Sunday, January 4, 2015


Break the "Code" ??

If all vestiges of DOMINANT Racism were stamped out; would "Racism" disappear?  Confused Blacks from our Sewer States think that the disappearance of "Bull Connor and the Dogs", means that our nation has become "Post-Racial"!!
In my Thesis, (1972), pgs 71-72, I referenced  JOEL KOVEL's definitions of DOMINATIVE and AVERSIVE Racism:

"A dominative  racist is one who acts out bigoted belief.  Whether a night rider in the South or a member of a mob protesting open housing in Chicago, he represents the open flame of race hatred.  Adefinitive ambition is expressed through all his activity:   he openly seeks to keep the black man down, and he is willing to use force to further his ends."

"An aversive racist is one who believes in white race superiority and is more or less aware of it, but does nothing overt about it.  An intrapsychic battle goes on between these sentiments and a conscience which seeks to repudiate them, or at least to prevent the person from acting wrongly upon them.  This often means not to act at all, and such inaction serves as the only resolution of the inner conflict.  Because of this, the person tends to behave in ways that avoid the issue:  he tries to ignore the existence of black people, tries to avoid contact with them, and at most to be polite, correct and cold in whatever dealings are necessary between the races.  Aversion is his most characteristic style of handling the race problem.  Within this type we find at one extreme those individuals who, upon threat - such as when a black gets "too close" - lapse into dominative racism; and, at the other, those who, impelled by a strong social conscience, consider themselves liberals, and despite their sense of aversion (which may not even be admitted inwardly), do their best within the given structure of society to ameliorate the conditions of the Negro.  Aversion in these variants is revealed in a pronounced willingness to undertake social reform via remote, impersonal means, and by a corresponding reluctance to engage in any kind of intimacy with black people."

From the "Hub-Bub" in today's Sunday-Talks, many a white talking head is struggling with these issues in dealing with "Selma" and the 1965 Voting Rights Act, and with the Racist NYPD Cops who have singled out their Mayor because of the Racial Mix of his family.  The Mayors "sensitivities" to the needs of his family are taken as "Insensitive" to the interests of the whites on the Force!  These Cops are clearly in the Dominative Stage of Racism, as are their brethren who hastily gun down or strangle their victims.  To place them "above the law", as our white politicians are too hasty to do, puts the LIE to the claim that 'We are a Nation of Laws"!!

Now comes a Repoob Congress, fresh off their victory fed by Aversive Racism.  McConnell's treatment of Grimes, forcing her to "distance" herself from the Black President, is a classic case of a "Closet" Dominitave?

Stay Vigilant!  In the privacy of your own closet, you (whatever color) might "try-on" these definitions to see where they "Fit"??

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