Saturday, January 31, 2015

SPORTS; TECHNOLOGY; MONEY; WHITENESS: Things "Worshipped" in 2015 ??

A Time To Reflect??

On this Superbowl Weekend:  when some of us are beginning to believe that the NFL is growing into a (corrupt) Deity for Americans in the U.s., (given the events in 2014 that kept it in the news -- like "Redskins" A young lady "knocked cold" on videotape; intrusion into the privacy of a parent disciplining a child; "soft-balls" -- to name a few); should we all take just a moment to ponder our New Deities??

You might think;  when Religions have to go to war with each other to assert their primacy; both may be about to Die??  The history of mankind includes many cycles of Gods: born; only to war , weaken and die!  They are quickly replaced with new Gods.  Putin is working on his new Religion in Russia, and citizens of the U.S., losing faith in their governments Federal, and state, and their politics, are seeming to worship things like Organized Sports, Technology, Money, and Whiteness!

Can we "get a grip"; and see what we're doing.  In my more than fifty years working on the leading edge of technology; paid for by U.S. taxpayers, in order to win the Cold War,one thing is plain:  those who tend to worship technology, and form cults around technology products, are most often those who don't understand the first thing about technological development, and how those developments find their way into products.  Many a charlatan enters the picture along the way!  Most technologies are grossly misunderstood and misused in early stages of their existence.

We're living in a time when technological break-throughs are focused backward to earlier, uglier times;  to re-awaken things like human slavery (wage-slavery, today); and new forms, or methods of warfare (the many faces of "information" technology, which destroy information and substitutes  "assertsion" !!  In the "Communication Age", the first to die is "communication"!  Nobody can Listen, anymore.

Stay Vigilant!  The weak of mind are easily confused; then fooled; then LED!  2016 is not that far away!  Beware Politicians in Religious Clothing! 

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Friday, January 30, 2015

GOD (Ain't Got NO Use for) MONEY !!

DON''T need NO money TO DO "GOOD"

If your GOD requires your MONEY, what meaning does the story of Jesus and the Money-Changers in the Temple, HAVE for you?  We know Politicians of the Hard Right (think Republican) NEED Immoral Sums of MONEY to run their campaigns, AND they NEED GOD to run their Campaigns.  Do you really think GOD cares at all about Politics??  If so, where do you find that in YOUR Holy Book??

Is this a time when we all have to recall Moses on the Mount, when he warned the Children of Israel of the dangers of worshipping FALSE GODs??  Is this not a time for all of us, regardless of the GOD we worship, to re-read that story??  I don't know about you, but I feel we've been USED by politicians, citing Biblical inspirations, for Immoral ends.

It was reported that two-thirds of eligible voters DID NOT VOTE in 2014.  That should be grounds for negating the results of the election!  How did we get here?  I've come the conclusion that two Democracies, the U.S.A, and Israel, have trod wrong paths after losing their elected leaders to assassination:  Kennedy in 1963, and Rabin in 1995.  Both Countries have taken sharp political turns to the Hard Right, causing immense hardships for the traditionally marginalized people in each country, and dividing both nations within, while straying from the relationship between these two countries; that began in 1948.  Extreme Right Wing Politics has also played a strong hand in a growing, and metastasizing, 21st Century Crusade.

Stay Vigilant!  2016  is looming as the year that provides us an opportunity to find a path that will lead us back to Sanity -- and back to incomes that permit having and raising families!  This will be essential, if we are to return to economic growth of 5% or more.  Oil collapsed from $145 a barrel to $32 a barrel in 2008!  Oil Collapse has returned!

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Wednesday, January 28, 2015


Make the Distinction

In today's MEDIA, it is easy to mistake DRUM-MAJORS for LEADERS!  Sure, they're out in front; they're most often the first thing anyone sees; they often blow whistles, to attract attention to themselves;  BUT, they only mark Direction, and Keep the Beat!!  THEY SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED TO THINK FOR YOU!  Most are only interested in promoting THEMSELVES!

Stay Vigilant!  Anybody come to MIND??

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"JUSTICE-Delayed" -- Ain't JUSTICE!! ... (Rock Hill, So. Carolina)

"Abused"; then, USED (50 years later)

I certainly HOPE;  that YOUNG Blacks no longer BUY this old game of "Justice 
for y'all, LATER!!

It worked; for those super Religious, and super Stupid, Blacks, in the last century.  Blacks can't afford this stupidity in the 21st Century.  If they do, they Guarantee more "Ferguson" events in their future.  JUSTICE can not exist in separate packages marked "Black" and "White"!  This is an ACT, staged by Whites, to wash their hands of GUILT!  Clinton did it, in AFRICA for the Atlantic Slave Trade; The Senate did it, to excuse their refusal to outlaw Lynching.  Pay attention! -- who are those who get "shafted" in "Performances" like these??  This explains why, in the Sewer States today, most Black-lives are only "barely different" from life for Blacks at the beginning of Jim Crow.    South Carolina was the state used for a Century by Republicans to visit, shout "N*gger", and, then get elected in their Primary.  Today there is an "Old-India" woman as Governor (not as vile as the male version in Louisiana), and a "Black (potted) Plant" to represent  whites of South Carolina, in the Senate.  Some may call that Progress??  Clear your eyes; Free your minds!!

Stay Vigilant!  The U.S.A. will forever PRETEND to be a "Nation of Laws", so long as this foolishness is tolerated!  Stop accepting these tickets to the "Back of the Bus"!!

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Tuesday, January 27, 2015

blacks: 2015-"POST-FERGUSON" ??


January 2015 is on it's way out (leaving us with a "close-shave", via a "SNO-CANE" in our Northeastern Region).  It's not too late, however,  to make that 2015, January, RESOLUTION!   If you are, in any way AFRO, and living anywhere in the AMERICAS (North, South, in between); simply imagine the image left  via MEDIA; by those of us in the United States, who are, in any part Black, for the whole world to see, in 2014.  We're still on our knees, Marchin', and Prayin' ; EXPECTING  "Moral Whites" to set us free!  Ain't Gonna Happen!!

Not unlike the Kurds in Iraq, Iran, and Turkey, who are universally despised in those countries, we need to learn their lesson, and stand up, man, woman, and child, to throw off our closeted agreements with those who despise us!  President Obama has had to fight that opposition, alone, against organized whites in the Republican and Tea Parties.  It's time we learn to stand together and fight back.  The Trayvon Trial, The Ferguson Slaughter, and the New York City Killing, and their aftermath reactions from white institutions and the white population, in general, should make it CLEAR that new strategies and tactics have to be put in place.

As Individuals, we must realize that no LEADER will lead us.  Martin King was about as good as that strategy gets, and he, himself, told us HE would not GET THERE with us.  Without renewed and better informed INDIVIDUAL resolve, WE won't get there either!!

After Ferguson, it has been revealed that Police Units across this country have been routinely killing black and brown victims and NOT Reporting the incidents.  THERE ARE NO WRITTEN RECORDS!  The FAMILIES of the victims KNOW who killed their family members.  We can MAKE OUR OWN Records!!  Citizens know the NAMES of those Killers!  We can surely, in this computer age, compile a DATA BASE??  There are records available of black and brown victims they JAIL; but not for those they KILL.  What's UP with that??

