Monday, December 31, 2012


2013: The Year for "Budget(s)"??
Ah, the last day of 2012!  The day is beautiful!  The Sandia's are decked out in a new coat of snow; our big sky is resplendent with sun playing off multi-hued clouds.  You'd never guess such a bright day caps such a year of horrors!
The "Hole In The Wall" gangs in Congress are "hard-at" finagling a "Fix" for our Fiscal Cliff.  Since the deadline is less than 9 hours away, I'm sure we'll hear about some sort of "patch" which allows all sides to claim some sort of "victory".  Meanwhile, the crap rolls on!  The Markets are up (more than145 points on the Dow) on announcements that haggling is underway to delay Sequestration).
"Sing A Song of Six-pence"   ; for those of you old enough to remember this old nursery rhyme, you might also realize that we grew up on children's stories that were based in a different "reality" from the Disney tales that my children and grand-children know.  Disney, like Mark Twain, was exposed to the old Missouri slave-based storytelling tradition.  But, unlike Twain, Disney created a new, less threatening form of enchantment for children.  Could it be that we suffer downsides in our economy as a result?
Today, the "Queen" is in the "Counting House" !  No one is in the parlor, eating bread and honey; not even our children!  No one has time!
"A pocketful of rye" could refer to drinking problems among youth today; or, to the fact that our Congress has screwed around and left us without protection from our farm mess!  We may be facing a food cost catastrophe!
At any rate BUDGETS are the order of the day.  EVERYWHERE, not just with the numb-nuts wrestling in Congress with our "Fiscal Cliff".  Home budgets, City budgets, State and County budgets, ALL are in a state of crisis because an element of Neanderthals in Congress were dead-set to destroy, at any cost, our first Black President.  That will be what makes 2012 a year for the books for decades to come.
Stay Vigilant!
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Sunday, December 30, 2012

"DRY-GULCH": Update

Good News!  The President made it safely through the gulch; thanks to expert driving (Pelosi), and astute work on the "shotgun" (Reid).    The President, unharmed, remains firm in his determination to achieve a "fair and balanced" resolution for this nation's economy, the international economy, and World Markets.  The coach is a lot worse for wear, however.  Let's pray the wheels don't fall off before this "ride" comes to its conclusion.  There is still much rough road ahead as the "midnight deadline" looms.  The entire dry-gulch episode lasted less than an hour, while the Financial Markets were in session and hanging on every twist and turn.
The hold-up men (Boehner and McConnell) are a lot worse for wear; although Boehner appeared to have been injured earlier by a self-inflicted gunshot wound; leaving McConnell to do the heavy lifting.  The President sent them all back to the  "Hole In the Wall" (Congress) with instructions for McConnell to collaborate with Reid to reach a solution to our financial impasse.  Boehner has called the House of Representatives back into session, but if this "lame-duck session" expires without a settlement, he may not recover from his self-inflicted injuries.
At this writing, the Senate, in a rare Sunday session, has just heard McConnell declare he needs a different "dancing partner" and he is reaching out to the Vice President of the United States (also a non-voting "President" of the Senate).  This is a ominous twist, perhaps.
Stay Tuned.  Strap on your "cliff parachutes". Get ready for $7 per gallon milk prices.
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Saturday, December 29, 2012

"WHITE SHIRT" The White Male "Birthright"??

"Mis-Education" at Work?? 
Our pitiful excuse for Media would have us all believe that "nobody knows" why an element of this nation remains Hell-bent on attacking our President, no matter what he does.  They have been "educated" to believe that we're "post-racial"; therefore race cannot be implicated.  Just goes to show what damages accrue when we blindly trust the education of our children (of all colors) to people who have "agendas"!
When I was struggling with "aparthied; Missouri version" during my first 20 years on this earth, someone told me a story:  White males came to the Americas, first as Conquistadors, then as Religious pioneers, then as wealthy land and slave owners.  Although the New York and New England areas of this country held slaves, they quickly emancipated their slaves and concentrated on the "real money" of the trade: that of banking, shipping, insuring, and other businesses supporting that ugly, hundreds of years period.  The true sourch of "old wealth" that is in the blue states today was amassed from "the trade". 
Poorer white males followed as "overseers" for landed gentry in the Carribean, and later, on plantations in our Southern states.  Because there were few white females, they were granted their share of access to native women and imported slaves -- hence, what I call our "chalk-to-charcoal" population throughout the entire hemisphere.
Before our Civil War, non-WASP and poor white males advanced socially and economically in accordance with the following rule:  attain at least 21 years of age; own at least one white shirt; and know at minimum one English word; the one beginning with the letter "N".  Hence, the phrase "free, white, and 21"!
My 20 years in the military (1962-1982) provided many opportunities to swap stories with fellow officers, of all colors and backgrounds.  I learned that they held a wide variety of racial views that correlated with the backgrounds of the predominant European stock among whom they were raised.  We are dealing today with that residue (absorbed by all and fed back into the predominant social norms) among our citizens today, and among our media and government "leaders".
The most dangerous of that residue may the "prison/industrial complex" that preys upon brown and black males between the ages of 12 and 21.  It has been set up in several of our states to provide investment opportunities for Wall Street.  The very existence of this complex puts the lie to any existence of  real "justice" in our legal system.  Many non-white males and females provide the "overseer" role today for this system.
Stay Vigilant!
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Friday, December 28, 2012


