Saturday, January 3, 2015

GOP: "WHITE-WASH" (time)??

"Crackers" Bid for Another Round??

About the Nicest Thing that can be said for the city of Miami, is that Sidney Poitier was born there in 1927.  Those of you who violently  dis-agree can quietly, and gently, K.m.A!

Wanna know what the GOP is up to as they line up to do final battle with President Obama in the next two years?  Take a look at Stanley Kramer's PRESSURE POINT, (1962), starring Sidney and Bobby Darin.  That will send chills down your spine if you have a brain firing on at least 50 cylinders.  It could'a been released in 2014, but genius(es) like Kramer aren't around these days.
He was born in 1913 and died in 2001.  Bobby Darin (most know for his "Mack-The-Knife"), put in one whale of a performance, up against Sidney as his "Shrink".  Watch this film and you will see, up close, the kind'a garbage Mitch played with, and Boehner  has lived with over the past six years.  Both; Ohio River Rats, Mitch and John are at least "kissin cousins" to the garbage.

Now that they have the Congress, they're both "preening" and trying to clean their skirts.  David Duke, the White-Right's "mayhem in a bottle", was born in Tulsa in 1950, and strongly resembles the kind of slime Kramer features in PRESSURE POINT.  Although he was 12 years old when the film was released, the character played by Darin, at the age of 15, could well have been Duke.  Duke is now firmly rooted in Louisiana, along with his understudy; Bobby Jindal.

Content to be "disrespectful and unrespectable" along with the other GOP Trash that paraded before MEDIA since 2008; both Mitch and John have to "clean up their act" now that they "own" Congress.
Like the floosies they slept with the night before, the Sewer Rats of the Deep South can't be seen with the GOP in the light of day.  Hence the "Boy, was I Drunk" response from Boehner's second-in-command; who was caught "sleepin' with" Duke.  Duke don't take too kindly to the way he's being treated and is threatening to "OUT" the whole damn bunch!  Should make some juicy reading??

Enter Jeb, also known in places like Miami, who wants to perform the "ballet" of the 21st century as he tries to distance himself from this slime.  Zimmerman and Trayvon; Michael and Darren; and Garner and the NYPD should make the Architect of "Stand YOUR Ground" unfit to run for the Presidency.  If not, then shame on all of us!  When will our Religio-Facist Sewer Critters get tired of being "left at the altar"??  I, for one, would LOVE to see a "knock-down; drag-out" FIGHT on the RIGHT for a change!

Stay Vigilant!  This SHOW ain't OVER??

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