Stay Vigilant!  I'm sure, if we stop believing that we're somehow INFERIOR, and stop running from our Color, WE can gain ground in achieving the Freedom and Respect we seek!!  The Freedom we pray for will not be won for us by any GOD, alone.  God(s) expect us to Help Ourselves, effectively, too!!

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Monday, January 26, 2015

Hi-Tech "GODS" Take Over San Francisco ??

"Hubris" on STEROIDS??

We hear,often, of the immense change Hi-Tech "Workers" have brought to Silicon Valley, San Francisoc, and next, the NATION??  Those living in San Francisco are in the "Cross-Hairs" of their impact.  The metrics of their livelihood are under attack: rents, home prices, food, transportation, and many more costs, are "soaring"  The City, today, is a "far cry"  from the City I found when I arrived in 1959.  Intact, egalitarian, highly affordable, "ethnic" sections of the city were common., and were the mainstay of the City's "Charms"!  The City was welcoming to everyone, even at a time when Blacks and Jews were nationally "marginalized".  The City was guilty, then, of residential segregation, kept alive by the Real Estate Industry,  promptimg "Fair Housing" groups to come into play to find housing for affected groups.  Only the real estate businesses were visibly "discriminatory".  Today, Hi-Tech "Gods", who are unfit to claim a fraction of the respect accorded to the likes of Feynman and Oppenheimer, by those of us who remember them, NOW claim to rule over all aspects of life in the City!

In Silicon Valley, were my daughter was a founding member of a successful Company now trading in the NASDAQ, these new Technocrats are venturing into redefining "Relationships" in a way that holds very little promise for the average citizen, who does not even know much about atoms.  They are toying with "Polyamory", I am told.  Rather than choose between Science or Religion, the stupid among us are endeavoring to make Technology, GOD??

Stay Vigilant!  Take Charge of your OWN MIND!!

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Sunday, January 25, 2015

"SHOOT-em-UP" ? or: DIPLOMACY ??

Knee-Jerk "Reach" for the GUN??

There's "High-Anxiety" on our Hard Right, and they're showing early tendencies of a nervous breakdown, as they realize that President Obama knows what he's doing -- and has been proven, by events, to be CORRECT: both, in his views and  his strategies.

Craven John, and Sniveling Mitch are "stuck" in the "muck" they played in to obtain and secure their positions in our Congress.  John has taken extreme steps in his outreach to the likes of  Netanyahu.  John appears to be the best Netanyahu can do in his frantic efforts to save his political hide in Israel  U.S. Jews will have to choose where their Allegiance lies??.

The "muck"  defines Republican "Conservatism", and is a cancerous mixture of racism, chauvanism, white supremacy, and tribal survival; all stirred into a "stew" in which "Conservatives" will have to navigate their way to 2016.

Internationally, things are tenuous, at best:  Deflation threatens in the E.U.; death of the Saudi Prince; collapse of the Yemini government; just to name a few.  Netanyahu's meddling can only make things worse.  Under the cover of all of these events, Putin is steadily eating away at Ukraine. 

Enter Clint Eastwood, whose career has spanned "Rowdy Yates" to  "American Sniper".  He stopped by the Repoob Convention in 2012, to talk to an empty chair and "disrespect" President Obama for that crowd of "Conservatives".  Clint Capitalizes on the "mass guilt" our public feels for not "getting involved" in Iraq or Iran; and for leaving the heavy sacrifices to 1% of our population.   Hollywood created "shoot-em-ups" from the real story of white, male, "gun-slinger-misfits",  who fled to the West in the early 1800s to terrorize Native Americans,  Hollywood turned them into "moral" figures such as "Cowboys" and 'Texas Rangers".  The Military we got from our post-9/11 invasion of the Middle East gave us Abu Ghraib, and the American Sniper.  The "bonding of brothers"  phenomenon that occurred among them in Iraq, borders on white tribalism; a tribalism that will not permit a participant to return to "normalcy".

The Irony is that Mountain Men (black and white) coexisted in peace with Native Peoples.  When the Gunslingers arrived, along with the Wagon Trains of white settlers,  EVERYTHING transitioned to the sorry history we all know.

Stay Vigilant!  "Conservatives want us to stay stuck in their "muck".  The rest of us know we have to MOVE ON.  James Fallows, of the Atlantic Monthly, decribes the "Tragedy" that has befallen our Military over the interim between 1945 and today.

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Saturday, January 24, 2015

WILL BIG MONEY Bring Back BATISTA (to Cuba)??

Up to Old Tricks??

Our Media Talking Heads are flocking to Cuba.  All, so far, are White (in search of a "Tan"); and the Cameramen accompanying them are "Color-Struck"??  They choose only "near-white" Cubans to
focus their cameras on; and the Talking Heads "talk" only to "near-white" Cubans.  Where are the majority of the Cubans ??  

The Island is majority-populated by AFRO-Cubans, for Pete's Sake!  Can't our Media find at least ONE of the 70% on that island to talk to??

Stay Vigilant!  Andrea Mitchell -- whassup with your choices?  We want to hear form the "typical" Cuban, you know, those who maintain and drive those beautiful old vintage automobiles from the U.S.!

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Friday, January 23, 2015

R "HAPPY DAYS" ... "Here", (again) ??

Depends on WHO-U-Ask??

Is the USA, once again at a "Post-WW-II Moment" ? -- Finding itself the strongest of all the world's economies after a "near-death" Global Collision with "Depression"?  Its beginning to look like it.   We may be the only ones destined to grow significantly!  (Could it be because of our DIVERSITY -- hated so much by the White Right??)   Saudi leaders observed this morning (on the Telly) that oil prices won't go back up right away.

"That's Good News!; Folks.  EXCEPT; for those who want to have and raise children, in what used to be "traditional American families"!!  As President Obama said the other night, just "Try It"!!  Virtually No (middle-class Family) can survive on just a "single income" in 2015.

Unless yor and your spouse are supported by some Trust, or Foundation, or other "non-profit gimmick" , like those spreading like weeds; you "C'ain't Make-It"!  Only those businesses who can get away with hiring massive amounts of  "workers" to shift the costs of "Doin' bizness" onto; or, you're engaged in some flat-out ILLEGAL activity like "shakin' down" people or businesses, or selling illicit products, or hawkin' some Religion to the blindly "faithful" -- I can't imagine how you and yours will SURVIVE; much less, thrive!  If you, somehow, manage to get everybody fed and housed, WHAT DO YOU TEACH YOUR CHILDREN??  The old shibboleths, like "get an education" and "stay out of trouble"; are wearing thin.  Much more than a single "income" is required for familites to survive in 2015.

Stay Vigilant!  Snake Oil!, Snake Oil!, anybody still buyin'??  There may be an alternative for future generations, however, -- stay tuned?

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Thursday, January 22, 2015


BOEHNER: "OPERATOR" ? or "Tool" ??

MEDIA reports that Boehner, Speaker of the (white?) "People's House", has "gone behind the back" of the President, and the Secretary of State and invited Netanyahu to speak directly to Congress to rebut President Obama's message to them regarding Sanctions on Iran.  Is this Brazen Treason??
We cannot be completely sure about the "Treason" part!

