Who "gives" ..?
Tonight, our First Black President, in his 7th year, will deliver his 6th State of the Union Message to a Joint Session of Congress. (his first year doesn't "count"): http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/sou.php
This year he will face a Congress CONTROLLED by his sworn enemies who represent the Republican Party. Dedicated-in-concert against him, because he is "not one of them" (racially, that is); their reprehensible activities, joyfully exposed in our "Conservative" MEDIA, are well known by all, by now!
Our MEDIA, also has demonstrated, clearly, that it is owned by whites, and is for the whites. The Trayvon Martin Trial will replace the Scottsboro Case?? Even our non-white "selectees" who serve as talking heads in Media, mouth scripts dictated by whites. Test Case: White Media Heads constantly decry the "lack of moderate Muslims". The whites are the MEDIA, however, and are supposed to be REPORTING their findings ot us. NONE of them has reported any attempt to FIND and/or REPORT on efforts to SEARCH for them! Even those Moderate Muslims who seek to identify themselves are EXCLUDED from view by white MEDIA. So, go figure!
As for the rest of us Non-Whites; there is no report.! We're left to continue PRETENDING that we are included, when White MEDIA has made it perfectly clear, otherwise. "Ferguson", New York City, the Sewer States, in general -- 2014 made it extremely hard for Blacks, in particular, to keep clinging to Phylis Wheatley's line: ... "refin'd ..(to) .. join the Angelic train". Condi was so "refin'd; moreso than Clarence with his white trophy, that it turned our stomachs! The slaughter of black males by Cops, added to more slaughter, without appropriate punishment, by white citizens, has begun an AWAKENING unlike any before. We will NOT be put back to sleep!
Because of the USA's leadership position, this phenomenon is spreading around the world. Pope Too had to put on his Extravaganza to keep Phillipino's "in the fold" -- even when they are 'populating' faster than they can feed or house their new-born! Then there's Africa, where very little that matters has changed over the past 500 years of European Rule. (Let's not pretend Europe "left AFRICA" in any important way, since the 1960's). Boko Horom appears to be adequately ARMED with sophisticated modern weaponry NOT MADE IN AFRICA! Might we Consult our Katzenjammers in the Senate about this?
There is a common thread throughout all of this that the White Media downplays, or ignores: it the curse of IDLE YOUNG MALES -- everywhere you look. We. the masters at imprisoning young non-white males, KNOW that, regardless of color, MOST CRIMES are committed by MALES between the ages of 16 and 26. That's why past generations in this country kept those males OCCUPPIED with work, or the Military! This issue, when solved, Globally, will solve most other issues -- INCLUDING ISUS!
Stay Vigilant! All of the easy CHANGE has taken place; NOW is time to start the HARD CHANGES??
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