Thursday, February 28, 2013


.. and the “Opportunists” who lie “Between”
I was in college in San Francisco in 1961 when the black students on our campus debated the black students from “the university across the bay”.  The topic: the competing philosophies of Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.   C. Eric Lincoln’s book,  The Black Muslims in America  was released, and some of us were worried about having to embrace “bean pies” in order to escape “Booker T”.  Martin’s challenge provided an alternative to “Booker T.”, but it lacked the “independence” that Malcolm promised.  We lived inside the “Black” bubble provided by Jim Crow.
The white students on campus were indifferent to both Martin and Malcolm; more-or-less comfortable inside their “White” bubble.  Their concerns centered on the Draft, and whether they would have to face bullets in Viet Nam.
Fast-forward more than 50 years, and both Martin and Malcolm lie murdered, under circumstances that show fingerprints of our federal government.  Laws were passed that destroyed the physical “Black” bubble; scattering the inhabitants.  The Laws, passed by citizens who inhabit the “White” bubble, provided the clear right to vote, among other things, to Blacks.  Today, our Supreme Court is poised to scuttle the laws guaranteeing Blacks the right to vote.
Why??  Because the 2012 election showed that white voters face a permanent minority status in this country; due to the fact that they are a dwindling portion of the electorate.  They have to find a way to rule with a minority portion of the national vote.  If the Whites succeed in building a 21st century version of Jim Crow, the “non-white opportunists” mostly of Asian origin, and the rest: of Latin-American heritage along with women of all backgrounds, can be driven back into their historic “place”.  They also may manage to stymie the push of Gay citizens for equal status under our laws.
I hope this makes clear who the stakeholders are in the upcoming Supreme Court ruling on Voting Rights.
Stay Vigilant! Voice your Concerns!
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Wednesday, February 27, 2013


Spread the Word!
Can He “Save” Our Young Males in the Inner Cities?
Yesterday would have been Trayvon Martin’s 18th birthday, were he alive.  His mother, in a television interview with Al Sharpton, described Trayvon as a “normal teenager”.  He is and always will be my hero.  I think his example can save a lot of young, non-white, inner-city youth who are running around with gangs, armed with hand-guns, in search of their “man-hood”!  These are times that cry out for something that will reach these youth and, perhaps, turn them away from their current path.  The number of innocent black and brown babies that can be saved from stray bullets could be drastically reduced.  One of my nephews was gunned down, at the age of six, on his way home from school in Inglewood, CA, more than 20 years ago.  The LAPD didn’t even bother to search for his killer(s).
Why is he my hero?  Unlike the white super-heros we’re force-fed, from Jesus to Santa Claus, Trayvon did not have super-human physical powers.  He DID have the power, courage, and inner-strength to go, un-armed, one-on-one, with an adult male who stalked him, and shot him in the heart.  From the bruises on the killer, Trayvon showed remarkable strength to save his life.  Inner city youth, with guns, in gangs, are COWARDS compared to Trayvon!  Their behavior is designed to take the lives of others; not to save their own lives.
His parents mentioned in the interview yesterday Foundations, and Funds that exist to keep his case alive and to make our justice system work.  I propose that the Foundation expand its mission to find the talent and expertise to provide Trayvon’s image to inner-city males at a very early age, with the message that his way of living is a stronger, more powerful way to live than the path available today for most youth in their circumstances.
I was 16; exactly  two years older,  on the day Emmitt Till was murdered in 1955.  That case shaped my life and the life of every black teen of that day.  In those days, switch-blades were the weapons we had to avoid.  White Klansmen were the visible and ever-present threat.  The armed threats young non-white males face today are much more deadly and more widespread.  They will have to find the kind of inner-strength Trayvon displayed to survive.  Unlike other children, white super-heros will not provide that sense of safety for these kids.  Nobody with super-powers has ever come to “save” us.  We’ve had to use our wits to save ourselves – even from the police!


DEBT: The Rich WON'T Pay

...The Poor CAN'T Pay
The MIDDLE Class has always been the part of our society that has paid the bills, produced the talent, and grown the economy!  Since Ol' Triple Six became President, the middle class in this country has been steadily starved and shrunk, along with funding for the federal government.  The strangest part is that the middle class helped them do it!  Read Stockman, he told about it when it started; and he's still around trying to get us to listen to him.
When the middle class can't pay its bills, it has to cut spending and get a second (or third) job.  This is because the rich started sending jobs out of this country, while killing off unions and reducing pay and benefits for workers.  They accomplished all this through the Republican Party -- their "bought and paid-for" worker-bees.  They also lavishly funder lobbyists to keep the worker-bees happy; and, sometimes, writing legislation and manning regulatory bodies.
They used this method, over the past 30-plus years to make sure they don't have to work for their income.  The put their money to work for them -- that's why they can't give any money up to pay the cost of government.  As they continue to starve the middle class, they shrink the country down to a size they can understand and control.  (Drown in a bath-tub?)
We're re-playing the Civil War -- 21st Century version.  This time, the great unwashed from below the Mason-Dixon intend to win.  It helps greatly that their foil is not white -- that gets the juices of those good ol' country boys flowing strong.  They speak with a forked-tongue when they talk about government spending.  They love it for the rich (tax subsidies and loop-holes).  They hate it for the poor (food stamps and college loans).
In the 70's when I was studying for my Masters in Public Administration, my economics professor explained how and why the lesser educated  "country bumpkins" consistently beat the more sophisticated "city slickers" in Legislatures, both at the state and federal levels.  THEY ARRIVE AT WORK EARLIER.  By the time the lazier city boys come in, all the business is done!
The sophisticated voters in this country went to sleep in 2010, allowing the country bumpkins to steal the House of Representatives while promising to provide JOBS.  Fast forward to now, and we have no choice but to un-seat them in 2014!
Stay Vigilant!  Get Registered!
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Tuesday, February 26, 2013