"Cheney/W" had NO USE for our State Department; unless, it was in support of "W" and Sharon in pursuit of Arafat.  Their Rumsfeld-Dept of Defense did the State Department's Job, until the Invasion of Iraq ran afoul.

Netanyahu tried to pressure President Clinton to release Pollard, in jail for stealing our nuclear secrets.  Failing in that attempt, he turned on Clinton.  Is he repeating this pattern of behavior with President Obama?  Strange activities for an "Ally"??  I'm not sure what Boehner becomes, in all of this.  Remember, Boehner, reportedly handing out checks, from Lobbyists(?) to Members, on the floor of the House; has apparently ALWAYS been moved by MONEY.  In these days of Citizens United, we can't be sure WHO is paying our Congressmen!

Netanyahu was also a fellow traveler with the likes of Falwell and others in our Sewer States; who quite handily mixed their religion with their love of making War!  When will we all decide that mixing religion with warfare is too destructive to tolerate?  Then, there are those Muslim Palestinians; with all of that land for the grabbing.

Stay Vigilant!  Citizens of many religions, have a great deal to be concerned about in all of this!

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Wednesday, January 21, 2015

"TWO-CUBA(s)" ... The Cubans we NEVER See!!

Another Republican SHAM??

Can you believe that the Republican Party is responsible for a cruel and vicious LIE that has been perpretrated on the Public of the United States for half a century?  It's TRUE!  The CUBA the Repoobs have embraced and imposed on the rest of us is of the BATISTA Cuban, many of whom claim to be "white".  The over-whelming majority of the Cuban Population is AFRO-Cuban!!

This "natural" relationship between a racist Sewer-State region and a racist Dictator named Batista is one that has a long and mostly hidden history.  A prominent Afro-Cuban, Celiz Cruz, with a large following in the United States among Hispanics, is generally not viewed as Cuban on this side of the political lines regarding things Cuban.  As a result, her body was not permitted burial in her native Cuba.  Before we are led deeper into this Cuba-political swamp; our citizens should "wise-up"!!  Don't expect our MEDIA to stray far enough from its pro-White biases to treat this subject fairly or with truth.

Stay Vigilant!  Check out the Google link above.  Afro-Latins are being kept behind closed doors and shuttered lens, from Mexico to Argentina!  Black America should take it upon themselves to bring them out in to the sunshine of TRUTH and FACTS!  Who knows, we might even find our own salvation by doing so!

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"Takin'-ON" the HYENAS ??

Check ALL Assumptions??

Whereas Bill Clinton "turned-tail" to Hyenas like Graham, during his 2nd Term (The Katzenjammer was, then, in the House of Representatives) ; last night showed us that President Obama in on the "attack".!! After six years of being hounded by this scum, he now has them encircled and locked-down inside Congress.

These next two years will be FUN??  Break out the Popcorn!  The Superbowl of Superbowls may be about to start!  The word; assume = ASS U; not ME!  Sewer-State Whites never really understood Uncle Remus, it appears.

Let's quit pretending that the Economic Meltdown, was not the start of a DEPRESSION!  The Poor (white and black) KNOW BETTER!  It was the Capstone -- not Keystone -- of events set in motion in Jeb Bush's Florida in 2000.  The Finale; in a long series of events brought to us by Cheney/Bush in 2008: (Enron; 9/11; Anthrax Attacks; Sharon's Wars on Palestinians; Iraq; Abu Ghraib; Katrina; -- enough stuff to make an Elephant PUKE!!).

Markets are scrambling today to readjust, and digest what happened last night.  Taken for DEAD after the 2014 election, the President's approval ratings are rocketing up.  The many stripes of Hyenas in the Republican Party that we saw out in full force since 2009, have re-surfaced, along with Stand-Your-Ground-Jeb BUSH!  They scattered off into the dark, seeking U-Tube, last night!

All of this means that the Middle Class of this country, who were robbed to their underwear by Republicans since 1980, just MIGHT Claw their way back!   HOW, by getting off their asses and SUPPORTING this President in this, the last quarter of his tenure.  These Republicans escalated their thievery to a fever pitch after 2000.  Tell the Good-for Nothing's  to PUT UP, and work with this President; or SHUT UP and become a foot-note in our History!!

Stay Vigilant!  If you are one of those who fell asleep on your couch in 2014, mesmerized by the Crap layed before you by the NFL; thereby, missing your opportunity to VOTE; Never-Mind!!
NOW you can harass the HELL out of those in Congress to GOVERN; which is exactly what we pay them to do.  They'll have to OVERCOME their hatred of this President to do that!!  Did you hear the rumor that Menendez (putatively a DEMOCRAT, who "runs" with Repoobs likeChristie and Giuliani), got cross-wise with Obama and got his ass chewed??

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Tuesday, January 20, 2015


 Who "gives" ..?

Tonight, our First Black President, in his 7th year, will deliver his 6th State of the Union Message to a Joint Session of Congress. (his first year doesn't "count"): 

This year he will face a Congress CONTROLLED by his sworn enemies who represent the Republican Party.  Dedicated-in-concert against him, because he is "not one of them" (racially, that is); their reprehensible activities, joyfully exposed in our "Conservative" MEDIA, are well known by all, by now!

Our MEDIA, also has demonstrated, clearly, that it is owned by whites, and is for the whites.  The Trayvon Martin Trial will replace the Scottsboro Case??  Even our non-white "selectees" who serve as talking heads in Media, mouth scripts dictated by whites.  Test Case:  White Media Heads constantly decry the "lack of moderate Muslims".  The whites are the MEDIA, however, and are supposed to be REPORTING their findings ot us.  NONE of them has reported any attempt to FIND and/or REPORT on efforts to SEARCH for them!  Even those Moderate Muslims who seek to identify themselves are EXCLUDED from view by white MEDIA.  So, go figure!

As for the rest of us Non-Whites; there is no report.! We're left to continue PRETENDING that we are included, when White MEDIA has made it perfectly clear, otherwise.  "Ferguson", New York City, the Sewer States, in general -- 2014 made it extremely hard for Blacks, in particular, to keep clinging to Phylis Wheatley's line: ... "refin'd  ..(to) .. join the Angelic train".  Condi was so "refin'd; moreso than Clarence with his white trophy, that it turned our stomachs!  The slaughter of black males by Cops, added to more slaughter, without appropriate punishment, by white citizens, has begun an AWAKENING unlike any before.  We will NOT be put back to sleep!

Because of the USA's leadership position, this phenomenon is spreading around the world.  Pope Too had to put on his Extravaganza to keep Phillipino's "in the fold" -- even when they are 'populating' faster than they can feed or house their new-born!  Then there's Africa, where very little that matters has changed over the past 500 years of European Rule.  (Let's not pretend Europe "left AFRICA" in any important way, since the 1960's).  Boko Horom appears to be adequately ARMED with sophisticated modern weaponry NOT MADE IN AFRICA!  Might we Consult our Katzenjammers in the Senate about this?