Stop Submitting to Robbery!
In the mid-90's, led by Newt Gengrich, Speaker of the House of Representatives, a band of hooligans rose up and succeeded in shutting down our Government for a few days.  Emboldened by this event, the gang, mostly angry white males, grew in strength and, with allies in the Supreme Court, (utilizing the Thomas Trump) "finagled" the Presidential Election of 2000.  It should have been clear to us all that we, the voting  citizenry, and the United States of America, the world's longest-standing Democracy had been "held-up",  twice, by a band of robbers from within. 
We've all grown up with cowboy movies.  Some say a prevailing view held by many of our government leaders, and of our role in the world has been that of a cowboy, who settles all disputes at gun-point.  We've taught that to our children, unfortunately!  The murderous litany of events that followed in the wake of the 2000 election; beginning with a war they helped wage on the state of California by Enron, a corporation in the state of Texas, to extort energy fees; then spread to include many other calamitous events like the squandering of budget surpluses, waging two wars, on credit, 9/11, Katrina; and culminating in the destruction of our economy in 2008.  We still didn't catch on to what was happening.  The new trick they found, led by the then Minority Leader in the House of Representatives, was how to gerrymander the congressional districts to create "fox-holes", or safe districts, from which they could rule the House forever, and, at the same time spread their red-ooze to  State Houses and Legislatures.
How could this happen? You ask? Its simple, they learned way back in the 90's that members of Congress would "waffle", or outright violate their oaths of office, when tempted with large sums of money, or threatened with the loss of their seat.  They've learned how to break our laws by using our laws against us.  The separation of powers, the strength of our democratic form of government, now  lies in tatters.
The National Stagecoach rides through a "gulch", once again, today at 3 p.m. at the White House.  The President is in the coach.  The leaders of the hold-up, the House Speaker and Senate Minority Leader, in mask, and with guns, will attempt to "hold-up" the stagecoach.   It is driven by the Minority Leader of the House of Representatives and the Majority Leader of the Senate will be "riding shotgun".  This is what we've come to!
"It's our money, or your lives" the robbers shout to the Coach -- the people and their votes "be-damned".  Those who justify all this in the name of "Liberty" must be un-masked as "Libertines"! 
Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Is "Big Money" "Doubling Down"
As 2012 shuffles off into the dust-bin of history, it leaves behind more questions than answers for those things that are really important.  It was reported that the Financial Times has a headline today     seriously questioning the future of the Republican Party (the party that existed before Repoobs infested it).  Looks like someone over there read my blog (13Dec12).
Long before the unwashed Repoobs crawled out of their Southern sewers to infest the party, the GOP was THE PARTY for the Rich (BIG MONEY).   Growing ever bigger over the past several decades, Big Money has split into two parts: malevolent, and not-so malevolent.  Never-mind, that the GOP has loved and served both parts.  In their present sickened condition, serious emergency treatments must be applied if the Party is ever to serve this nation again.  In its present state, we can be easily convinced it is dead-set on destroying this country.  The voters are "all-in"; now that the dreaded election of 2012 is behind us.  It also appears that what was "good" Big Money thirty years ago, is out-of-the-BIG-money now. 
What does this mean for our economy and for the global economy?  Hold on tight! We'll just have to ride this out.  Will it be a Happy New Year, or a Crappy New Year, come midnight on this coming Monday?
And we foolishly thought during the Repoob Primary that all would be well if only we could get "Big Money out of politics"!  NOT!!  Big Money trumps elections, even when they lose, it seems.  Looks like its the TAX CODE that is the real prize.  Barber Conable   warned us decades ago that mess had grown well beyond repair.   We're hard up against it and must now rely on the genius of the Founders who constructed our present governing tools.  If we have any competent legislators left, lets hope they can prevail somehow.
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC   

Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Battle Won -- War Lost?? 
Millenials can be proud of their role in staving off disaster with their vote in 2012.  The final outcome of the "fiscal cliff" fiasco that rages in the wake of the election, and will be decided by midnight, December 31, 2012, will determine whether that vote signaled a only a major defeat in an important battle, or, a victory over a major scourge that has long plagued our planet.
The scourge I reference is one that has plagued man-kind since the fall of Rome.  Herman Melville described it as a white whale in his classic Moby Dick.  Harriet Beecher Stowe described it in her Uncle Tom's Cabin.  The Whale symbolizes the power brokers who have controlled and manipulated the world's wealth and decided who has access to it.  It also symbolizes a belief system that determines who is human, who is deserving of human rights, who is "natural", deserving of Natural Rights, and who is lesser than human, thereby deserving only Civil Rights.  Created and distributed by a major religion in its original form and reinforced in its subsequent revisions, the whale thrived, and slipped past extinction in our Civil War.  Spielberg shows us how the political bargain reached in the 13th Amendment battle waged by Abraham Lincoln shortly before his death, gave the whale a new lease on life.  Defenders of the whale today are members of the Tea Party; descendants of those who gave us Reconstruction, Jim Crow, Lynching, and Peonage.
Our Founders were instruments of the whale, as evidenced by their adherents to the beliefs espoused by Baron Charles-Louis de Montesquieu in his Spirit of Laws.  Their belief that only rich white males who were Anglo-Saxon and Protestant, could be full beneficiaries of their Constitution, is traceable to the Spirit of Laws.  The whale began its life in the 5th Century, before Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, the nation-state came into existence.  De Montesquieu traced his beliefs about humanity to the Ancient Egyptians. 
Those who chose only social and moral arguments to wrestle with the whale, won Civil Rights battles, but lost the human rights and natural rights arguments by failing to address economic freedoms.  The young voters, so instrumental in the 2012 defeat of everything the monied interests could throw at our President, are mistaken to think that social attitudes and changes in language are sufficient to extinguish the whale and break its grip on the economic lives of working individuals on this planet.  The Tea Party radicals are showing they still have a few tricks up their sleeves and are willing bring down our nation's econ0my in their fight to retain power.
The battle for economic freedom for all of us still looms ahead.  If the Millenials fail to see this, they will face the fate of those who forsook the fight for Natural Rights, settling for Civil Rights; and  ignored Economic Freedoms.  A replay of the Reconstruction, and an update of Peonage, both of which supplanted Chattel Slavery, lies ahead as a threat for all future heads of families who have to raise and educate children.
It about Economics and National Economies, Stupid!
Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Monday, December 24, 2012


What VALUE does the RIGHT offer US??
I have had a love-hate relationship with TIME Magazine ever since 1957, when, as a college Freshman, I bought my first subscription.  Some of that relationship is reflected in correspondence from one of its early editors.  This year's Person(s) of the Year edition is one I recommend highly.
One of the writers cites the Obama era as a clear demarcation as the end of the Reagan era.  Thank whatever God you worship for this, if it turns out to come true!
At this writing, when the extreme Right is poised to doom the nation, once again, by pushing it over the Fiscal Cliff, we can all question the value of the right wing in our politics.  Reagan, disguising his true "values" in a cloak of "fiscal conservatism" set this country's economy on a roller-coaster boom and bust path.  The conservatives who drifted ever closer to their anarchic and racist extreme, are now trying to "sell" guns to us in compensation for their spectacular failure at any type of fiscal sanity.  We should have paid closer attention when Reagan went early to Philadelphia, Mississippi, to provide aid and comfort to those engaged in the murder of Civil Rights workers.
Senator Graham of South Carolina, who has to sound more and more like Senator Bilbo in his desperate run for re-election, represents the price our country pays if we continue to tolerate this crap in our politics.  De Mint had the good manners to quit the Senate.  Senator Graham should follow his example.  Young politicians of 100% ambition and 0% human decency are the true legacy of Ronald Reagan.  (Keep a close eye on the rising number of them, from Virginia, South Carolina, and Florida.  The politics of fear and greed are their mainstay.
They offer a corrupt brand of "safety"; kicking that into high gear following 9/11.  The more they stoked the fears of white voters, the greater their political success. The second-term election of President Obama may herald an end to this madness.  We all know we're not safe, and we  will only become less safe, at home and abroad, if we continue to listen to these wack jobs.  Let's hope we're seeing the end of the road for them!
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 


Sunday, December 23, 2012

The W.A.S.P. That Still STINGS!

