Depends on WHO-U-Ask??
Is the USA, once again at a "Post-WW-II Moment" ? -- Finding itself the strongest of all the world's economies after a "near-death" Global Collision with "Depression"? Its beginning to look like it. We may be the only ones destined to grow significantly! (Could it be because of our DIVERSITY -- hated so much by the White Right??) Saudi leaders observed this morning (on the Telly) that oil prices won't go back up right away.
"That's Good News!; Folks. EXCEPT; for those who want to have and raise children, in what used to be "traditional American families"!! As President Obama said the other night, just "Try It"!! Virtually No (middle-class Family) can survive on just a "single income" in 2015.
Unless yor and your spouse are supported by some Trust, or Foundation, or other "non-profit gimmick" , like those spreading like weeds; you "C'ain't Make-It"! Only those businesses who can get away with hiring massive amounts of "workers" to shift the costs of "Doin' bizness" onto; or, you're engaged in some flat-out ILLEGAL activity like "shakin' down" people or businesses, or selling illicit products, or hawkin' some Religion to the blindly "faithful" -- I can't imagine how you and yours will SURVIVE; much less, thrive! If you, somehow, manage to get everybody fed and housed, WHAT DO YOU TEACH YOUR CHILDREN?? The old shibboleths, like "get an education" and "stay out of trouble"; are wearing thin. Much more than a single "income" is required for familites to survive in 2015.
Stay Vigilant! Snake Oil!, Snake Oil!, anybody still buyin'?? There may be an alternative for future generations, however, -- stay tuned?
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