We Still Don't Know What "Love" Is
She, in this instance, is Emmanuelle Riva.  The "Academy" (don't get me started) flubbed it; yet again!  Not since, as a teenager, I was grabbed by Shelley Winters' performance in A Place In The Sun, have I been so taken by the performance of an actress in a film.  Born when Shelly was seven years old, Emmanuelle, with Jean-Louis Trintignant, in the film Amour, was rivetting in her portrayal of what may prove to be the ultimate issue underlying most of our personal, social, and political turmoil today: ageing and death.
But there was love, too!  The relationship portrayed by this couple is one worth much deeper study.
Alongside our fear of the ageing/death matter, lies our growing inability to get relationships to work.
Our definitions of  "Love", "Man", "Woman", have all been seriously damaged over many decades by Hollywood.  This film goes a long way to show us the path back to better days and a path forward to better days.  Relationships like man/woman, husband/wife, parent(s)/child, old/young, are central to this story.
Amour  won best picture in the "foreign" category, but Emmanuelle deserved best actress!  If Hollywood ever gets around to giving awards for combined acting, this pair deserves to get the first one awarded.  Jean-Louis provides new insights into to what it means to "be a man" -- a lesson so sorely needed now.
See the movie!  Buy the movie; as I will when it comes available.  Its the kind of movie you have to see more than once to "get it".  As for the "Academy", well, Shelley blew the whistle on that bunch years ago.  Oh, don't go to see this movie with anyone below the emotional age of 12!
In Observance of Trayvon's Birthday, Stay Vigilant!  Stay Engaged!
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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Monday, February 25, 2013

It's About the MONEY!, STUPID !!

Who Has It?  Who Needs It?
If you're frustrated and wondering "who's zoomin' who" in the media flaps over "sequester", see if this helps:  Sequester, is the noun.  Sequestrate is the verb.  Sequestration is what the Republican Party did, big time, between 2000 and 2008.  They were so good at hoarding the wealth of this country during those years, that they "succeeded" in screwing our economy through tax cuts, wars, and housing bubbles.  They borrowed the money for their wars, figuring to take Iraq's oil to pay back the money.  They lost that bet.
We're now left without the money required to patch up the damage in our economy, or to run the country.  What's their answer?  Turn off the supply of money.  They don't intend to give back what they "sequestered", so they want to starve the economy (which is barely limping after their first attack).  The citizens of this country are CRAZY if they fall for this trick.
We live in a large, very rich, federal,  Public Household, composed of 50 state Public Households.
The Constitutions of the states require a balanced budget every year.  The federal Constitution does not.  That way, we can defend ourselves in wars and against natural disasters, and help the states when needed.  The Republicans are betting that we're too stupid to know this!
Shall we CUT (de-fund)?  Don't cut you, don't cut me; cut the guy behind the tree!  Shall we FUND
(raise taxes)? Don't tax you, don't tax me; tax the guy behind the tree! 
The aswer to these questions depends on whether the citizen wishes to live in a country that continues to shrink; steadily declining to collapse; or one that can grow its way out of our mess!
To grow we have to invest; or, yes, Virginia, SPEND!   The Republican Party and the media are trapping us in false arguments.  If you consume your dollars you rot and collapse.  If you save and invest your dollars, you can grow! 
Think About It!
Stay Vigilant! Free Your Mind!
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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Saturday, February 23, 2013

"COLLAPSE": the MOTOR CITY (revisited)

A Metaphor for the United States?
Melissa Harris Perry, on her MSNBC show this morning, looked in-depth at the impending collapse of  Detroit (the "Motor City").  See my earlier blog: DON'T "FORGET" THE MOTOR CITY (11/30/12).  The details of what is happening to Detroit are especially disturbing when we contemplate the impending SEQUESTRATION pushed by the Republicans in Congress.
There are eery parallels, both in causes and effects, for both phenomena.  The racial overcast for both become readily apparent.  Detroit, they report, never solved its "race problem"; the city has been systematically starved for tax revenue; those who fled the deep South in the 1940s and 50s for destinations like Detroit (similarly for Chicago, Newark, Washington, D.C. -  after the 60's riots) have failed to follow the white tax base as it fled to new suburbs; leaving the central cities bereft of tax revenues and consistent administrative talent. 
Integration gains exascerbated the problem by flushing non-white talent from the cities; leaving behind a concentration of social and economic debilitation.  The whites who fled the cities, commuted back into the cities for jobs; until the jobs were moved out to the suburbs.  No matter what talent our President assembles to fight collapse at the national level, the Republicans find ways to undermine his efforts. 
Now, we have the rolling energy crises, making it more and more expensive to commute between the cities and suburbs, and even WITHIN the suburbs; where you may have to drive miles to get a quart of milk!
Could it be that the Republicans don't offer a future vision for our nation because they don't see a good one??
Could it also be that the Republications are extending this sorry pattern to the entire nation on the hope that the coming "white minority" can rule over the "rubble" that will be left if they succeed in driving the United States to collapse?
This might also explain why women, Hispanics, and other non-white minorities have been brought under their wide attack; to form the "47%" they view as their political enemy?
Stay Vigilant!  Get Involved!
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Friday, February 22, 2013