The Un-Revealed "Root"?
The Sunday Talk-Shows this morning berate the subjects of "Newtown" and "fiscal Cliff",  implying that they comprise twin horns of a monstrous reality this country faces.  You can get a sense that there is some "taboo" being observed by the media; that they know what they dare not speak about these subjects.
The Tea Party radicals in what used to be the Republican Party are characterised as "crazies" and a similar consensus is spread about the shooter in Newtown.  The NRA holds fast to mental disorder as a defense for their stance on gun violence, and support for their proposal for yet more guns, and more shooters.
The mass shootings are discussed without acknowledging their "mass" feature.  The Tea Party malcontents are discussed without revealing a significant feature that sets them apart.  The adherence to some "root sentiment" in our media and within our culture is so strong that the shooter was driven to kill his mother and tens of small children.  It drives the Tea Party nuts to comfortably consign their national economy to ruin!
What I think they all know and cannot face openly is that our White, Anglo-Saxon and Protestant national root is both subliminal and endemic in our prevailing thought processes  -- and they don't want to "go there" in their analyses.  We've had mass shootings in Malls, Movies, Schools (but not Churches): all of these have mass gatherings.  The campaign and results of our national election explain the mind-set of the Tea Party participants who will never agree to anything our Black President thinks is necessary.  Many compare our mass killings to European countries and to Japan; overlooking the lack of homogeneity this country represents.  The mass shooters are predominately young white males. 
The WASP lens is what this nation has used since its founding to "assimilate" all immigrants into the mainstream -- until now.  African-Americans were never meant to be assimilated.
Non-white immigrants of the 21st century cannot be turned white (although Repoobs may try giving Marco Rubio a make-over).
An easier and cheaper answer to the safety issue for school children is to stop mass-educating them!
This practice is a hold-over from our dying agricultural and industrial economies.  The WASP lens has to be applied to the rhetoric of the NRA, to properly understand their meaning when they use terms like "Good Guy", "Bad Guy", "Innocent",  and "Felon".  Consider more closely their derivations for these terms.
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Saturday, December 22, 2012


From FDR to OBAMA 
NOTE to Readers: This is blog#201.  I have now more than 3000 readers in 25 countries.
For any of you who are interested, and talented, in publishing, I am interested in extending my readership to those without internet access.  Any Ideas? ( 
In the mid-80's Peter Drucker explained to my class, in detail, how the "Oil Shock" of the early 70's reverberated around this planet, and the economic (mostly financial) fall-out that resulted.  From this story and others he told us, it is easy for me to understand the events that have occurred since.  I have no doubt that many "leaders" in our government(s), industry and academia have known about and/or and participated in the more devasting of these events; it is the "public" that has been "mushroomed" (see earlier blogs).
The title to this blog headlines the most significant factors driving the un-folding of these events.   Acclimatization is not included because things like hurricanes, may be influenced, but are not driven by economics and politics.  If you believe, as I do, that this planet is an organism, then the planet will respond to mankind in its own way. 
As my sub-title suggest, we can pick up the story we must all understand by returning to FDR.  On the heels of a devastating Depression at home, he knew, as World War II was coming to and end, that the Western Powers should not try to revert to their old Colonialist practices.  Churchill and De Gaulle chose not to follow his advice, setting in motion events that led our nation into the Viet Nam War.
Truman, a fellow Missourian I remember for his whistle-stop in my home town in 1948, was a descendent of Klansmen, but decided we had to break the color barriers in this country and integrated our Military by edict.  General Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. led the military portion of the Negro Movement pressures for relief from Jim Crow and economic discrimination (See "Red Tails" for  "Hollywood's" trivialization of that effort).  It was the Warren Court, in 1954 that blew the roof off, so to speak, and the citizens of the United States have been fighting the inevitable, at home and abroad, ever since.
I wrote my Masters Thesis in 1972 as a "birds-eye" view of what was going on in the military at that time.  My career lagged behind that of Colin Powell, by a couple of years.  We both began in Army ROTC, but I was able to switch to Air Force ROTC and slogged through 20 years, retiring as a Lt. Colonel.  The "back-lash" within the military continues to this day.  We may never see any more Colin Powell's.
You saw in the past four years just how stubborn the old tribal mind-sets concerning color and privilege are, in the election and re-election of President Obama.  Had the 2008 economic melt-down not occurred, I am sure the decline this country is struggling to overcome, would be much steeper, and our future more bleak.  The Grand Old Party, following the disastrous lead ot Nixon, has been walking a slow trail to its demise as a result. 
Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC    

Friday, December 21, 2012


Insanity - Revisited??
If you are feeling that we've entered some kind of insane space in this country. welcome to the club!  What remains of the Republican Party, the Repoobs, showed the world their true selves in their "Plan-B caper" last night.  They are cynical, sinister, anarchic, fanatical ideologues who have violated their oaths of office by failing to put their country's interests before party interests.  Its doubtful that anything resembling the Republican Party we all remember, will survive this utter failing!
The NRA (National Rifle, No Republicans Anymore, Not Responsible, National Rednecks -- take your choice), offered a desperate pitch today for stealthily installing "militias" nationwide in the guise of school protectors; comprised of "citizen volunteers".  We heard something about "national militias" when we were dealing with Timothy McVeigh and his cohorts. The "citizen volunteers" will probably be recruited from people like George Zimmerman; all of whom would be empowered to "go hunt'n while pack'n"!  The NRA answer to the Connecticut event is to protect our children the way we "protect" our money.  This "proposal" can be used as a simple litmus test!   We can use it to determine who is qualified to deal with our current problems, and who is clearly not to be taken seriously.
As for the Speaker, the "House" is facing its own crises, just days before the entire nation falls into a pre-set debacle.  What does the "House" do to replace a clearly dysfunctional Speaker?  Is there time?  He keeps saying "spending", set in motion when Repoobs controlled the House, is the problem. 

The Constitution   provides no guide for a situation like this.  Theoretically, the members of the House (all parties), could rebel, and force a vote for a new Speaker who will rise above party and deal with the nation's interests.  There may not be time.  Could Repoobs in the Senate bring Boehner "to his senses"; enabling the crisis to be resolved in time?  With McConnell as Repoob leader in the Senate, lots of luck at that!,

Brace for the "Cliff"!