There is a common thread throughout all of this that the White Media downplays, or ignores:  it the curse of IDLE YOUNG MALES -- everywhere you look.  We. the masters at imprisoning young non-white males, KNOW that, regardless of color, MOST CRIMES are committed by MALES between the ages of 16 and 26.  That's why past generations in this country kept those males OCCUPPIED with work, or the Military!  This issue, when solved, Globally, will solve most other issues -- INCLUDING ISUS!

Stay Vigilant!  All of the easy CHANGE has taken place; NOW is time to start the HARD CHANGES??

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Monday, January 19, 2015


Martin said: "It Will Not Be Easy"

However, even HE would be shocked, on this day of Observance of the Holiday in his name, I'm sure, at what has "unravelled" since the Civil Rights achievements of the 1960s.  The instruments of Destruction have been many: MEDIA; Mitch McConnell and John Boehner; our ultra-Right Supreme Court;  Hollywood and its minions; Trump;  Eastwood; O'Mara in Florida; "Ferguson";  the NYPD; and the failure of two-thirds of U.S. voters to participate in the 2014 Election.  In their wake; Denial of the Right to Vote; Sharply diminished "Equal-Opportunity" and blatant employment Discrimination, implemented by Foreign and other off-shore procedures for hiring, firing, and Pay.

Do "Black" Lives Matter?  Do "Non-white: Lives Matter?  To whom? and How Much?  A 13-year-old Black Youth who pleads for simple "Safety" will be featured in tomorrow's State of the Union Address by President Obama.  We wait to see if this Extreme-White-Right Congress will "heckle" the President, again, tomorrow.

From Ferguson, to Paris; from Miami to Hollywood, to the EU; the "goose-steps" of Extreme White Racism can be heard.  During this 100th Anniversary of "Birth of A Nation", Clint Eastwood is celebrating his film: The American Sniper!  This sniper sprang from the close-knit band of fighters that bonded in Iraq, post-Abu-Ghraib.  There are two other famous American Snipers we reflect on today: Lee Harvey Oswald and James Earl Ray!  Kudos to Clint??

Not to be out-done, Trump finds MEDIA "trumpin'-up" controversy between Israelis and Palestinians in his Miami-based "Miss Universe" extravanganza.  Both Trump and Clint aligned themselves with the viciously anti-Obama, White and Malignant Right Republicans during the 2012 Election Campaign.

Whether its White vs. Black in the U.S.; Afro-Cuban v. Lighter-Skinned varieties in Cuba (and Miami); or Christian (white) v. Islamists in Europe; the Planet is in a sad spot.  Polls show that the Public in the U.S. rates "Divided" as the condition they are most concerned with here at home.
Black children (called Plurals to denote their place following Millenials) are just NOW learning about Civil Rights, through the movie SELMA.  Hollywood and its "Academy" has reverted-to-type, by excluding all Blacks from this years' Nominations.

Stay Vigilant!  This CANNOT all be "Coincidence" .  The Malignant White Right has "over-achieved", Globally!  Joe Biden, quoting Martin King today, cites "Separation" as the cause of our troubles.  Today we're no longer "Separated", and yet Discrimination increases and Equal Opportunity dies.  WE NEED COORDINATED, GLOBAL STRATEGIES TO FIGHT THIS, or,  Opportunity, for all, dies!

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Sunday, January 18, 2015

RACE and "SCREW-ON" "Heads"

It's ALL to "Fool" the Public?

MEDIA reports that the company in China that is set to compete with APPLE has selected  a white male "head" for it's International Operations.  It will target Brazil and other "Developing" nation Middle Class buyers.  I remember, in Los Angeles, in the early 80's, a Japanese Immigrant small business owner who explained why he would NEVER hire a Black employee.  They "think too much", he said.  Koreans, I have found,  demand white male leadership in any business relationships they form in the United States.  Only white language instructors are sought from the United States to teach in South Korea.   In my early research for graduate school studies, I found that the Chinese, in the Tang Dynasty (618-907AD) discriminated against Koreans on the basis of skin color.

Laws will never end the practices of racial discrimination, when they are "in the bones".  The Racial reactions to President Obama from Sewer State inhabitants are, likewise, "in the bones".  That explains why the practices shift; only in surface presentations, but do not fundamentally change from one generation to the next.  Repoobs are preparing for the end of the Obama Administration and, I guess, are praying that no one else comes along who can regularly "kick their asses" the way Obama has.

James Fallows of Atlantic Monthly  published in Dec, 2014, The Tragedy Of The American Military.  Fallows cites Eisenhower, Truman and Abraham Lincoln as earlier Presidents who respected our Military, but were tough on Generals.  I entered military service in 1962, as Vietnam was "heating up".  Although Eisenhower warned of the "Military/Industrial" relationship, it was the assassination of Kennedy which set the stage for Johnson's Great Society and Civil Rights Legislation.  The "White Backlash" to the upheaval following the assassination of Martin Luther King, raised its ugly head, early, in the Military.  I witnessed the change in culture as the leadership died, from those who were Korea and WW-II soldiers.  What arose as "leadership" that followed was heavily influenced by race wars that raged within the American Military from the late 60's throughout the 70's.  The arrival of Reagan and Wineberger presented the nation with a Military infected with many of the maladies cited by Fallows.  I cited this phenomenon in a portion of my graduate Thesis, in 1972.  The deliberate abandonment of the Hatch Act and it's requirements for a "non-political" military; compounded by Nixon's disposal of the Draft; sealed the fate of our Military!  By the time I retired in 1982, "Political Generals" were everywhere!

Then, of course, there was the decision of our "Elites" to quell urban uprisings in response to the King Assassination, by "installing" Black Mayors across the nation; from Newark, to Los Angeles, Chicago, and Seattle.  All were "Screw-Ons" while whites continued to run things behind the scenes.  Mayor Washington of Chicago inherited a Strong Mayor position, and tried to DO THE JOB! -- to the horror of whites.  They should have known that someone like Obama would emerge??

Stay Vigilant!  The RACE ISSUE is Global, and immutable in any "real" sense, as we watch the "purge" of Muslims in Europe.  Here at home, "blowback" from the Sixties; added to Jim Crow; added to Chattel Slavery and Colonization continues to haunt the Americas and the planet!  Current "Leadership" continues to weave new racial fabric.

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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Can "Western" DEMOCRACY "SURVIVE" 21st-Century "Policing" ??

Here We Go Again??

The KKK and the Urban Ethnic "Gangs" (organized crime) are CENTRAL to the history of the United States following our Civil War.  "Protection Rackets" were the life-blood of Urban Racketeers as they terrorized small businesses.  "Night-Riding" was the life-blood of whites in Rural and Southern areas as they kept the Blacks, Browns, and others non-white, under their "control".  The KKK morphed into our Political Parties, and, as the Parties lost their significance in 1960, the wake of Television, their White Supremacy is the life-blood of our Politics, in general.  Witness the treatment of President Obama by whites in our politics, in oour  "policing" and in our  Media, and you can easily see this, if you're not "selectively blind".  Governor Christie, no matter how clean or dirty you think he is, is certainly a bully, and proud to be.  He also was a Lawyer and a Prosecutor!

In the wake of the French Tragedies of the past week or so, the European nations, who cursed the Americas with their skin-color racism, are showing us their version of both "Protection Rackets" and the KKK.  Most consider it 21st Century Policing.  Rubrics like "Freedom of Speech" (which has never been understood or supported bythe  masses of whites in the USA), and "Religious Tolerance" are being bandied-about; but the NON WHITE VICTIMS Know what is Really Happening!  