"RICHES TO RAGS" in the U.S.

Yet Another "Clue"?
If you can get your hands on a copy of the February 9th - 15th, 2013 issue of The Economist, flip to page 75,  and you'll see an article entitled Nomencracy.  Read it, and you might understand better why a segment of our population (Red-staters) are ignoring the results of the 2012 election, and bearing down on their hatred of President Obama.  Its about money and generations!
My father (who had a 6th grade education) told me in the 1950's that this country is a place where one can go from Rags to Riches, or, from Riches to Rags, in the space of three generations.  The Economist article cites two college professors who spent ten years in research to come up with the exact same conclusion!
What we're talking about here are things inherited; like money, social standing, education (to a much lesser extent in the Americas), skin color (extremely important in the Americas), and family names.
Our politics are overtaken by this subject.  We talk about "shrinking middle classes", "stagnant wages" "renewed value and importance of education".  Politicians who seek to form dynasties, gravitate to Washington, D.C., where the opportunity abounds, to stuff a family's pockets for generations ahead! 
Our nation is separting into two nations, one Blue the other Red, over this issue.  You see, Ol' Triple Six duped the white trash into believing that their white skin made them "middle class".  After 30 years under that spell, they've discovered their benefits didn't show up; while their richer 'kin' made out like fat rats.  To add insult to injury, the President, who is trying to save the "real" middle class (those people with education and trade-able skills); is not white - according to their reckoning.  They are moving into red states and buying as many guns as they can.
Whatever finally comes of this "awakening", Public Safety will take it in the shorts!
Stay Vigilant!  Stay Protected!
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Thursday, February 21, 2013


"Red(neck)" and "The Rest" - Nations??
Maybe its time for us to stop kidding ourselves and face what REALLY happened in 2000.
Aided by the Bush Brothers, the state of Florida, The Supreme Court (with Clarence's key to the back door), and a dedicated "army" of angry white males; this country suffered a severe structural shift that rivals our Civil War and accompanying secessions. 
They have ruined our economy, destroyed the Republican Party, and persist in undermining any rational attempts, by anybody, to restore this nation to saner times.  We've witnessed more and more extreme and exclusional candidates put forth in an effort to establish a political base reminescent of the old, Reconstruction-Era South.  By moving into the "empty" states, they have found a way to commandeer the House of Representatives -- the part of our Federal Government that controls the national "Purse".  The State of Texas has a long-standing, strong secessionist stance.  That state is  playing a strong role and has, perhaps, produced the perfect "negative" candidate (extreme in both philosophy and political beliefs) to lead the new "nation".
We need to go back, with fresh eyes, and examine closely everything that has happened to this country since Bush v. Gore, and ask ourselves if we've been seriously decieved by those events.  We need to determine whether we're "spinning our wheels" in our current efforts (to include the Presidential Election of 2012) to save our country.
They seek a nation that excludes non-whites, Hispanics, women, religiously tolerant, and racially tolerant people from positions of power.  In their "territories" women will be forced to have babies.  They are dedicated to impoverishing what has been the United States of America, while hoarding all assets and wealth; both here and in off-shore havens.  They squabble over money, while offering no positive vision for the future of the United States of America.  They keep none of their political promises. 
Stay Vigilant!  Do Your Homework!
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Wednesday, February 20, 2013


A Rascist, Delusional Nation Ponders "Mental Illness"
"Ol Triple Six", as Governor of the state of California, played a pivotal role in the de-institutionalization of the mentally ill in this country.  His motives were varied:  Check out these sites to see how he carried out his convictions on this matter through his Presidential tenure.
Now, post-Newtown, the nation is embroiled in a "discussion" of how to treat and/or educate mentally ill children.  At nearly the same time "the Guv'na" was acting out in California, I was engaged, with my brothers, in rescuing my sister and her five children; who were trapped in a welfare tenement in Far Rockaway, NY.  She was suffering from ovarian cancer and we had to find treatment for her and homes for her children.  Her husband had "split-the-scene".
She died within months after we got them out of New York.  My wife and I adopted two of her five children.  The younger one, aged 4,  was discovered to have severe "psychological" problems.  What ensued over the following 2 years was: indescribable agony for my entire family; unbelievable, unethical, and incompetent "assistance";  and astronomical medical bills.  The process destroyed our marriage, and threatened the welfare of all of our children.  Thanks to all things not seen, we were able to get that child the treatment he needed, and he is now the head of his own family and doing well.
I am convinced that we were extremely lucky and no one could repeat our path to success for the troubled child.  This country stigmatizes the mentally ill and adds them to the heap of other variously categorized people assigned to wretched status.  Children of color who are also mentally or psychologically challenged are left to their own devices to survive.  Many of them are also given easy access to guns.  We have ignored this condition for decades.  Because Newtown was high class, white, far removed from large city ghettos, and epitomized the desires of all citizens for a "safe environment"; the shootings there in December, 2012, has rocked this nation to its very soul!
We're now in a period of "serious finger-pointing" as we struggle in denial with what we can no longer ignore.
Stay Vigilant!  Get Involved!
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Tuesday, February 19, 2013