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC

Thursday, December 20, 2012


The More They "Change" ......
Was what happened to a lone black teenager in Florida earlier this year a precursor to what happened to 20 primary school children in Connecticut almost a week ago?  A little careful thought might reveal what is a threat to each of us as citizens and to our nation as a whole.
The teenager was old enough and strong enough to try to defend himself -- he failed.  The 20 babies in Connecticut never knew what hit them (we pray).  Both were attacked and died from a mind-set in this nation that says we've reached a point where it's "every man (woman  and child) for themselves"!
Ronald Reagan and Jeb Bush are the architects of our new reality.
 Their philosophy (cat-nip for Libertarians of every stripe) is the ultimate in "anti-social" thinking. Their view of "social security" is to hoard as much money as you can and to have enough firepower to vanquish whatever or whomever threatens you.  If you examine Bogardus' scale, drawn in the mid-20's, (the last time this nation was in an immigration crisis -- caused by too many "ethnics" from Europe entering our nation), the person who "threatens" you could be just about anybody.  Today, it is most certainly any person of color.
"Stand Your Ground", signed into law in Florida by Jeb Bush, has spread like wild-fire in the red states of this country.  So has the notion, spread by the Tea Party, that we can all participate in the largesse of government, at all levels in this expanding nation, but we don't need to pay the bills.  We're also going through the consequences of the twin deaths of the agricultural and industrial periods in our nation's history.
Dysfunctional legislative bodies at the local, state, and national levels are working to dissolve the Union in ways that the insurgents of our Civil War never dreamed of.  Many of the adherents of our present scourge are the descendents of those who first attempted to destroy this nation by warfare.  This current attempt is funded from both within and without (look at where the Big Money Boys hide their money, and who their allies are).
It is time for us all to re-read our Declaration of Independence!
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Our Effin' Media in Full Effect 
As I watched the President's press conference this morning, I got sick to my stomach.  There was our effin' media (dare not call them "reporters") in full form and true to their nature -- a pack of hyenas!
They were out to push the blame for both, the Connecticut event and the fiscal cliff, away from themselves and the limp, confused, and scurrilous Congress.  They tried mightily to pin the blame for our sorry situation on the President!  He's made the mistake of trying to help Congress do its job!
There's an old story of the employee who, abused by his boss all day, comes home and takes it out on his wife.  She then takes it out on the kids.  They go out and kick the dog.  Such is the nature of displaced anger.  We, as a nation, have a huge amount of pent-up anger, brought on by the combined failures and abuses of the Cheney/Bush years.  The President is right:  the answer to our problems lie "in our homes and in our hearts" -- especially so for the 47%.
Obama springs on the scene in 2008, willing to "reason" with all sides and "heal" our economy and the world's financial problems.  We elect him.  He tries bold things, not before successful -- and succeeds!  The belittled and shamed opposition (guilty of committing the atrocities) tries everything short of physical attack, to undermine anything he tries -- thereby assuring his failure.  They pick a Big Money Boy to take him out in the 2012 election, and they fail at that!  Big Money Boys of the "financial" sort are scrambling to get their fingerprints off the "gun trade" in light of the Connecticut shootings.  Jim McTague in Barrons (December 17, 2012) explains the "betrayal" of Boehner and McConnell by the Business Roundtable -- check it out!
Our so-called "free" (but expensive and profit-driven) Press has come to their rescue; if this morning's press conference is any measure.  Keeping the fight alive on the fiscal cliff issue while also profiting from the media coverage of the Connecticut event, is right down the alley of this bunch.  The interest of the nation "be-damned"!  Disciples of the Limbaugh school of "reporting"; they also keep the years-long frenzy against the President alive as we approach Christmas.
Shame on Them!  This nation is in dire need of emotion-free, fact-laden reporting; not the crap-stirring and instigating that we get 24/7!  A President who persists in "reasoning" with the hate-filled and un-principled; may be perceived as "weak" but the fact that he continues to "win" against tremendous odds should give the opposition pause.
Stay Vigilant! 

Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC  

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Boehner's Answer to THE OWL (12/14/12)??
Our Repoob point-man was on the telly this morning to announce their "Plan-B".  It sounds familiar!
Read REPOOBS: "PLAN-B"?? (12/14/12) --the elements line up.  They're preparing to separate the Sequestration issue from the Taxation issue.
Given the horrific events in Connecticut in the past few days, they're scrambling to regain their footing in their battle with the President.  They're having to do so "under the gun", so-to-speak, because the gun nuts are their mainstay; politically, financially, racially, and ideologically.  The part of this nation that favors flooding our streets with automatic weapons measures 47%, according to recent election results.  They're flirting with going down the drain politically after the massacre of the innocents last Friday.
As if its not horrible enough that these nuts have the country by the throat financially, their plan to shift their base to the "think tanks" for purposes of waging their wars against the public may not help them either. 
Mayor Bloomberg is out front, attacking President Obama, obliquely blaming him for the shooting and charging him with offering only palliatives as a substitute for "immediate" action.  He told Charlie Rose he would have voted for Romney, if not for his shift on the gun issue.  He says he meant no "disrespect", but his tone definitely did not offer any "respect" for the President.  There is an element of panic among politicians of every persuasion because this shooting came from "out of the blue" and messes up their strategies regarding the fiscal cliff.  Looks like Gun Control has come back with a vengeance; up-ending the plans laid under Cheney/Bush/Hastert when they  allowed the Brady Bill to expire.  Life is rough for a Repoop in Congress these days.
But time is running out and the water is rising.  The Connecticut folks, as one talking head noted, don't need our money, they need emotional support and hard, accurate, means for keeping their children safe.  When children at this level on our food chain are no longer safe, who is??
Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Monday, December 17, 2012


Will The Dark Forces Prevail? 
President Obama, addressing the mourners in Connecticut last night, said that "we" must change.  Change, along with Hope, have been two recurring themes we have heard from him, from the time he appeared in our political world.  But change is inevitable, they say; and not all change is good.  Most people, we're told, fear change, believing it to pose a threat.
The Dark Forces that have beset us all, certainly since 2008, and, when we think about it, for much longer before, came perilously close to total victory in the 2012 election.  As predicted in this blog, that election outcome only opened the door to the hard slog we must all make to achieve the kind of nation and world that we all pretended we had; until we could pretend, no longer.
But how? What do we do?  Our slothful, cunning, lazy, shallow media advises us to simply not speak the names of these shooters we've had to deal with over the past several months.  As if that, alone, will represent some kind of positive change.  If we simply don't "glorify" the shooters, they assert, in their twisted logic.  But that's crap!! Concentrating on the shooter is precisely what we must do -- not the guns that we're encouraged to focus on.  Don't get me wrong, I believe that the gun lobby represents the darkest element of the dark forces that beset us. 
Behind those guns we find cowering, disturbed, angry, fearful boys -- of various ages, colors, income classes, and social benefits (or lack thereof).  There have been disturbing signs around for several decades pointing to a steady decline in the quality of male citizen this nation produces.  I first became aware of it at the time Nixon abolished the military draft in 1973.  We can't go back on that; but we can examine closely the benefits the draft provided  to the development and quality of our male citizenry. 
During the time of the draft, the public, through the military, paid the money, and repaired the failings of both the home and community to produce a psychically healthy male.  We need to find a way to get that back again; for young males of all colors and classes.  The perverted "justice system" we fund and operate is little more than a conduit for the "prison-industrial system" we have established for purposes of investment on Wall Street.  It must be ripped out and torn to shreds!
I saw the Life of Pi  yesterday.  It's an uplifting story of a young male confronting himself and winning the battle.  I highly recommend the film, and the story, for inspiration and, perhaps, a path we can follow in our journey ahead.