In a recent interview with Charlie Rose, Policie Commissioner Bratton revealed the petty grievances the NYPD levels at Mayor DiBlasio's WIFE and his children.  Sounds like the old Ethnic Gangs to me!  Trigger-Happy Militaristic "Troops" fill our T.V. screens as heavily armed whites "round-up Muslims".  How close are they to the Storm Troopers of old?

Stay Vigilant!  There's a mighty-thin line between Democracy and Tyranny where RACE is involved!  When people are punished for what it is feared they might do, Democracy Dies!! 

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Friday, January 16, 2015


Gettin' it Right!

On a day like today, the LAST thing I need is someone 'hustlin' me about Financial News!
Sue Herera and the late Mark Haines got me through the Repoob Crash of 2008; and, now Sue is back:  on a day when the market is staring at  currency collapse, and possible deflation in parts of the world.  Sue has a commanding, calm, and confident way of imparting important news to the public.
Both Sue and Mark possessed a calming "magic" in their voices and their demeanor -- quite unlike those screaming bimbos, and snarky con artists that otherwise populate the place.

John Ford, unlike the other Tech Experts, is able to make tech products and company management "believable"!  He also gives the impression that he works for the information he provides, and is not one of those who "passes trash" heard from others.

Sue Gharib, formerly of Nightly Business Report with Tim Kangas, is now also within the CNBC fold.  She also inspires confidence and expertise in her reporting of financial news.

Stay Vigilant!  MONEY matters !!  The two "Sues" should give lessons to all the other female talking heads we have in MEDIA.

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Thursday, January 15, 2015

R U "WELL-BORN"?? ... r u "FREE" ??

Conflation of Conditions

If you are "alive" somewhere on this planet, in 2015, and you were "Well-Born"; then
it is most likely that you:

     1.  Spend money for your "upkeep", that you did not work for!
     2.  You may never have been trained to "work" and have poor work habits.
     3.  You are very likely to be considered "white".
     4.  You are unlikely to have any intimate connections with people who are "not-white".
     5.  You are taught that you are "free", and most others work to limit your "freedoms".
     6.  You are expected to be "terrified" of those who are not "well-born".
     7.  Your support for "Freedom of Speech"; is limited to those "like you".
     8.  No longer value the "right to vote", in the United States.
     9.  Expect to be treated like "Royalty" by Politicians, and Government Leaders.
    10.  If you were born in the United States and still live here, you're most likely Republican!

Stay Vigilant!  "Freedom of Speech" is being "limited" by governments, and others, as they strive to maintain the Status Quo!  Those who adjust to being "Terrified", will NEVER be FREE!

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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

CORRUPTION: "Multi-Flavored" and GLOBAL??

FRONTLINE Strikes Again!

If you didn't see Frontline's program on PUTIN last night, look for it!  You will get a glimpse of our FUTURE, "winking" at us!  For those outside the U. S. who, like me, despair of U.S. Media, don't give up on FRONTLINE, Please!!  It is the last piece of good investigative JOURNALISM, in the tradition of that Journalism I grew up with; Cornkite, Severeid; Murrow; Howard K. Smith, and H.L. Mencken;  to name a few.  They ALL sought to counter the "Yellow" Journalism of rags like the Hearst Papers!

Data from the Election of 2014 show that even the "Good" White Folk have given up on voting against our Evil Politicians, and their home-grown corruption.  As the Frontline report of Putin's corruption revealed, his "fellow travelers" are Global.  No doubt, some can be found among those Sewer State Pols in the U.S. who "adore" Putin so much; and "hate" Obama so much.  Their Party now controls our Congress.  As Mom's Mably once sighed:  "Ah, White Folk -- You cain't live wid' em'; and you cain't live wid-out' em' !!

Corruption ain't FUNNY, however!  The Global Government that seems to be evolving to "govern" the rapidly spreading Global Economy. will also be a CORRUPT Government.  The French March this past weekend reports back that they can see a glimmer of "Democracy" returning to France.
Let's all hope so.  Maybe they can spread a better Democracy to us in 2015 than they did in 1789!

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Tuesday, January 13, 2015

PITY the "Poor Texan" as POLITICIAN??

They must be at their "witt's-end"
Just a few Years back, they: ("W" and Cheney) wanted US to Hate the FRENCH
NOW: They want to USE the French Tragedy to feed their hatred for Obama!

It should occur to these CRACKERS that more French citizens might LOVE Obama,
Sewer State Pols HATE Obama ??

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Monday, January 12, 2015

BLACK Man; BLACK Hat; RED Tie; Front-Line-Center; UNIDENTIFIED!!

The "Art" of French Racism??

Obviously deliberate; the "centerpiece" of the Paris March Photos WAS this guy -- but NOBODY in our MEDIA is even CURIOUS about his identity.  I flipped channel to channel and listented for the identities: Netayahu,(of course) ABBAS; Holland (who linked arms with the guy) -- but no identity was   provided for the "Centerpiece"!   One might expect this from the Racist White Talking Heads in U.S. Media; but the FRENCH were making a statement here by placing this guy so prominently.  Is it that there are so few Black Frenchmen that he needed no "introduction"??  Or, is it the French Way of "making Blacks invisible and inconsequential?

If Netanyahus could haul his carcass to Paris and PROTEST MARCH with ABBAS;  why in HELL can't he make peace with the Palestinians he's been so busy butchering and stealing property from?

Stay Vigilant!  When the French version of Racism in  Media, meets the U.S. version, I guess you get this sort of thing?  Our Media b*tched about Obama not being there.  Was this guy his "stand-in"? WHO IS HE????

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Sunday, January 11, 2015

A 2nd "FRENCH" Revolution (w/o guillotine) ??

USA: "Take Note"

A multi-colored and many-religioned FRENCH gathering, numbering in the millions, in streets across that country, holds lessons for the WORLD!!  Learn ways to CIRCUMVENT your MEDIA!  These "sh*t-stirrers" for BIG MONEY and Politicians are driving us all Crazy!!  When the people speak directly, it is easy to see the effect of  Talking-Head-Bias ( it comes in all colors, genders, and political persuasions).

I was amazed the number of prominent politicians who "showed up" -- like the DOG-Chasing The CAR.  I'm afraid the "car" is too far ahead of the politicians now.  They're all up "sh*t-creek".  They can't find their asses with a road map!  Only the poorly educated in the USA are still held in thrall by our Media.  That old "hate-monger"; McCain, was on with Schieffer "stirring it"!  Why won't the Repoobs "give it a rest"??  By now, the WHOLE WORLD knows how much they hate Obama!
They must be afraid that some other non-white would be foolish enough to seek their kind of treatment.

MEDIA has learned how to suck the power away from politicians and the money from those who "pretend to power".  Media has become the MONSTER.; accelerating all of the worlds "diseases".  Beyond EBOLA (the MEDIA "coerced" the EBOLA death in Texas),  there lurks poverty, racism, and pitifully low education levels among people who think they "Run" the world --   the list is long.  The MEDIA is becoming another lever that serves to "lock down" the conditions of those born into poverty -- giving them no alternative except violence.  Nigeria is a prime example.  "Good Luck" for us all would be for "Good Luck" and his Western Oil Handlers to "take a hike"!  European economic interests are alive and well  in Kenya, South Africa, Irac, Egypt, Israel, and even Syria!  The human misery that results is astounding!