We Have to "Snap-Out" of This! 
I learned about The Holocaust in 1960 in San Francisco.  I met Genny Gerechter there, who, along with her sister, were the only survivors in their family of that horrific event.  I remember most Genny telling me that she and her sister would never be rid of the "terror"; they could never be convinced that it had "gone away".
Fifteen years later, I bought a house for my family in Lawrence, Kansas.  My realtor was a young Jewish lady.  I told her of my time in San Francisco (of the housing discrimination there against Negroes and Jews), and, about Genny.  She said she recognized the "constant terror" Genny spoke of.  She said she had relatives who were Holocaust Survivors and who lived every day of their lives expecting the "knock on the door".  We would never think of calling these people "crazy"; would we??
Yet, from Trayvon, to Newtown, to South Africa, we see armed, terrified minds at work -- but then, we don't see it! That's the last thing our media and our policitians would have us see.  From "9/11" to this day, the carnage and wreckage mount with untold damage to our lives, our faith, our nation, our world.  We think we have to control the weapons.  We don't think we have to change behaviors of people!  We don't think we have to regain control of our senses!
In the twisted world of the terrified mind, even language reverses meaning.  The beady-eyed Repoob leader of the Senate of the United States and his bumptious side-kick in the House keep yelling that our President "must lead"!  What they mean is that he must "submit"!  They know that our Constitution gives executive power to the President; and not members of the Legislature.  If the President submitted to their demands, he would fail to lead and fail his oath of office. The three Fascist-leaning Justices in our Supreme Court, one of whom was personally involved in Tea Party attempts to oust the President, boycotted the State Of The Union last week.  Ohio and Kentucky voters should be ashamed of the spectacle their "representative" is showing to the world, and the harm they are doing to our nation.  It is in their power to remove this curse from our politics and our nation.  This phenomenon should not be mistaken for "politics"; no matter what our ding-bat media says.  This is terror-driven, mass-loss of perspective, logic, and common sense! Cheney and the Neo-Cons were quick to catch their opportunity to screw us, our economy, and the planet.  None of them has, yet, gone to jail for their crimes.
We should all hear Genny!
Stay Vigilant! Get Involved!
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Monday, February 18, 2013


The Zimmerman "PR" ??
A few nights ago, a brother of George Zimmerman was interviewed on the Bill Mahr show.  It's been a year now since Trayvon was murdered.  What transpired was one of the slickest "PR" performances I've seen on television.  Mahr's audience was strangely tolerant of, if not fully taken-in, by this Zimmerman apologist.  Check it out -- he may also have appeared elsewhere on T.V.; to sway public opinion in his belief that his brother is "innocent" of murder.
Appearances are everything on T.V.; especially to purveyors of lies.  This guy appeared as "normal" as his brother appeared "strange".  This one was slick, well-dressed, mild mannered, extremely well-spoken and "convincing" in his style of delivery.  With the nation up in arms (no pun) against Newtown, this brother has his work "cut-out".  But he was at least somewhat effective.
They are playing a new wrinkle on the race card!  At the time of the murder, they claimed that George Zimmerman was "Hispanic" and "not white".  They've dropped that approach.  No doubt, that line went against the grain of Florida Cubans and Latinos who covet whiteness.  They now claim they are "black"; because their mother is "Afro-Peruvian".  Not their dad; he's white; and German (not Jewish, just German). 
He pulled every string to have you believe that his brother, who stalked a black, unarmed youth, in the dark, and murdered him with a concealed hand-gun, was innocent!  His brother was 'authorized' under Florida's "stand your ground" concealed-carry law, signed by Governor Jeb Bush.  Mahr did not let him get away with attempting to minimize facts -- neither did the audience.  That audience was far more sophisticated than your typical T.V. audience, however; I'm guessing their education level was far above the typical 6th grade level of viewers on other shows.
The passage of time, the short-memories of our citizenry, and the heightened awareness of more recent mass killing,  might help them to slip George Zimmerman quietly away from the justice he deserves.  Let's not let Trayvon be murdered again by slick P.R. on television!
Stay Vigilant!  Stay Involved!
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Sunday, February 17, 2013


The Education "Riddle"
Our President challenges us to establish free public education for all citizens from age 4.