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

20 Little ANGELS Fly Homeward at CHRISTMAS

The Vulnerability of Our Children

As parents, most of us strive to protect our children.  We do that in many ways.  We try to improve on the "ovarian lottery" to which all of ourchildren are subjected.  These 20 children were provided the very best we have in our powers to accomplish such protection.  But it failed for them.

What do we know?  We all, regardless of gender,class, and race, come into this world, un-consulted, through this lottery; naked and totally dependent.  We are "trapped" in various ways for a period of 21 years before we are allowed by governments and society to "break free".  We have to endure pressures, greater for most than those faced by these 20, most of which concern our physical and emotional safety.

As a 73-year-old whose namesake was murdered in 1933, at gun-point, at the age of 12; whose own child-hood ended abruptly at the age of six; I'm keenly aware of the nature of the "traps" many, if not most, children endure in this nation.

This nation was born out of the barrel of the gun, used to exterminate those living here at the time of European arrival, and the lash of the whip.  It has not been able to shake its reverence for guns or the "bunker mentality" that pervades every aspect of our culture. 

Our first response to this latest evil event, tearing at our collective hearts, is to focus on the gun -- not on the shooters -- and certainly not on the lethal combination of gun and shooter. If this event can't change this tendency, we have no hope as a nation.  Our collective search for "safety" borders on national paranoia.

We know the shooter fits a familiar pattern; male, and usually white.  The phenomenon exists almost exclusively in this nation and in Europe.  The victims are killed, in mass most often, and perceived by the shooter to be persons weaker than themselves in some way.

We must get up off our knees, stop crying, stop praying, and start DOING what we know we should do!

Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Friday, December 14, 2012


Just What Are These Red-Necks R-e-a-l-l-y Up To?
Thus far past the election, Romney, Eastwood, and all the ugly stuff of the past year or so, the Repoobs (Republicans of the Redneck Variety) are "hard-at" keeping this nation on edge.  Their performance during the Debt-Ceiling Crisis in 2011 demonstrated, clearly, that they don't give a damn about the financial health of the nation.  So what are they really up to in the current "fiscal cliff" shenanigans?
In an interview on television yesterday Dan Rather, who knows a thing or two about getting "rolled" by Rednecks, said that this bunch, led by Boehner and McConnell, think they can "roll" President Obama for his watch and his wallet.  In other words, they think he's weak and will cave, no matter how strong a hand he is playing.
Their "dumps" in the media, that feed the frenzy of the clue-less, seem only to heighten tensions and waste precious time needed for difficult legislating.  They're not working at all in Congress!  But,  Why? 

This morning on C-Span, Nina Olsen, National Taxpayer Advocate, may have provided the answer. 
She said that the AMT, or Adjusted Minimum Tax, is just one of thousands of "extenders" in the Tax Code that will die abruptly when we go over the Fiscal Cliff.  That could cause major disruptions as millions of taxpayers attempt to pay their taxes in 2013.  Many filers would have their filing rejected by IRS.  What better way to screw the country, get revenge for the election, and starve the government to death!  A Tri-fecta of mayhem that puts Newt and his fellow bomb throwers to shame.
Why hasn't the "serious" media warned us of this?  Can this Redneck attack on Susan Rice be simply a grand diversion that wastes precious time and waltzes us all into disaster?  Fuzzy headed Democrats and other Liberals had better wake up and find out who the real enemies of this country are, and how long they've been working to wreck this nation and our Constitution.
Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Thursday, December 13, 2012

And Another Thing; ...WE NEED A NEW PARTY!!

First Things First!
This message is for those of you thankful to be truly alive and well in this New World, and in the United States:
WE NEED A NEW PARTY!!  Not a Third Party -- A New Party!  Relics like Boehner and McConnell make that painfully clear!
We're seeing a lot in the media these days reminescent of Abraham Lincoln.  He was a member of the Whig Party.  It died and became the Republican Party.  Why not call the new party the WIG Party since we will continue to increase the ranks of women in politics.  Men's wigs are called Toupee's for some silly reason!  Men can "make-up" the minority within the Wig Party.  I'm joking, of course.
For those astute younger-than-thirty-five year-olds who produced our escape from near-death and Romney, please take this assignment to heart.
Let me suggest what the platform or founding principles of the party might be.  (1) A funeral for Ayn Rand and all adherents; (2) No Bush-era substitutes for GeorgeWallace and "Bull Connor"; (3) Nobody who resembles in any way Condoleeza Rice or Clarence Thomas; (4) No support for AIPAC or any of its supporters or tactics; (5) Automatic expulsion for any members who enrich themselves at the public trough; (6) No Tea Party former-members or sympathizers; (7) No nostalgia for the Stars and Bars; (8) No worship for Wall Street; (9) No tolerance for Corporate goverment in any form; and (10) A prohibition against coercive attempts to "monetize" everything from health care to the air we breathe.
Feel free to add to this list.  Let's also ponder a fitting funeral for the GOP??
Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 


Dying, Rotting Fish??
Congratulations to those of us who have survived, yet another, "end of the world"!  We haven't all survived, however.  Like a flopping, dying fish on the deck of the ship of state, The Republican Party, that once- Grand Old Party, is in its death throes as it struggles to disgorge the cancerous Tea Party it ingested along with those race-haters who remain in our body politic.
This new world is certainly not a Brave New World, given the shenaningans going on in our Congress and in that sewer that poses as our news media.  "Sick-Rant-Telly", that Tea Party darling on CNBC, a mouthpiece for "BAD"-Big Money, delivered a slip of his foul tongue this morning when he referred to "President" Boehner in the heat of his latest I-Hate-Obama rant.  Dream On!
What do we know, thus far, following our 2012 election?  A Swede, Gunnar Myrdal, selected by our government, and funded by the Carnegie Foundation, was busy at the time of my birth performing an in-depth study into the "Negro Problem" in this country.  Approximately 100 years after De Tocqueville's dire predictions on race, the Federal Government wanted to obtain as much information as possible in its designs to thwart any advancement of the former slaves as they emerged from Reconstruction.  The New Negro Movement , which followed World War I (and was championed by my grandmother) was giving our government fits and the Feds wanted to head off any movement toward Civil Rights.  Eisenhower and other military leaders were participants in the War Department's role in the effort, which persisted well into the FDR administration.
If you dig into Myrdal's findings, you will find the blue-print used to create Repoobs, inspired by Nixon. He became the Picasso of race for our national politics, later to be merrily embraced by the "affable dummy" who became President in 1980.  That blue print may not survive the 2012 election, despite the best efforts of "All the Bush Horses and All the Bush Puppets".  Thank God!
Finer details regarding the demise of things that have plagued us all during my lifetime are emerging.  Some examples:  white votes are being re-designed as rural vs. urban votes to sustain white control in legislatures; younger whites are much less racist than those whites over the age of 35; gender will continue to be a problem -- but, for males of all colors and income classes;  the new world symbol for our males will likely be a thirty-something on a skate board, with a stash of guns at home, living off some young female, with dire job or career prospects.  Contrast the Romney spawn with our typical young males and you get the picture.  Rubio "can't touch" that!
Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12:12:12 -- We're Still H-E-R-E!!