Stay Vigilant!  As the world catches fire, the MEDIA will be "fanning the flames"!  Why, because rather than be a portal for fact, they've gone down the road of Dr. Goebbels!   
 Seek your "information" from many different sources!  Learn to detect "Opinion disguised as Fact"!!

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Saturday, January 10, 2015

Can We "Settle" on a CAUSE??


Was it the "Cartoons" ?; the "Religion" ?; the "Race(s)"?, the "Poverty"?; the Poor "Education"?
the "Generation"?, or was there something "unique" to the French; that "CAUSED" the events in France (and on every channel of TV in the U.S) for the last several days??  Take Your Pick!

Every Talking Head in our Media seems to have its own "spin", used to explain the events in France.
The undertone in the messages are all the same:  Are "We" Next?? 

Paid Talking Heads are rolled out to assure us, or threaten us, or explain why we should worry, or why we shoudln't worry.  A lot of people are making a lot of money throwing the BULL-Sh*t around!

At the time fewer than 25 people lost their lives in France, Millions of persons in AFRICA are losing their lives to Ebola, or Boku Haram --but then Europe thinks that's "normal" for Africa, so our Media pays no attention.  Are we Crazy; or Racist; or BOTH??  

Is it Jihad -- a Muslim Holy War (media version); or, a response to a Crusade  -- Christian Military Action (as announced by "W", following 9/11)??  Why do we force "Moderate Moslems" to decide?

Stay Vigilant!  Do your own reading and research.  Be Wary of MEDIA --- it has too many "Dogs" in the fight!

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Friday, January 9, 2015

NOT: "One" of 'US' ??

A World"s Cry for Suicide??

Whether its John Boehner's and Micth McConnell's "Triumph"; or the current upheaval on the streets of Paris, the "root" is the same??  If you're a non-white "American", and you visited Paris, as I did, for the first time, you can't help but notice how "cold" the (white) "French" are!  It is not surprising that they don't "mix well" with non-whites from their "Colonies".  It is surprising that it could come to this!  The United States, feigning "Integration" since the 1960s, has at least given Lip Service, to attempts to "get along" with its non-white citizens.  We must all pray for the French.

In one of my readings; as I remember, either C.P. Snow, or maybe Freeman Dyson, who stated that "Mankind" had despaired of ever making peace with their neighbors on Planet Earth, and hankers for another Planet to "escape" to.  "Fat Chance!" it seems.  We're STUCK with each other.

Our new Congress is planning to spend the next two years "beatin' Hell" out of Obama; as the Republicans have for the past six years!  It's gained them  control of Congress, so far.  Its not clear who is looking to gain what in the streets of Paris, today.  Neo-Nazis and Hard Right Nuts all over the world are getting a "shot in the arm" from these doings, however!.  We're all less safe, day-to-day, as a result.

Will we find our way to an Obama Future, or will it be the Repoob's Past that lies before us?  The Difference?  Any idiot should realize that Living in harmonious unity with your close neighbors is a "no-brainer"!!  They obviously don't; in France, or Israel,  Assad's Syria, or Putin's backyard.  Then there's AFRICA -- Europe's "Muck-Pile" --derived from their past and present Exploits on that Continent.

Technology has knitted all of this into a single fabric.  There's no escape from its "blowback".  There are not enough guns to thwart its consequences.  WE HAVE TO LEARN HOW TO USE OUR CURRENT TECHNOLOGIES TO CO-EXIST!  That means taking the time and trouble to:
       1. Find a way to live in harmony with EVERYONE within a thousand miles of us.  (YOUR COMMUNITY)
      2.  Find a way to take the racial hatreds out of Religion (all of them).
      3.  Devise an economy for each  community IN WHICH THERE ARE NO SHARP INEQUITIES.

Stay Vigilant!  We are our own worst enemy!  As the little one's say: Dat's da' Truuf'' !!

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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

how "Rich" is RICH ?? Don't Let Nobody 'else' TELL You!

Figure it Out for YOURSELF?

Ever wonder why we always hear about how RICH someone is, in our MEDIA?  You almost NEVER hear about the BANKRUPTCIES, or the DEBTS they don't PAY!  Lying about MONEY is the number one GAME, in the good 'ol USA,  As one Korean immigrant admitted:  they "really" came here for the MONEY.

Think back as far as you can, and ask yourself if you thought someone was Rich?  Then determine who they were, and how they made their money.  Then ask yourself if you STILL think that person is RICH, "Today"... or, even THEN??  Probably NOT!  Why, because you've probably had a chance to "come by" some Money, and you've learned a lot more about Rich and Poor.  People who stay Poor are often those trapped in some mind-set, or some rotten location (like one of our Sewer States(?)!

That's the dirty little secret:  your "denomination" of wealth is most often determined by whatever "True" wealth you became aware of in your dawning youth.  If you manage to grow beyond that experience, chances are, YOUR wealth will also.

Stay Vigilant!  Don't let all of this talk about "Deflation" and/or "Depression" fool you?

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Tuesday, January 6, 2015


Can you "OWN" what you CAN'T  or WON'T "Protect"??
What if you can't even PROTECT your Child??

John Boehner was signed in to Leadership in the "Hole In The Wall" -- hangout for those Repoobs who dedicate their every breath to "defeating" Obama.  MEDIA reported this morning that some "black guy" was found to sign a statement to the effect that "David Duke Without the Baggage" --Boehner's "Third-In-Line"  as Speaker of the House of Representatives -- does not have a "racist" bone in his body.   That allows Boehner to "wash his hands" of the Duke Crowd? (Kinda makes you wonder who is the black guy, THAT FAMILIAR with Scalise?  Wall Street may be struggling today, but the market for Black TOMs (Conservatives(?) is evidently strong among Black Republicans!

In my '72 Master's Thesis, I quoted Frederick Douglass (b. 1818; d. 1895):

"If there is no struggle, there is no progress.  Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet deprecate agitation, are men who want crops witout plowing up ground." ..."This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical;  but it must be a struggle.  Power concedes nothing without a demand.  It never did and never will...Men may not get all they pay for in this world; but they must certainly pay for all they get." (pg. 26).

I also quoted Booker T. Washington (b. 1856: d. 1915):

"The wisest among my race understand that the agitation of questions of social equality is the extremest folly, and that progress in the enjoyment of all the privileges that will come to us must be the result of severe and constant struggle rather than artificial forcing." (pg. 27).

Douglass provided support and counsel to President Abraham Lincoln.  Washington became a "tool" of white, male, Presidents, who needed "intelligence" regarding "Negroes".  His model was quickly copied by black Christian Ministers, who served as "snitches" for Presidents.  A friend of the white Rich and Powerful, Washington was not highly regarded by mainstream Blacks.  The strain of followers of Washington can be found, today, among Black Conservatives, and include the likes of Condi Rice and Clarence Thomas.