In spite of our long, sordid, and wasteful history of effort to provide public
education, , he thinks we can "get it right" this time.
No one, politician, educator, unionist, parent, or tax-payer, can come to this question without first checking their own ability to "identify".  We are a nation of many races, ethnicities, factions, creeds, and political persuasions.  We are also locked in pervasive economic competition with each other; across the boundaries that each category sets.  Over several hundreds of years we have "thrown money" at "education"; with dwindling results.
We have not, and cannot, reach our stated goal this time without first examining the conflicts inherent in our willingness, or ability, to be honest about "identifying" with those we wish to see benefit from our funding, or any other efforts, to achieve the outcome we seek. 

From our Founding until our Civil War (the slavery/WASP period) our intent was to put to death any slave who became "educated"; exterminate all natives; and to keep most women "barefoot and pregnant".  During the "Peonage" period, (Civil War to Civil Rights) the prime focus was to limit the education of that portion of our population targeted as victims for peonage and segregation.  Post Civil Rights, since 1965, we're struggling with racial, class, and other economic difficulties associated with funding, operating, and legislating for "education"; at all levels.  Economic and racial competition dominates the scene today and there are few indications of significant change.  
Any New Ideas?
Stay Vigilant!
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Saturday, February 16, 2013

'GANGS' in the AMERICAS ??

The REAL Problem?
It can be argued that our country has "evolved" over time through a progression from "tribes" to "gangs".
When the Europeans arrived to these shores, driven by religious fervor, persecution, and greed, they were under the control of the crowned heads of Europe.  In that part of the Americas that is now the United States, the original Founders were wealthy, Protestant,  Anglo-Saxon,  males who were white.  We were concerned with slavery, "Indian" Wars and re-settlements, and territorial expansion.   After our Civil War, white males who were not wealthy, or Protestant, began jockeying for acceptance and their share of power.
Between 1865 and 1965, parties, klans, factions, and gangs were assimilated into our government systems, at all levels.  Political Parties eventually dominated and became the centers from which we ruled our politics and governments.  These elements were dominated by white males.  Non-whites and Jews were not assimilated during this period.
After World War II, blacks, other non-whites, and Jews began their  assimilation, and, with the tremendous impact of technology in our media, (T.V.), the power of political parties declined.  The elements that prevailed in gaining and holding power were largely ethnic factions or "gangs" caught up in the "backlash" of post-war assimilation of non-whites and Jews.
We're now at a point where the "gang" nature of our politics is becoming more visible and our politics are becoming more bitter and intractable.  Over all of the time since our founding, the Presidency has been the ultimate objective for each political contest.  The Presidency has remained in the hands of white males -- until the election of 2008.
Over the entire time since our founding, the Presidency has been feared as the seat of  "tyrannical government".  But, De Tocqueville found in 1830, a white "tyrannical majority" in power in this country!  Our citizenry, however, has tended to fear "tyranny" only in the person of the holder of the Presidency; not some ruling majority (or minority).   Since the election of 2012, we're faced with the contest of factions or "gangs" who are bitterly dead-locked in their quest for power.  National election no longer settles power contests. 
Frustrated in their efforts to un-seat the first non-white (that we know of) President, the factions have resorted to tactics that smell of "armed insurrection".  These factions can be found in our state houses, federal branches of government, and in our city streets.
Our highly techno-media "talking heads" make large sums of money stirring up anxiety and pitting factions and "gangs" against each.  Drenched over all of this is a putrid type of 21st century racism.
For the first time in our history, we have expanded this process beyond our shores to include our economic and political dealings around the world.  Such is the "stew" we're in;  with a "gun-running element" growing richer every day by arming the "gangs".  Death, due to gun violence, is mounting every day in every part, and class-level, of our society.  A new sense of "Community" must be devised.  Religion, however, may prove to be a significant part of the problem; more than a part of any solution.  A lot of people are dying from being caught in the "cross-hairs" of some religion.
Stay Vigilant!  Get Involved!
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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Friday, February 15, 2013


An Old TRUMAN Story
My Dad took delight in telling a story from the Truman election of 1948.  (See my blog of 4/18/12:  IS 2012 a REPLAY of 1948? )  We know that Truman beat Dewey in that classic "upset" of 1948 by barn-storming the entire country by train and by car.  The story goes that Harry and Bess were driving in upstate New York early one morning during the campaign.  As the sun rose, Bess asked Harry to stop the car, because she had to "go".  As she waded out into a field to do her business, she yelled back to Harry, "it's a little dewey out here".  Harry yelled back, "just p*ss on him, honey!"
We may have, sadly, become "politically correct" since those days in the 1940's and '50s, but the results of the 2012 election show that the spirit of the voters in this country lives on.
For serious reprobates like McCain and Graham, the entire country should cry "shame!".  They have, in these in-extremis days of their Party, once again held this nation up to ridicule!  Is there not ONE Republican left who will publicly decry what the "great un-washed" who have taken over their party are doing to us?
My take is that Truman had it just right!
Stay Vigilant!  Get Involved!
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Thursday, February 14, 2013