Time to Review "Blind Beliefs"??
In 2000, I visited Palenque; in 2002, I visited Chichen Itza; in 2007, I visited Uxmal.  Mayan cultural sites are very impressive.  These ruins are evidence that once-great cultures can decline and disappear.
The "throw-backs", "conservatives", bigots, obstructionists -- whatever your term is for them -- are still hard at it!  They are doubling and tripling down on their threats to our economy and to any remaining powers Organized Labor might have.  Will they "cave", or is this once-great nation headed for some "cave" in history?
Our efforts to save our nation will not be accomplished in a single vote!  It may take a life-time of votes against the Republicans, Repoobs, Tee Pee's, or whatever else the Bushes and their progeny or puppets  morph their party into;  to rid ourselves of the scourge they represent.  Our faithfulness to The Constitution requires no less.
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Shame on you! - John
I awoke this morning to giddy money-folk on CNBC.  "The Speaker's going to speak at noon!", they gushed.  The market was soaring.  So, I bit; and waited to hear "big John" make his momentus pronouncement; expecting the end of the "Cliff" haggling.  Burned again!  He came before all of us in prime coverage and delivered a "dump" that smelled to high heaven!
C'mon John!  Don't make our T.V. viewers believe that its the President's "job" to write legislation that will pass both houses.  That's YOUR job!! YOU are the Leader for the House of Representatives.  If you're searching for "leadership", grab a mirror.   Our T.V. viewers are stupid enough, given the swill that's out there on our too-many channels.  Let me guess; you're auditioning for a job with Rupert; afraid the snakes you're trying to herd will "strike" at you, and you won't continue in your job.
Everybody knows that lobbyists are writing legislation for the House, so why try to claim that the President has to do that job also?
I Googled the list of Speakers we've had in our past, and learned that you are Speaker #61, installed in the 112th Congress.  Thirty of our 61 Speakers have served longer terms.  I became aware of the office of Speaker during the term of Sam Rayburn, and always believed that the position, 3rd in line of succession to the Presidency, was an honorable one.  That impression collapsed completely with the antics of Newt-the-Toot.  Continued by Denny, who reigned over the Cheny/Bush years!  The denigration of the Office continued until Nancy Pelosi tried to restore some sanity.  The pack raised and fed by Newt's followers had grown too strong by the time Nancy arrived, and she was washed away after two terms.
The nation has to think seriously about Gerrymandering!  The House of Representatives was assigned too important a role in our government to tolerate the trashin' you guys have given it.  You guys call into question the very ability of our government to function.
Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Monday, December 10, 2012


Intersecting Orbits?
It is in severe economic times like these that the "orbits" of whites,and those of the various non-whites in our nation, intersect.  The last time we were our butts economically, the Great Depression, saw poor whites and poor blacks pool their interests and successfully fight for labor rights (see: Wagner Act:  The result was a revolution in living standards for all or our citizens.  Money Boys in those days fought the movement and they're doing it again today.  Business interests in this country have maintained adversarial relations with labor ever since the Great Depression.
Unfortunately, for labor, race reasserted itself after the legislation was won in 1935: black labor was segregated from white labor.  My dad was a railroad union worker in Missouri.  He could not get work, or hold on to work until all whites were first served.  As the railroads declined over my lifetime (I was a teen-ager when diesel engines emerged), my dad never again worked on the railroad.
Fast forward to mad Ronnie, who succeeded in convincing the "Archie Bunker" labor movement of the 70's that they no longer needed their unions.  Labor, and our nation, have faced disaster from that point on.  Big Money continued its adversarial relations with labor, and now, at the ebb of the Reagan era, we are seeking the final coup de grace on labor.  These times are so severe economically, Big Business holds the whip hand over labor and all of its elements: by color, by age, by gender, and country of origin.  Labor is truly facing its death-knell, and racism played a significant role in their sorry state.
The 2012 vote in labor states, like Wisconscin and Michigan, are harbingers of a sorry future for labor as Big Money, and manufacturers in general, turn toward robots to replace physical labor.  The jobs that remain will be for highly-skilled craftsmen who have mostly died out; taking their skills to the grave.  Big Money is clearly on the side of the rascists, as the 2012 vote shows.  They have not become "enlightened" the way German management has toward labor in their country.
The color and gender make-up of the new manufacturing labor force will probably require a new labor law or and up-date of the old Wagner Act. 
Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 


National Angst
The long nightmare of our national election is past, but its respone has not yet borne the relief the voters sought.  The voice of the people was clear in its message:  quit squabbling and pay our bills!  The politicians are pretending not to hear; especially in the House of Representatives where the money bills must originate.
The Republicans in the House of Representatives seem,  still, to be unwilling to pay the bills for spending they have already authorized.  Only nonsensical reasons are provided, and a deadline looms 3 weeks away.  Madness? Insurrection?  What in hell is this?
All governments levy taxes for the purpose of paying its bills.  That fact is fundamental.  Beggar-thy-neighbor policies ; practiced most often between nations, has been an internal policy between the states of this country for so long that our spending is woefully out of balance with the revenues we raise to cover them.  Its a no-brainer that the math requires more funding to balance the books.
After haggling and holding the nation's economy hostage for more than four years, the Repoobs are still at it!  I have contended in these blogs that the Repoobs are a cancer that could kill the Republican Party.  I regretfully may be right.  These people are desperate, cornered, and vengeful for being rejected by the voters.
Most people stop spending only when they have nothing left to spend.  Same will go for nations.  But then, there are claims on assets.  The invasion of Mexico in 1846 was in pursuit of a claim on assets for debts owed.  Have we come to this point in reverse?  Will there be a claim against the assets of this nation due to such truculence by a political party?
The choice presented is a false one.  This nation must do both, and be damn quick about it!
Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Santa As "Educator"??
Shortly before Christmas in 1967, I volunteered to play "Santa" at a kindergarten on an Air Force Base in the Southwestern U.S.  That State had not yet instituted kindergarten, and this one, attended by my son, had a volunteer staff.  The teacher thought it was a good idea, and agreed.  With his three-year-old sister in tow, I appeared as "Santa" in full costume.  (His little sister appeared 25  years later in  Venture  magazine, depicting her role in a Silicon Valley start-up company).
The class was racially mixed, but mostly white.  The white kids reacted most viscerally, from puzzlement, to belligerence.  One shouted "you're not a "real" Santa!  I asked him if he had seen a "real" Santa, or had ever heard of anyone seeing the "real" Santa.  He said no.  My response was, "there's a reason for that!"
I was prompted to do this because more than one white fellow officer had told me, one in tears, that they were at their wit's end trying to keep raw racism from invading their children and their homes; largely from playing with the other children; who came from all over this country.  My children were racially taunted by white children on our block, some as young as 3 and 4 years of age.
Don't get me wrong, I have many and varied emotional reactions to the entire "Santa" phenomenon.  I was normally sick from colds or flu following the Christmas event, caused from hiding outside in the cold, at night, doing Santa's work!  I got to really resent the "Fat Guy" stealing all the credit for my hard work and thrift.  That opened the door to my questioning  the entire litany of white, male, super-heros used to keep white supremacy alive.  Their mother disagreed, I might add.
Have a "thoughtful" holiday!
Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Friday, December 7, 2012


