMP
on, what remained of, the GOP!

Donald Trump was quick to see that the Tea Party metastasized; killing the GOP, in what looks like a Duel in which both sides were mortally wounded, and failed to survive! Hence: the WRONG PARTY stands in their stead!  They found (so far) 17 proponents for their WRONG Policies!

Wrong: on RACE (their old stand-by); Wrong: on Women, (thanks to a revised "Diane-Sawyer-with-an-EDGE": Wrong on the IRAN Deal: Wrong on Health-Care:  Wrong on the Economy:  Wrong about our Constitution: Wrong on "Policing":  Wrong on Law and Order:  Wrong on Human Rights: Wrong on War and Peace: Wrong on "Guns" and "Stand Your Ground": Wrong on National Defense: Wrong on TAXES: Wrong on Social Security: Wrong on our National Budget ...  I challenge you to add to this list!!

Stay Vigilant!  Of course they will manage to KEEP Obamacare, and the Iran Deal, because they pass the "common sense" test for Safety and Stability -- but not until Obama is out of office, and one among them is bright enough to come up with different names for Obama's achievements!

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Saturday, August 8, 2015

GOP: "UNFIT" to "Govern ..." ??

...a "Multi-Cultural Nation" ??

 Every candidate, in Thursday's Debate,  whether in the "Big-Boys" version, or, at the "Kiddie-Table"; strove mightily to "Distance" themself, from the Poor, the Non-White, and, led by TRUMP, from"Women"!!

They all can fairly be described as "Anti-Social",  -- none more-so than TRUMP!!
Anti-Social Governors who seek control of Multi-Cultural and Mixed-Race States, bring deep troubles  as seen in,  Syria, Iraq, and Israel.  Draconian Actions, that follow Draconian Policies, are spreading bloodshed, and displaced peoples for the entire world to deal with!  The wreckage, mayhem, and deep disruptions affecting every Nation, are mounting by the day.  The "Anti-Socials" know only to "fight fire; with fire"!

The GOP has been successful at spreading their Hate-filled RED to many of our States, They have converted formerly moderate and well-governed States, like Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Colorado,  to their Narrow, Hate-filled Policies and Practices.    They have amassed a sufficient amount of power, to seriously constrict Governing.  Bullying, Name-Calling, and "banging" for War, are their dominate traits.  They don't understand the difference between Governing, and Dictating.  

Stay Vigilant!  We need leaders who will "Work-Together" across Color, Class, and Gender Lines.
"Training" will not convert people like Dillon Roof or Darren Wilson!  FOX, and similar MEDIA, pose threats to the futures for all of us!

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Friday, August 7, 2015

GOP: and "BLACK/white " (different(?) "mind-sets"??

What a Night!!

August 6, 2015:  a HUGE day for the Books?  Jon Stewart bade us: "goin' for a drink" , as his FAREWELL, after 16 years of Late-Night "muckin'" with Amerika's "Mass-Mind(s)"!  The certifiably insane Repoobs, who took over the Republican Party a decade or more ago, gave their strongest demonstration, yet, that the GOP is headed back to its "Know-Nothing" Roots!  Seventeen (count 'em) Political Lilliputians who think they have the "grey-matter" to competently lead this Nation.; "Acted like scripted Fools" before our Nation's TV Cameras.  After Eight Years of indisputable proof of the scale of Horror they can bring us; too many White Citizens still take these Clowns, Seriously??

My years in Private Industry taught me that most white males I encountered, felt that all Persons of Color had "sh*t for brains"!  Their fellow-citizens seemed to agree with them, last night??  The real tragedy is, they could be RIGHT!  Whites have inherited centuries of progeny from black wombs that have been owned or controlled by white males, and, are very easily persuaded to any "mind-settings" that Sewer-State-Whites choose!  "Religion" was used to spoon it into them; after the LASH, and LYNCHING were sufficiently frowned upon.  The GOP candidates, last night, showed that they have extended this view to Latinos!! (Mexican-variety, for starters)??

Rubio and Cruz are running with that bunch;  like "Chickens" assisting "Colonel Sanders"??  Those "neighbors", targeted by TRUMP, look and sound dangerously like these "off-color" Repoobs??  Whites, honing their own ambitions and desire for Media Riches, are cheering them on!