.....The CONGRESS Disposes.
That's the way the government of this nation is set up, Constitutionally.  The overall direction, vision, and needs for the nation,  and the definition of requirements to pursue those visions and needs are the purview of the President; with the aid of his staff and Cabinet.  In addition, the President is the Commander-In-Chief of our Armed Forces.  Just thought I'd point this out to the reader, in case some of the crap being flung in the media is causing some confusion.
It's the job of the Congress to provide the ways and means for carrying out what is proposed.  They can do that job well, poorly, or not at all (as is the present case).  Power is divided among an Executive,  a Legislative (Congress), and a Judicial Branch of our Federal government.  We're now stuck, as a nation,  in some new place where a powerful faction has taken over the House of Representatives (where the money is doled out) and it thinks it can run the entire government from there.  If power were equally divided, this means that one-half of one-third, or one-sixth, of our governmental structure thinks it runs the whole show.  They continue to think so, even after the entire country, through and election, decided otherwise! 
One might think that a nation that produces so much garbage might be pretty good at disposal, but maybe that's not what we need right now.  Disposition, maybe?  Well the faction in the House is certainly in a mean-spirited, petty, and generally foul disposition.
Money lies at the root.  You see, "Ol-Triple-Six" decided that government was too big, so he would "starve the beast" by insuring that there would never enough revenue to pay the bills the Congress ran up.  "Deficits as far as the eye can see" was the clarion call.  That position, taken in 1980, has accumulated enough "deficits" to amount to a whopping "debt" by now.  There was a slight pause in the 90's when President Clinton succeeded in turning that trend back toward balance.  But the fat's really in the fire now.  Just when the spoiled Baby-Boomers, all 76 million of them, start turning 65 at the rate of 10,000 a day!!
In keeping with our blizzard-like weather lately, last night our President "snowed-under" the Congress, with Proposals.  Enough to give them "Disposal" Headaches for years to come.  It just might get some work out of them.  There is a slight indication that their "Disposition" may have improved.
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Wednesday, February 13, 2013


"Militant Sheep" ??
In my Blog, A Child of Longing, (1/28/13), I quote from a book that includes essays written by writers who relate incidents that happened to them as children.  In one, a writer tells us about an incident he witnessed.  A white woman barged into his home and confronted his mother, who was nursing his baby brother.  The woman demanded that his mother take his brother off her teat and nurse her hungry white baby.  His mother, for the first time, refused to do what the white woman demanded.
As I watched our President give his State of the Union Address last night (followed here by Frontline's recount of recent shenanigans inside the Republican Party), I was reminded of that story of the nursing mother.  It is clear that our economy has returned to a point where even "Mothers-Milk" is being extorted from workers today.  During the days of chattel slavery in this country, Masters were famous for feeding the slaves nothing more than what was necessary to keep them working.
Eerily, two days ago the Pope resigned!  That has'nt happened for more than 600 years!  What are blind-believers to do??  Perhaps now is a good time for all of us to read Animal Farm!  Our President gave us a very clear vision and a direction for us to take as a nation as we work our way out of the sewer we find ourselves in.  Did anyone else note that the most extreme-right Supreme Court Justices (including their "lawn jockey"), were absent from the President's speech last night??  Only six Justices attended the event.
The Pope, who was bred by fascist Hitler Youth, shephards the values of Master Rubio, a pinceling derived from Batista's Cuba.  Master Marco gave one of two official Republican rebuttals to the President's speech.  It was a fumbling, pitiful, juvenile performance.  The Party is clearly on the run!  The other Republican rebuttal was performed by Senator Paul, who sounded the clarion call of those faithful who worship their guns.
We voting citizens must become "militant sheep" and further marginalize these left-overs from the Conquistadors, who believe in the old values of the missionary- military-mercernary model for controlling and managing our country.  Vote them out by 2014!
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Monday, February 11, 2013


In the "dock" ??
Last night I watched, and listened intently, to C-Span's coverage of the House Of Commons.  The Debates were concerned with "Same Sex Marriage".  From my long years and considerable experience with the subject, I've always known that sex, good, bad, or ugly, is never the "same".  What they really are arguing is "same-gender" marriage; although, given today's technologies, that, too, is absurd.  We're coming to know how little we've understood about both "sex" and "gender", and perhaps, should simply let people "be" !!  But, then, what would governments and organized religions do??  Go out of business, perhaps??  As I write this, the Catholic Church is about to be exposed for its extensive and long-term involvement in the sytematic sexual abuse of children.  The current Pope has announced his resignation; -- citing his "health".
The arguments in Parliament, by both Conservative and Liberal M.P.s, were well thought-out, well-informed, and, some were brilliant.  My favorite was delivered by a black Back Bencher.  You should look up the show on C-Span.
My personal experiences with "marriage" is an altogether different subject.  I am a father of four, a grandfather of 6, a single parent, and half of a long-term relationship with a partner who is thirty years younger.  Married at the age of 21, divorced and single-parented at the age 40, I've learned that you can't know whether marriage ever existed until it ends; either by divorce or by death.  It is not a steady state!  The writers of Fiddler On The Roof came closest to what I think the real definition of marriage should be.  The interests of organized religion, (power and wealth), and goverments (male heirs and property), have always been suspect.  The arguments for a "well-ordered-society" are laughable!  Gays who argue for "same-sex marriage", in my view, are weak people who crave "acceptance" from people who have perfected the art of rejection.  Don't get me started on what I think our "well-ordered-society" has devolved into.
Given the systematic, long-standing, utilization of English Law to de-humanize persons (claimed to be sub-human already) through hundreds of years of chattel slavery; we all should, just "give it up"!
The lies and charades have lasted far too long.
If you can build and sustain a committed relationship; however you do it, count yourself lucky; and, simply "live"!!
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Saturday, February 9, 2013