A long list of Black Leaders followed these two men.  Those who were alive during my lifetime, include: W.E.B. Dubois (b. 1868; d. 1963); Marcus Garvey (b.1867; d. 1940); A. Phillip Randolph (b. 1889; d. 1979); Malcolm-X (b. 1925; d. 1965); and Martin Luther King Jr. (b.1929; d. 1968).
Exploration of the record of acceptance by Black Citizens, for each of these men, will reveal a path leading to this day, as we face the wanton slaughter of Black Youth on the streets of this country with implicit support of white Leaders in communities around the country, and by Legal Experts who operate as Officers of the Court in our Judiciary.  It will be instructive to see the trail of events and persons responsible for our being where we are, in 2015.  No Black Leader of the stature of these men has appeared since 1968.

Could it be that too many Blacks today care more for their own financial advancement than they do for the "freedom" for persons who are not white?  Many are learning the limits of what the money they chase will provide for them; and we're ALL learning the ease with which White Citizens have brought back many of the worst of their old practices.  

Stay Vigilant!  "Progress" cannot simply be  "defined by the beholder"!

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Monday, January 5, 2015


"Truth" (?) by way of MEXICO??

Try your luck at getting a copy of Henry Bamford Parkes' A History of MEXICO, 3rd Ed., 1960.
You will treat yourself to joyous reading of facts not told to us in the good 'ol USA, by our Texas-Tainted Education System (Texas School-Book Committee dominated text book publishing in the US).

Until 1850, the "real" meaning of the term "Filibuster" meant those "frontiersmen" who invaded the territories of other countries, with the intent to steal the land and expel the people (Austin, Fremont, Gadsden)  we WERE FED the "ALAMO" version??

Bamford Parkes and Bernard DeVoto are the historians you must read, if you want to know the TRUE HISTORY of the United States of America.  Cracker-Educators and their "apologists-Historians" have deluded succeeding generations in this country for decades.  "History" today is basically "PR" for some Dastardly Politician.  Which brings me to Lyndon Johnson ("Litty-Bitty").
The MEDIA is ablaze with defenders of Johnson and his Civil Rights record.  It seems that a new movie by Blacks, titled: SELMA, is being released, that challenges the "Historians" accounts of LBJ and Civil Rights.   Some apparently claim that the whole thing was LBJ's idea!  A Phillip Randolph must be "rollin' in his grave"!! 

My first assignment as a 2nd Lt. in the Air Force, was to WACO, TX, in 1962.  The Johnsons owned the television media, and it was blatantly Racist (the "N" word was used unsparingly).  As the former Cadet Commander of the AFROTC in San Francisco, the white officers who arrived with me could buy homes -- I could not; prevented by the Racist Laws of Texas.  Expecting our first child, my wife found the Base Hospital to be Segregated: "three ways"; whites/Blacks/Mexicans.  Even though I could afford new housing, I was forced to choose among the most sub-standard of housing for Blacks.  I protested the situation to the Base Commander, and quickly found I was to be "reassigned" to the NSA in Washington.  We wound up in Post Housing at Fort Meade, segregated by Service (Army got the new housing -- paid for by NSA-- and Air Force and Navy were forced into 1940s Wherry Housing).

Then All HELL broke loose: Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy's Assassination, followed by the assassination of Malcolm-X, and then by Bobby and Martin.  All under LBJ, and his ass-hole buddy, J. Edgar Hoover.  LBJ's vaunted power over Congress was most likely related to the fact that Hoover kept "blackmail files" on the members of Congress.  Some in our Media reported this information at the time, but most of the Media ignored, or covered up what they knew.  TEXAS was the place that set it all off, however,with the Assassinations of Kennedy, Oswald, and Ruby,

Stay Vigilant!  "Them's the Facts" --Ma-am!!  Read MacBird!

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Sunday, January 4, 2015


Break the "Code" ??

If all vestiges of DOMINANT Racism were stamped out; would "Racism" disappear?  Confused Blacks from our Sewer States think that the disappearance of "Bull Connor and the Dogs", means that our nation has become "Post-Racial"!!
In my Thesis, (1972), pgs 71-72, I referenced  JOEL KOVEL's definitions of DOMINATIVE and AVERSIVE Racism:

"A dominative  racist is one who acts out bigoted belief.  Whether a night rider in the South or a member of a mob protesting open housing in Chicago, he represents the open flame of race hatred.  Adefinitive ambition is expressed through all his activity:   he openly seeks to keep the black man down, and he is willing to use force to further his ends."

"An aversive racist is one who believes in white race superiority and is more or less aware of it, but does nothing overt about it.  An intrapsychic battle goes on between these sentiments and a conscience which seeks to repudiate them, or at least to prevent the person from acting wrongly upon them.  This often means not to act at all, and such inaction serves as the only resolution of the inner conflict.  Because of this, the person tends to behave in ways that avoid the issue:  he tries to ignore the existence of black people, tries to avoid contact with them, and at most to be polite, correct and cold in whatever dealings are necessary between the races.  Aversion is his most characteristic style of handling the race problem.  Within this type we find at one extreme those individuals who, upon threat - such as when a black gets "too close" - lapse into dominative racism; and, at the other, those who, impelled by a strong social conscience, consider themselves liberals, and despite their sense of aversion (which may not even be admitted inwardly), do their best within the given structure of society to ameliorate the conditions of the Negro.  Aversion in these variants is revealed in a pronounced willingness to undertake social reform via remote, impersonal means, and by a corresponding reluctance to engage in any kind of intimacy with black people."

From the "Hub-Bub" in today's Sunday-Talks, many a white talking head is struggling with these issues in dealing with "Selma" and the 1965 Voting Rights Act, and with the Racist NYPD Cops who have singled out their Mayor because of the Racial Mix of his family.  The Mayors "sensitivities" to the needs of his family are taken as "Insensitive" to the interests of the whites on the Force!  These Cops are clearly in the Dominative Stage of Racism, as are their brethren who hastily gun down or strangle their victims.  To place them "above the law", as our white politicians are too hasty to do, puts the LIE to the claim that 'We are a Nation of Laws"!!

Now comes a Repoob Congress, fresh off their victory fed by Aversive Racism.  McConnell's treatment of Grimes, forcing her to "distance" herself from the Black President, is a classic case of a "Closet" Dominitave?

Stay Vigilant!  In the privacy of your own closet, you (whatever color) might "try-on" these definitions to see where they "Fit"??

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Saturday, January 3, 2015

GOP: "WHITE-WASH" (time)??

"Crackers" Bid for Another Round??

About the Nicest Thing that can be said for the city of Miami, is that Sidney Poitier was born there in 1927.  Those of you who violently  dis-agree can quietly, and gently, K.m.A!

Wanna know what the GOP is up to as they line up to do final battle with President Obama in the next two years?  Take a look at Stanley Kramer's PRESSURE POINT, (1962), starring Sidney and Bobby Darin.  That will send chills down your spine if you have a brain firing on at least 50 cylinders.  It could'a been released in 2014, but genius(es) like Kramer aren't around these days.
He was born in 1913 and died in 2001.  Bobby Darin (most know for his "Mack-The-Knife"), put in one whale of a performance, up against Sidney as his "Shrink".  Watch this film and you will see, up close, the kind'a garbage Mitch played with, and Boehner  has lived with over the past six years.  Both; Ohio River Rats, Mitch and John are at least "kissin cousins" to the garbage.