Stay Vigilant!  (Jon Stewart used this, in his "sign-off", last night -- seems his writers have been reading this Blog since 2011)??  POTUS is using it more and more, also -- maybe he "caught it from Stewart??)  Back to the So-Called "Debate" last night:  W.E.B. Du Bois, was born in 1868, and died in 1963.  He was an arch-foe of "Booker-T", whose "Uncle Tom" beliefs curse this Nation to this day.  If you get a copy of The Nation's 150th Anniversary Issue, and read his 1956 article, pg. 102, you will find his description of  "Politics" in the United States; you will see where these "Lilliputians" got their ideas, and Mind-sets, that provide the basis for their Political "Shock n' Awe"??

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Thursday, August 6, 2015

are BLACK(s) calling-in "STRIKE(s) on their "OWN" people

MEDIA "Leaks"??

White Pollsters don't report it; but, perhaps some enterprising Black Pollster "should"??  Rewind to the North Charleston "Murder by Cop"; caught on videotape -- to the "shock" of the Nation!  It leaked out in one of the reports, that the wife  of the man  who was shot in the back,  CALLED THE COP(s); because of a dispute over "Child Support"!  It would be helpful to know what she expected the Cops to do??

Check out a report a day or so ago about a "Community-Organizing" Event, in its planning stage,  in Oakland, CA.  It leaked out that Black Women of the "community", are Demanding the presence of Cops to "protect" them from their OWN Children!!  What's going on here?  Are Willie-Lynch -Laws still in full effect within Black Relationships in 2015?  How widespread is this?  Could this be the REAL Problem, hidden within other, more familiar and visible shells??

Police Organizations are beginning to complain to MEDIA, about unfair treatment by SOCIETY!!
They make the case that (White?) Institutions and Policies have continually increased many Social Pathologies that are related to the Poor, Non-White, and otherwise Marginalized members of our Social Fabric.  In addition to that increase, Society and Governments have concentrated those Pathologies and expect POLICE to deal with them!  Good Cops are, understandably, frustrated and angry about this!  Bad Cops are turning more Lethal!  We recently saw a videocam "capture" a White Cop "pocketing" cash he "confiscated from a Black Victim.  This stuff has been going on, out of sight, for a century or more!  Good Cops place their own lives and careers in jeopardy if they do anything to stop the practice.

Stay Vigilant!  Until all vestiges of Willie-Lynch-Law is stamped out among People of Color, there can be no serious Solidarity and Unity upon which to make any meaningful Progress from the Sewers developed during Slavery and Jim Crow.

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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

"HAPPY 84th" !!

An Update: for an Amazing Feat!

My long-term readers will remember, about 1000 Posts back, that my family suffered a tragedy, in 1945, that framed the lives of all within it.  A Mother died, leaving behind 8 living children, ranging in age from 14,  to the age of 2!  A ninth child died, along with  Mother, after both struggled through an horrific childbirth.  On August 6th, that 14 year-old turns 84!

Of the remaining 8 children,3 are still alive: the Birthday Girl; then, 14 yr-old;  a boy, almost 11 years old; and a boy,who had  just-turned, 6 years old.  Mother had accompanied me to school, for first grade, the week before she died.  The boys who were 6 and 11, are both alive, and are Retired Military Officers, with completed second careers.  Today's Birthday Girl, is also the Mother of 8 children; and, more Grand-Children than persons of our advanced years can easily count.

Of the 8 children alive in 1945, all, but one, finished College.  Three of us acquired Graduate Degrees.

All of this came about, from steadfast values,  strong support from family, and, from a black community.  It happened over a time of Rigid Segregation, and, in the "Border" State of Missouri,

Happy Birthday, Sis!

Stay Vigilant!  We are proof of what can be accomplished when a black child is given a strong work ethic early in life, and has strong MALE parental supports (both Father, and Grandfather).  We are also beneficiaries of a Black Community that fully protected its children!

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Wanna "Catch" the BAD GUYs? ... Follow da' MONEY!!


Peter Drucker told us a story, in class, in the 80s, about Walter Wriston, former chairman of Citicorp.  Following the "shocks" to the world economy that followed the Commodity and Oil Crises of the Nixon-Era 70s, Wriston, reportedly, came up with the idea that Loans, made to Sovereign States, could never be Defaulted!

So,  junior Banking Execs were soon roaming our Planet, with suitcases full of money to "Lend" to Sovereign States.  In most places, and, Latin America, in particular , that meant "lending" money to Oligarchic "families" posing as "Governments".

