Here We Go Again??
The KKK and the Urban Ethnic "Gangs" (organized crime) are CENTRAL to the history of the United States following our Civil War. "Protection Rackets" were the life-blood of Urban Racketeers as they terrorized small businesses. "Night-Riding" was the life-blood of whites in Rural and Southern areas as they kept the Blacks, Browns, and others non-white, under their "control". The KKK morphed into our Political Parties, and, as the Parties lost their significance in 1960, the wake of Television, their White Supremacy is the life-blood of our Politics, in general. Witness the treatment of President Obama by whites in our politics, in oour "policing" and in our Media, and you can easily see this, if you're not "selectively blind". Governor Christie, no matter how clean or dirty you think he is, is certainly a bully, and proud to be. He also was a Lawyer and a Prosecutor!
In the wake of the French Tragedies of the past week or so, the European nations, who cursed the Americas with their skin-color racism, are showing us their version of both "Protection Rackets" and the KKK. Most consider it 21st Century Policing. Rubrics like "Freedom of Speech" (which has never been understood or supported bythe masses of whites in the USA), and "Religious Tolerance" are being bandied-about; but the NON WHITE VICTIMS Know what is Really Happening!
In a recent interview with Charlie Rose, Policie Commissioner Bratton revealed the petty grievances the NYPD levels at Mayor DiBlasio's WIFE and his children. Sounds like the old Ethnic Gangs to me! Trigger-Happy Militaristic "Troops" fill our T.V. screens as heavily armed whites "round-up Muslims". How close are they to the Storm Troopers of old?
Stay Vigilant! There's a mighty-thin line between Democracy and Tyranny where RACE is involved! When people are punished for what it is feared they might do, Democracy Dies!!
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