"Do A "Right" Thing??
The media reported recently, what the NFL thinks, I'm sure" is a very generous settlement, or financial grant, for the three-month-old baby who was orphaned by the reported murder-suicide  involving her parents.  The report also stated that the baby was under care of a relative.
We all have heard the phrase: "like takin' candy from a baby".  Well, taking MONEY from a baby is even easier than swindling the grown athletes who often suffer that fate in the sports world!
So, what to do?  I offer a suggestion to the NFL, to take steps NOW to GUARANTEE that the child will, indeed, benefit from their offer.  She has a sufficient time window to permit even the most conservative investment plan to provide millions of dollars by the time she reaches adulthood and will need those funds to provide a successful adult life.
If these funds are tossed  "over the fence", with no more protection than those provided to adult players in the NFL, that could be nothing short of criminal!  Dont'cha Think??  The publicity from such a plan (make it public) could benefit the Leage immensely!

See my earlier blog: ESPECIALLY FOR BLACKS??
Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 


The Young Must "Double Down" 
On this anniversary of Pear Harbor, South Carolina's version of "Creme-de-Mint" is in the news.
The election results show the astounding power of young voters when they bridge color lines and become Citizens United!  This is the first real "crack" in White Supremacy" that I have seen in my long lifetime!  It must be pursued with vigor, or the enemies of your future will succeed in dragging the color line permanently into the 21st century.
The fuzzy-headed Left, old and young, may mistake the election results as some kind of permanent victory, but they are very wrong about that!  This centuries-old scourge must be broken completely here in the United States before it can be successfully challenged at its roots, both in this hemisphere and in Europe.  To really succeed, the young voters will have to take on the extremely tough task of disentangling race and religion.  Only by succeeding at that task will the planet be spared  a bloodbath, driven by those twins.  If you succeed, Africa can finally get up off its knees and join the Human Race.
Back to "South Carolina De-Mint"; he's fleeing to a "Think Tank", those sewers from which our Congressional "Leaders" have drawn the ideas of governing that have led us all to this sorry pass.
They are also unleashing their younger "lawn jockeys", of all shades: from Kentucky, Texas, Florida, and soon to be, South Carolina.  This appointment of a "black" may provide cover also for Graham and their lady governor of the Asian -Indian variety, who is reportedly in political trouble.  Could it be that the "fortress" of South Carolina racial politics is also cracking from within?
To prepare for this fight for your future, the young voters in the 2012 election should disavow themselves of any notion that we're in some king of "post-racial" age.  Race was raw and "in-your-face" throughout the Repoob campaign, from their debates, to their convention, and to their Neanderthal candidates (read my 15-April and 18-Sept blogs: Repoobs Rise , and Re-Take "The Purse" in 2012??)
Race was key to their losing the election, but Big Money may have escaped the Repoob's fate.  The true price-tag of the election is dribbling out, and it promises to be staggering!  In 2016, you can expect it to continue its asympotic rise!  Only a candidate that can "drain all coffers" stands a chance to win that election; in which there will be no incumbent.
Stay Vigilant!  Read your history; "double down" stay united!
Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Jazz: The "Existential" Music?? 
The world I was born into was dominated by Music (the music of a People who built and evolved the Americas).  From Church to School and throughout our existence, what white people called "Race Music" was our greatest sustainer.
From my home town, in the late 1800's, Scott Joplin created a style or type of music that changed fundamentally the music of the world.  Rag-time, his invention, became the underpinnings for JAZZ, after it travelled down to New Orleans and came back "up-river".
Brubeck, born 19 years before me, "introduced" (they say) Jazz to whites, and made them like it.
Before then, it was an unspecified form of "Race Music" with a most-foul stigma. 
It was the "beat", the "rhythm", the "ritmo", after all, that was the issue.  The drum- beat-in-the-night, was what struck the most terror among whites during the days of chattel slavery; keeping racism and fear of all things black alive in our society.  Whites called it the "music of the devil".
Among my thousands of recordings collected over my life-time (78's, 45's, LP's, CD's, tapes) almost no white artists were included, mostly because they didn't record our music before Dave came along.
Remember, it was the extreme wealth provided by the slave trade that funded "Classical" white music between the early 1500's and the late 1800's.
Dave and his "5/4" rhythmic hook for white folk, created what has been a marginal following; but also began the "mining" of black artist's works by whites.  "Cross-over" became a dream for black artists, leading to the break-up of groups.  Before Dave, artists like Nat-King-Cole were known to have "built" businesses like Capitol Records.  The ban of race music from the air-waves persisted into my early college years, when the Columbia Record Club carried Dave's albums.
Because whites spurned our music beforeElvis and the Beatles came along, I was able to not only hear and meet people like Duke Ellington, Pearl Bailey, Miles Davis; I also partied with them, and have recordings and pictures they autographed.  Post-Beatles, the era of Jazz performers began to die out, as great black icons passed away: great voices like Billie Holliday, Carmen McRae, Sarah Vaughn, Ella Fitzgerald, Dinah Washington ... the list is long.  We will never again see a period of such rich variation in black talent in music.  Needless to say, the "pale" copiers made a lot of money, while their darker progenitors (like Little Richard) had to stand by and watch their art get ripped off.  Wikipedia: reports that Dave was aware of this and was troubled by it.  We can say R.I.P. for Dave, assured that he was not a part of the 47%, the 2012 election shows, still haunts us.
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Monday, December 3, 2012