Now that they have the Congress, they're both "preening" and trying to clean their skirts.  David Duke, the White-Right's "mayhem in a bottle", was born in Tulsa in 1950, and strongly resembles the kind of slime Kramer features in PRESSURE POINT.  Although he was 12 years old when the film was released, the character played by Darin, at the age of 15, could well have been Duke.  Duke is now firmly rooted in Louisiana, along with his understudy; Bobby Jindal.

Content to be "disrespectful and unrespectable" along with the other GOP Trash that paraded before MEDIA since 2008; both Mitch and John have to "clean up their act" now that they "own" Congress.
Like the floosies they slept with the night before, the Sewer Rats of the Deep South can't be seen with the GOP in the light of day.  Hence the "Boy, was I Drunk" response from Boehner's second-in-command; who was caught "sleepin' with" Duke.  Duke don't take too kindly to the way he's being treated and is threatening to "OUT" the whole damn bunch!  Should make some juicy reading??

Enter Jeb, also known in places like Miami, who wants to perform the "ballet" of the 21st century as he tries to distance himself from this slime.  Zimmerman and Trayvon; Michael and Darren; and Garner and the NYPD should make the Architect of "Stand YOUR Ground" unfit to run for the Presidency.  If not, then shame on all of us!  When will our Religio-Facist Sewer Critters get tired of being "left at the altar"??  I, for one, would LOVE to see a "knock-down; drag-out" FIGHT on the RIGHT for a change!

Stay Vigilant!  This SHOW ain't OVER??

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Friday, January 2, 2015

"THE FORMULA" -- "New-One, same as the "Old-one; MODIFIED"

"Jebbie" Jumpin' In"??

Looks like the Bush Family Fortune is coming back for another "swipe" at the Public Trough??
They say Jeb hasn't run for office since 2002.  He's Overdue.  The Public Memory should be "wiped" by now.

Those of you who have been reading The OWL for more than a couple of years, may remember
the story I told of Grandpa's; that described "The Formula" for Racism in the United States after the Civil War.  There always has been THREE "CLASSES" in the Americas:  Rich Whites, Poor Whites, and the "Not-Whites (included were Italians, in the 1920s)" -- who were all  called some kind of "N*gg*r" since the 1800s.  The Rich Whites, during Reconstruction, made a deal with the Poor Whites, that empowered them to "POLICE" the "N*gg*rs" anyway they chose.  They were to ALWAYS act in the interest of the Rich Whites.  Make DAMN SURE Rich Whites were "protected" and got  their cut" of corruption.  Port Authority(?); Anyone(?)

Over the years, the mainstream republic were "indoctrinated" to believe that Police "Protected" everybody.  That was becasue all Whites were indoctrinated to NOT CARE, really, about what happened to the NOT-WHITES (or, the EVNIRONMENT).  In flush times (economically), the Rich Whites were always Liberal, or Tolerant of NOT-WHITES.  In Hard Times, the RICH WHITES switch to the role of "supporters" of those among them who were not Rich!.  Until 1973, Rich Whites were "Liberal" and "Republican".  The BAD WHITES were Democrats.  After 1973 Most Republicans "switched sides" with Democrats in the Sewer States.  For a short period, this caused 3 different kinds of WHITES.  The Obama Election in 2008: the same year the Republicans permanently damaged our economy, changed the formula, once again.  The Republican Party hemorrhaged into public view the ultimate dregs of WHITES who hated or otherwise denigrated poeple of color.

JEB senses that the time is right for those Repoublicans who were earlier thought of as "Tolerant", to re-surface under his Leadership.  they sense its time for the GRAND SWITCH!  Even Mitch is struggling to crawl out of the Ditch he used to win his Senate Leadership.  We're all expected to be too stupid to connect JEB  with "Stand Your Ground" and the Slaughter of black youth!!

Question:  Are thinking Citizens smart enough and strong enough to resist the "maniuplations" by Republican-Christian-Businessmen.  Are we willing to head back down the road we've travelled since the Civil War?  Are Blacks as stupid as our athletes tell the World we are??   If so, the Repoobs are right, and this nation can be "rolled" once again; and expect the "blackest" ones to absorb the pain.
The Society will remain "fractiuos", the Econony will continue to "rock-n-roll", with "darkies" and "poor whites" to take up the slack.  "Tough Guys" will "Govern" the Poor States (mostly in the Sewer Region), and "Conservitive Blacks and Hispanics will be "selected" to stifle the claims of those groups.

This will be the terrain that Hillary and Bubba will have to "negotiate"!! And, trust me, they WILL  NEGOTIATE, where non-whites are involved.

Stay Vigilant!  The Repoobs are probably smelling a "Bubble"?? Obama's done a great job of cleaning up after their CRAP; some, since Daddy Bush was Pres'!

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Thursday, January 1, 2015


If ya' workin', ya'  LIFE's workin'!!

The history of income-producing "work", FOR BLACKS,  is a long and tortuous one.  Brought here for "work" (and more than a little "Pleasure") by whites under their Slave System; White folk expected Blacks to  "work until they died", while only the white man got paid.  Following the Civil War, the whites were faced with having to "restructure" "work" for Blacks in the Sewer States.  Those few Blacks, outside the South, who were Indentured Servants; and  released from indenture; and those "born free", (or successful escapees) -- were exceptions -- before, during, anf after the Civil War.

That "restructured" system was a mixture of share-cropping and Penal Labor.  Those who escaped these two "choices", both inside and outside of the Sewer, were "Professional" men, like Doctors, Lawyers, Preachers, and Teachers.  Then jobs, with Unions grew (segregated Union Rolls), and jobs for "wages" (somtimes "pay" was offered in watermelons).  This system was interrupted by World War II, when Industry was forced to "hire" Blacks, and  Women, due to labor shortages.

Until 1979: during the White Backlash period that followed the Civil Rights Activities of the 1960s.
Then, most industrial jobs that required physical labor "disappeared".  UN-Recognized; but there, starting around 1830, were BLACK BUSINESSMEN who created work for themselves and those Blacks they hired.  My grandfather was one of those.  His sister was a school-teacher and investment-property owner in Tulsa, OK.  Their biggest problem, from the dawn of the 20th Century until the 1960s. was keeping the whites from stealing their assets, and threatening their lives.  I grew up on stories of the Tulsa "Riots" (a pogrom, really) experienced by my Great-Aunt.

I learned to "work" in my Grandfather's Tailoring and Dry-Cleaning Business.  I grew up around, and was fascinated by, heavy, and dangerous industrial equipment fueled by steam and gas, and a closed system of gasoline-by-product used for drycleaning.  I later noticed that most of my white colleagues in Science and Technology were children who played with things that exploded or burned.

We're ALL born with a brain!  What we need is freedom to create and keep what we create.  The Right-Wing Crackers yell about this; all the time, but, like "Rev'm Al " portrays with his "blueberry pie" stories -- they have ALWAYS been the TAKERS!!

Stay Vigilant!  Find a "gig", make it work, and don't get "ripped-off"!!  HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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