Martin said: "It Will Not Be Easy"
However, even HE would be shocked, on this day of Observance of the Holiday in his name, I'm sure, at what has "unravelled" since the Civil Rights achievements of the 1960s. The instruments of Destruction have been many: MEDIA; Mitch McConnell and John Boehner; our ultra-Right Supreme Court; Hollywood and its minions; Trump; Eastwood; O'Mara in Florida; "Ferguson"; the NYPD; and the failure of two-thirds of U.S. voters to participate in the 2014 Election. In their wake; Denial of the Right to Vote; Sharply diminished "Equal-Opportunity" and blatant employment Discrimination, implemented by Foreign and other off-shore procedures for hiring, firing, and Pay.
Do "Black" Lives Matter? Do "Non-white: Lives Matter? To whom? and How Much? A 13-year-old Black Youth who pleads for simple "Safety" will be featured in tomorrow's State of the Union Address by President Obama. We wait to see if this Extreme-White-Right Congress will "heckle" the President, again, tomorrow.
From Ferguson, to Paris; from Miami to Hollywood, to the EU; the "goose-steps" of Extreme White Racism can be heard. During this 100th Anniversary of "Birth of A Nation", Clint Eastwood is celebrating his film: The American Sniper! This sniper sprang from the close-knit band of fighters that bonded in Iraq, post-Abu-Ghraib. There are two other famous American Snipers we reflect on today: Lee Harvey Oswald and James Earl Ray! Kudos to Clint??
Not to be out-done, Trump finds MEDIA "trumpin'-up" controversy between Israelis and Palestinians in his Miami-based "Miss Universe" extravanganza. Both Trump and Clint aligned themselves with the viciously anti-Obama, White and Malignant Right Republicans during the 2012 Election Campaign.
Whether its White vs. Black in the U.S.; Afro-Cuban v. Lighter-Skinned varieties in Cuba (and Miami); or Christian (white) v. Islamists in Europe; the Planet is in a sad spot. Polls show that the Public in the U.S. rates "Divided" as the condition they are most concerned with here at home.
Black children (called Plurals to denote their place following Millenials) are just NOW learning about Civil Rights, through the movie SELMA. Hollywood and its "Academy" has reverted-to-type, by excluding all Blacks from this years' Nominations.
Stay Vigilant! This CANNOT all be "Coincidence" . The Malignant White Right has "over-achieved", Globally! Joe Biden, quoting Martin King today, cites "Separation" as the cause of our troubles. Today we're no longer "Separated", and yet Discrimination increases and Equal Opportunity dies. WE NEED COORDINATED, GLOBAL STRATEGIES TO FIGHT THIS, or, Opportunity, for all, dies!
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