Answer to a Riddle?? 
Are we kidding ourselves when we think the miscreants in our Congress are "crazy"?  Whether its the gun nuts and their backers, or those who blow up our economy, we tend to think they are "crazy".  What if they don't think so?  What if they see a way around their recent losses?  What if they're "crazy" like the proverbial fox?
Perhaps Limbaugh, who stole control of that party, gave us a clue!  He's been caught lately swooning in the media over "Master Rubio". 
In addition to our current rage over guns, there is the push to "fix" immigration.  "Master Rubio" is being pushed out front as the Repoob "lead" on the issue.  He will be rewarded with the opportunity to "respond" to the President's State of the Union address this coming Tuesday.
Our foolish media constantly reminds us that we're an "immigrant" nation.  That is true, but for the whites and Jews.  De Tocqueville told us about the planned fates for the African slaves  (and their descendants), brought here in chains, and the Natives (called "Indians" by the immigrants).  Montesquieu, the French philosopher of choice for our Founders, states in Spirit of Laws: " It is so natural to look upon colour as the criterion of human nature, ..." .  This belief is buried deeply within the religions that shaped the Americas.
In a North/South divide of the Americas (south of the border with the original colonies of the United States, that is), we see a religious and national divide.  North of the divide we see mostly Protestantism; English and German (with the Dutch thrown in to explain New York).  South of the divide we see mostly Catholicism and more French and Spanish influences.  The attitudes toward race are markedly different across the divide.  Spanish and French Creole vs. Mestizo to the South, and more French Creole vs. Mulatto in the Caribbean and most of what now forms the former slave states in the U.S. today.
Long-story-short, with the Castros and the embargo on last legs, the Repoobs and their dirty money allies just might be counting on the Creole portion of the rising Hispanic majority to make up their losses?
Rubio, like so many of the Cubans I observed in Miami, want so desparately to be white.  The Cubans in the U,S, are special "wards" of Republican immigration gifts.  In strange ways, the Miami Haitians exhibit similar tendancies - without any "favors".  Such is the insanity of the role of race in the formation of the Americas.  Does this provide a glimpse of what a Post-Obama "Dis-United States" might look like?
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Friday, February 8, 2013


Is Our Country Still a "Hostage"??
"Holed-up" in our House of Representatives, hooligans in their gerrymandered fox-holes threaten, still, to blow up our economy, and the global economy;  --  out of spite, and their hatred for the President.
Their antics have sparked a brawl inside what used to be the Republican Party, with just about all of them in some way attempting to throw others out.  Politics in this country becomes more strange daily.
Last night, I watched again my copy of The Defiant Ones.  The 1958 film, winner of best picture of the year by the New York Film Critics is eerily relevant to practices we have allowed this bunch to  drag into the 21st century.  It can help explain why "W" and his cronies insisted, over the objection of Mabarak, on swinging Saddam at the end of a rope.  The practice is as old in our history as cowboys and the Klan.  Some boys will be boys, and should never be given serious power.  The road to respectability will be a long one for the Republican Party.  The film also reminds us that Abu Ghraib may lie closer than we admit to an old strain in our population.
Starting with Nixon, boosted by "Ol-triple-six", and exploding under "W", strategies of the Republicans have led to our current sorry political and economic mess.  The master strategists were Lee Atwater, succeeded by Karl Rove.  Young voters in the United States put a stop to it; but young observers, the world over, should be of concern to all of us.
2012, alone, won't cure this mess.  Every election, for the foreseeable future, must be seen as an opportunity for us to create a better, more sane, and workable nation.
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Thursday, February 7, 2013


With TERROR ???
This morning, in the run-up to the Brennan Hearings before Congress, some wag on our mind-effin'
Media posed the question above.  The focus of the "report" was DRONES.  As someone very familiar with the technological evolution of these things since the days of the Boeing CONDOR , I'm, once again aware of the shallow, un-informed, lazy Media and its ability to keep "mushroomin' " us.  Our media can barely comprehend the advances in technology this country has brought since 1960.  We deserve better! 
The media is dangerous, but our lazy, corrupt Congress is even more-so.  Our Constitution requires our Congress to decide and "declare" when and whether this country is at war, and with whom.  It hasn't honored this requirement since the 1940's.  Instead, we got the crazy bunch who controlled our government (all three branches) between 2000 and 2008, who stuck us with this insanity called "The War On Terror".  Our public, fully in awe and fear of "technology"; which it wants to hide from and worship, simultaneously, sucked it up!!  I contend this opened the door for the leaders of that bunch to systematically loot the country and build its power base.  We were seduced into accepting the concept of our nation being at War, with an EMOTION!!  Is that crazy, or what?
Back to drones, the subject of today's hearings.  This is another path for "proliferation" of technology that we need our best, and least corrupt, minds to tackle.  Since the days of the debate over whether Leibnitz or Newton "invented" Calculus, smart thinkers realized that the spread of "technology" cannot be contained.  
In a world and at a time when drug dealers, gun-runners, and pirates in corporations are busy corrupting and seizing control of government, from nation-states to small bergs, we should worry that drone technology is now in the hands of "local law enforcement"  -- whatever that becomes.
Having survived our "near-death" in the 2012 elections.  We cannot afford to allow marginally sane, ambitious- but- incompetent, people to make our national decisions in Congress!  We should all be "terrifed" that we, collectively have been so "stupid"! 
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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