Banks, it turns out, are not like you and me; their world turns to crap when they have Too Much Money!  That money must be loaned out to earn more money; or, the Bank is in trouble!.

It didn't take long, for that money to "pile-up" in the hands of the Dictators and Oligarchies; so Wall Street,  was soon joined by new Money-Center-Banks, in places like Los Angeles, Chicago, and Miami (newest).  Those places  became "flooded" with Banks bulging in new "deposits" from afar.  Global Poverty soon spiked, as the Dictators,, "dumped" their Debts on the Backs of their Poor Citizens.

You have to realize: MONEY, (always) "GOES TO MONEY"!!  It didn't take long for Our Politicians to figure that out, so, with the Blessings of Mad Ronnie, "GREED was GOOD" (again; in Amerika)!!

We're now living in a World Economy that,  that kind of Greed leads to.

Fast forward to the Second Chapter, that appeared after 9/11, and shortly after Peter died in 2005; we were devastated by 2008!, courtesy of "Dick and Dubya" and the Rabble that put them in office (aided and abetted by Bush v. Gore).  (are u keepin' up?)

There were a belated series of actions taken by various NGOs (No-Good-Organizations?) to "aljust" 
World Poverty.  So far, there have been no serious efforts to "Catch" those BAD GUYs, who were responsible for 2008.  Could it be that there are too many of them?  Do they have TOO MUCH MONEY? R they too "Well-connected"?  Or, have we created our OWN OLIGARCHIES??

Stay Vigilant!  The Poor Suckers who sell and traffic Drugs, either wind up using them, or, wind up DEAD!  They almost never wind us RICH!  It's easy,however, to see who DOES become RICH!  You can whistle, but don't POINT??

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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

"OZ" meets 'GONE wit-da' WIND' ??

What if ; "dey-iz ain't" GONE??

I was born 76 years ago.  That was 14 years after Hollywood produced "Birth of a Nation", a filthy Propaganda Piece that glorified the KKK, and promised they would "Protect" Whites.  JIM CROW was 44 years old, and nobody, then, much questioned "White Supremacy".  The year I was born, Hollywood produced "Gone With The Wind", AND "The Wizard of Oz".  "Gone" was a Propaganda Piece, (still very popular) that justified the continuance of Hatreds for the "Union", and the nursing of Vengeance against the victors in our Civil War.  "OZ", takes us to a make-believe land where Power, hidden behind a "curtain", dominates people's lives through Terror and Fear.

In the year I was born, Adolph Hitler launched his Blitzkrieg into Eastern Europe.  In 2015, we have a very powerful "News" network that has commandeered the National Airwaves, and one of our TWO National Parties, to dictate the "Rules" for the Presidential Election of 2016!  The Citizens I knew in the Forties, and the Fifties, would be yelling, not only NO!, but HELL, NO!!  in response!  Instead, we have mass cheering, and an echo-chamber of support throughout our Media.  These "silly-sh*ts" think this is "entertainment"!!  Is this what one hundred years of Hollywood Propaganda has set the stage for?  No doubt about it;  Our "Education" System is atrocious!  ... for everyone, Kindergarten thru Grad School!!

The Old South has grown in power and influence to a point where it has destroyed government at the Federal Level., We've never sunk this low since our Founding!   The Old South, in the name of Christianity, is rapidly spreading its sludze, turning our States RED.   We have permanent Grid-Lock, as far as the eye can see.  Our State Legislatures are being undermined by Rabid Extreme Right Organizations.  In these times, frustrated citizens yearn for a Dictator!

Enter: THE DONALD!  Right on Cue!  "Businessman Supreme", Master "Salesman"!  The perfect Trojan Horse, to take down a Democracy ... From WITHIN! 

Stay Vigilant!  We've been taught to HATE "Government"!   We don't realize that "Government", funded by Taxes, is what makes our POOP disappear, as if by MAGIC; every time we FLUSH!  Wanna get RID of That??  We Know:  Democracies Decline Toward FACISM!!   TRUMP ties "Government" to Corporations, and to Big Banks .. both entities that everyone also claims to HATE.  In 1915, what was KKK; has,become, in 2015, NRA??  Let's GET A GRIP, Folks!!

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Monday, August 3, 2015

The "Prophets" - JOSEPH??

Daily "Mind-Conditioners"??

