A Time To Reflect??
On this Superbowl Weekend: when some of us are beginning to believe that the NFL is growing into a (corrupt) Deity for Americans in the U.s., (given the events in 2014 that kept it in the news -- like "Redskins" A young lady "knocked cold" on videotape; intrusion into the privacy of a parent disciplining a child; "soft-balls" -- to name a few); should we all take just a moment to ponder our New Deities??
You might think; when Religions have to go to war with each other to assert their primacy; both may be about to Die?? The history of mankind includes many cycles of Gods: born; only to war , weaken and die! They are quickly replaced with new Gods. Putin is working on his new Religion in Russia, and citizens of the U.S., losing faith in their governments Federal, and state, and their politics, are seeming to worship things like Organized Sports, Technology, Money, and Whiteness!
Can we "get a grip"; and see what we're doing. In my more than fifty years working on the leading edge of technology; paid for by U.S. taxpayers, in order to win the Cold War,one thing is plain: those who tend to worship technology, and form cults around technology products, are most often those who don't understand the first thing about technological development, and how those developments find their way into products. Many a charlatan enters the picture along the way! Most technologies are grossly misunderstood and misused in early stages of their existence.
We're living in a time when technological break-throughs are focused backward to earlier, uglier times; to re-awaken things like human slavery (wage-slavery, today); and new forms, or methods of warfare (the many faces of "information" technology, which destroy information and substitutes "assertsion" !! In the "Communication Age", the first to die is "communication"! Nobody can Listen, anymore.
Stay Vigilant! The weak of mind are easily confused; then fooled; then LED! 2016 is not that far away! Beware Politicians in Religious Clothing!
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