"FOX" & "HOUND(S)" ??

Old Habits Still Linger??
It's a combination of a mean-spirited, insatiable, empty-headed and lazy,  Media, and an apoplectic political party struggling for life.  What to do?  Ride to the Hounds is the game selected.  The Old South leaders of the dying party, and the mindless, copy-cat media, are in league; carrying on the "hunt", long after the "day" has ended, and the "Fox" has escaped their every scheme. 
Their "scent" and faux-rage have been re-engaged recently by a picture released of our President shooting skeet.  More air time and ink are being consumed in this mind-less endeavor because our gun-running miscreants are in trouble with the voters.  The boys backing the guns are hoping and praying that the photo will deter the voters from the President's drive to get new gun legislation passed.  Fat Chance!
Trayvon and the Newtown Innocents must trump this trash in the minds of our citizenry.  Any weak-kneed Congressman or Senator who caves to the money and intimidation of the gun lobby deserve the wrath of us all.
Its a "good thing" to see the Fox leading the hunt for a change.  The Hounds have been "out-foxed" and deserve what they get!
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Monday, February 4, 2013


The March of Time
Yesterday, another of my mother's 9 children "passed on".  This one died up-river, at St. Louis, on a day when the world's attention was focussed down-river, to New Orleans.  Our last death occurred 3 months ago, down-river, at Baton Rouge.  THE OWL, at 73, is the youngest of the 3 "children" who survive.  The story of a family nears its end.
This is a time when the entire planet seems to be obsessed with MONEY (in politics; not in your bank account; no job-producing income; etc.)  We must see that MONEY is the representation of the emotional and psychological value we place on TIME.  The amount of MONEY we accumulate over a lifetime is reflective of the number and quality of the RELATIONSHIPS we form or inherit.  Birth and Death are natural, "legally-characterised" relationships.  Over our lifetime, we choose many other "relationships", both  moral and immoral.   There's little dispute that "immoral relationships are often the most "lucrative".
The un-holy "relationships" between this nation's bankers and politicians, since 2000, have led to the impoverishment of millions, if not billions of inhabitants on this planet.  This occurred because a political faction, with incredible financial backing, gained control over our government between 2000 and 2008.  They deliberately disabled many regulatory safe-guards put in place over the past century. The world will never be the same again.
Given today's panic-driven response of the Republican Party to the voters' selections in the 2012 Presidential Election, maybe a significant part of our electorate will regain some semblance of "sanity" and ACT before 2014!
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Friday, February 1, 2013


Who Gets "Hit"??
I watched Charlie (Rose) interview Al Gore last night.  Al has a new book out entitled The Future.
Al spoke of the "death of Democracy" -- strangely, part of the title of my blog, dated March 10, 2012.
Al is concerned that "capitalism" has been "hacked" as well.  The interview is worth catching, Google it!
There is an old story of the canary that became so accustomed to its cage that, when it was removed, the canary continued to "observe the restrictions".  To all victims of white supremacy in this country, it is now time to "break out" of our old "accommodating" behaviors.  Those victims include blacks of all income levels, some poor whites, and most other non-whites; of varying income levels.  Under white supremacy, which dominated every aspect of life in this country from 1620 until 1960, white males enjoyed unlimited privilege and choice over everything in this country (from money to sex; in all of their manifestations).  The law rarely provided protections to anyone not white.
Chief Justice Taney, invoked the 5th Amendment in the Dred Scott case, and ruled that whites could "take" anything they wanted from non-whites.  Those "takings" continue until this day by our institutions; to banks, employers, and average citizens.  I grew up on stories of members of my family who were terrorized and robbed in Tulsa, Oklahoma, in the white pogrom in the 1920's.  We can start to get rid of the "black tax" by heeding Justice Marshall's admonitions and insist on full protection under our laws.  It could free our children from the threat of the prison-industrial-complex that feeds investors today.  It could correct the tremendous errors inflicted on our nation by Daddy Bush's installation of Clarence on the Court to "replace" Justice Marshall.
We have to learn to manage our money, our creativity, and the stability of our communities.  It is especially necessary to halt the ages old practice of whites "stealing" the creativity of non-whites in sports, entertainment, and throughout industry.
We must create non-violent methods of changing these ages-old practices.  If we succeed, those outside our country who have to deal with the international version of this phenomenon may learn non-violent methods for redressing their grievances.
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