Nothing 'revs-up" the start of my Day, like the Prophets-Joseph: one on MSNBC  (Scarborough, comes with a "kicker"); and one on CNBC (Kernan).  One, "for the MONEY", the other, "for the SHOW"!  Sorry, FOX, I was taught as a child, never to play in "pig-sh*t"!! 

As our Country rushes, pell-mell, into its 21st-Century Version of Global White Supremacy, these two "Joe's" train us to "hearken" to the messages from what may become a New Religion?   For a certain segment of the world's Whites; those who yearn for the return of Cortes, and, who find "Cheney/Bush" to have been "inadequate" -- get ready for what follows The DONALD??  The Republican Party has pursued Nixon's Design to new extremes.  It's not yet clear who-all is "behind the curtain" in this New OZ; but, no doubt, Ailes is there, and, possibly Rupert (?); to provide permanent Mega-Phone MEDIA support?  What the "Neo-Cons" ginned-up for Cheney/Bush may be "pablum", compared to what the DONALD is Trumpin' For?  TRUMP has put his right (wing) words to what Cheney/Bush DID, with disastrous effects for all of us!  Is the Old-Time, Christian Religion no longer good-enough for them?  Will they be even more "in the open" in their desire to KILL their competitors, and INVADE everyone else?  Starting to sound like it.  It's no longer, only the OLD Whites that are associated with these sentiments.  TRUMP has escalated the Movement to Open Warfare among White Politicians; Right-Left-and-Center!  Never seen this, before!

Stay Vigilant!  Be careful what you "root" for; you just might "get-it"??  Was 2008, not BAD ENOUGH?

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Sunday, August 2, 2015

(Repoob) CAMPAIGN; and their "BASE"??

makin' "Sense"??

Did you see the new TV Ad (?), shot from the rear, of a (white) Toddler, precariously negotiating a long hall-way;  while, making its way to the windows?  The baby appears to be about 9 months old.  Let's wonder:  "Good Bet; that Baby is not yet Racist"??  The Clown Car awaits FOX News as it decides which Candidates among them will "make the cut-off" for their first "DEBATE" on Thursday night.  Since we can safely assume Babies don't enter this World with pre-knowledge of white-skin-racism, it is safe to assume that this, willingly-admitted "Racist Nation" will soon set about the task of "enlightening" this beautiful, new, un-corrupted creature!

How else to explain why their Clown Car has occupants who, less than 35 years ago, for some, could have been this Toddler?  Whites, when admitting that we are, indeed, a Racist Nation, often add the phrase:  "we've come a long way, but we have a long way to go"!  They don't specify the direction ahead, but it obviously is "circular"??  How else to explain the likes of Dillon Roof?  Now that White South Africa has walked away from its Apartheid; the U.S. A. assumes its place in the list of nations clinging to virulent and Murderous White Racism.  We learn weekly how Blacks must take greater precautions against Murderers who lurk within our Police Forces.

TRUMP shows us the growing Power and Reach of this "BASE", that the Republicans covet so much attention from -- along with their never-ending CASH??  Castenada, former Secretary of Foreign Affairs for Mexico, cites the deep concerns of Mexico, the Caribbean, and South America, in response to TRUMP's vicious attacks against those populations.  Even though Obama no longer poses any electoral threat to the Republicans, they can't quit their maligning of the President.  Of course, none of the Candidates will admit to being Racist, themselves.  This shows the pure "mind-eff-ery", so rampant in this Campaign!

Foreign Affairs Magazine, in its publication The Clash at 20, notes ties back to Religion and Tribe, to explain the rise in significance of the phenomenon at work within the Republican Campaign for 2016.  To see the RAW POWER of these forces, watch God Loves Uganda, an Independent Lens production that airs on PBS.  These young "Christians", from IHOP (not the pancake folk), in Kansas City, MO, systematically incite the citizens of Uganda to Murder each other!  Those young white Americans insinuate themselves into power over that entire Nation, by taking control of their Government Leaders, in the name of the Christian Religion.  No population, weakened by centuries of ignorance and poverty can withstand such a juggernaut in search of Power!  The Republican Party has been a direct "player" in this sad affair.

Stay Vigilant!  According to Foreign Affairs, the phenomenon is not limited to the United States!  Religion, and the extreme Paranoia it can employ, is at work in many places on the Globe; spreading violence and hatred, in the name of Jesus!

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