Why Can We NOT Hear The Message? 
Yesterday, the story broke in the "media" concerning yet another black NFL player who committed suicide. This one, alledgedly, after killing his long-term girlfriend.  They left behind a three-month-old baby.  The stupid media claims "nobody knows" why he did it.
In a Money and Banking class at the Drucker Institute in the mid-80's, we had a guest lecturer who was an Investment Banker.  In those days, the Glass-Steagall laws were in effect, and we were taught about a "Chinese Wall" between investment and commercial banking.  The laws were there to protect us from "money boys" playing fast and loose with despositor's money.  Those laws have since been wiped away and "woe be unto us" as a result!
The story was then in the news about the bankruptcy of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, so I asked the lecturer why there was no interest in protecting the investments of athletes who came from poor and un-protected backgrounds.  His reponse contained mostly grousing about the difficulties of "handling" the wives of doctors and lawyers, and a general un-willingness to wrestle with poor minorities and their new-found wealth.  Add clinging family and friends to the picture, and the situation turns rapidly "un-manageable".
Add also that it is extremely difficult to advise anybody about their money; and we can see why  minority football players are especially damned.  There seems to be a rash of them committing suicide recently.  Since the 80's, all sorts of "advisors" have come out of the woodwork, (mostly the "venture" kind we became familiar with during the 2012 election), who have enjoyed the benefits of "helping" the athletes with their money.  Some of them have been their "trusted" coaches.
Sports and Entertainment are separated by our media, but they are actually simply "entertainment".
Black athletes were specially "produced" by Slave Masters for the entertainment of their class.  Some would argue that we have the same phenomenon today, in thinly disguised form.  There clearly is a "color thing" involved.  Musicians, actors, and other "celebrities" know their version of this phenomenon also. 
Now we have an explosion of mega-lotteries, and the "rags to riches" syndrome expands more. 
I am often haunted by a scene in the "Wiz" , where Michael Jackson, impaled on a device suggestive of a cross, sings "You Cain't Win".  He cetainly didn't!
Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Sunday, December 2, 2012


Congress; Executive Branch; "Supremes" & "Media"
 In the aftermath of our traumatic 2012 Election, the voters, and all citizens must take up the chant:"Do Your Job"!!  We should address this message to all those listed above, and not let up until this latest threat to our sanity and our economy is removed BEFORE DECEMBER 31, 2012!
Let's also be clear about what their respective jobs are.  Read your Constitution!  The Congress must resolve all issues (money matters start in the House of Representives) and present a unified Bill to the President for his signature or veto.  The President, chief of the Executive Branch) has the job of keeping his foot in their asses until they do!
The so-called "Free Press" has an obligation, if not a legal commandment, to make the issues as clear to the public as possible, without taking sides or picking fights.
Stay Vigilant??

Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Saturday, December 1, 2012


The Twin Scourges Survive?
Upon his election in 1980, Ronald Reagan (Mad Ronnie?), summoned forth the twin demons of Greed and Racism to inform both his policies and his Party's path to dominance.  With his policy of "deficits as far as the eye can see", he and his henchmen grabbed hold of our economy with the intent of starving government and shrinking it to their liking. 
After decades of wreckage caused by the fiscal mayhem, the voters roundly rejected those policies and the twin demons of Greed and Race in the election of 2012.  The Repoob leaders of the House and Senate are flagrantly dis-regarding the will of the voting public and continuing their practice of stone-walling and obstruction.   Are they dancing on the grave of this "once-great nation"?
They and their party seem to feel they are superior to the will of the people and the checks and balances designed into our system of government by its Founders.  The Fiscal Cliff looms!
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Friday, November 30, 2012


The "March" of Decay?
Where does blatant "Discrimination" go to operate freely?  Under Woodrow Wilson, it was at the Federal level (he welcomed the Klan and segregated Washington, D.C.).  It has devolved over time to the States (remember George Wallace and "Bull" Connor?).  Today, you can see the rotting hand of decay and discrimination in Cities across our nation.  The discrimination is both economic and racial in many places, like New Orleans and Detroit.
The cracks in the wall of government-enforced racial discrimination began with education--Supreme Court (54); and moved to  "lunch counters"; housing; employment -- President Kennedy (63); "civil rights" - Johnson (64); voting (65); to "affirmative action" under Nixon.  The responses of white citizens over those two decades were seen in snippets on television, but the comprehensive white reaction is seen today in the Tea Party and our Rotten Cities. 
As whites moved away from their jobs in cities, the jobs moved to follow the whites, the wealthier and better-educated non-whites followed the white flight, and the cities became "hollowed out".  Burdened with services, for which there was no tax base,  cities began their rot and collapse.   Under the twin threats of tax flight and white flight, the Counties, from which the cities spring, and the States, which house the counties came into the cross-hairs.
Many of these cities were formerly industrial centers, like Detroit.  Their rot formed the "rust-belt".
Just as Romney and his venture buddies got fabuously rich off the wreckage of our industry, the wealth to be gained from raping our rotting cities could be astounding.  The process would be to collapse the weak cities back into the counties in which they reside.  Should we be checking for new maggots?
Stay Vigilant! 

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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC  

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Two "Golden Nuggets"
There is simply no reason why any child in this country, today, should ever have to worry about money, retirement, careers, or any thing else that money impacts.  But they will, simply because everything around them from their parent's behavior, to the TV, to their government (at all levels) teaches them to de-value two things: Patience and Self Discipline.  It would be nice to include "Honesty", but in this media environment, that's too much to hope for.
I learned these lessons, instinctively, in the late '40s when I got my first full-time job.  At a tavern (beer-joint that served food), located across from the entrance to the Missouri State Fairgrounds, I had to stand by the road-side, tip my paper hat and bow to the red-necks driving by, yelling: "look  at the cute little nigger"!  For ten cents an hour and for 10 hours a day!  From that time forward, I always had money; because I knew how to work to get it, and when I was old enough, I was able to keep a portion of whatever I made.
On November 20, Frontline aired a program entitled: "Poor Kids".  If you didn't see it, you can look it up.  Try to get your grand-kids to watch it. (Good Luck, at that!)
The two values stated above, should be intertwined in every aspect of our living; but they were deliberately abandoned when the Baby Boomers were young, in order to form our "consumer economy".  My generation, the "silent" one, grew up in the Industrial Economy -- a time when this country "made things".  We created those new technologies, with government funding, that won the Cold War and spawned new "rich guys" like Gates and Jobs.
Unfortunately, for me, and for most, these values have to be learned in brutal times.  For the "Poor Kids" on the Frontline program, these times are their "brutal" times.  They watched their parents lose businesses, homes, all their possessions.  None of it, the fault of the kids!  They are now trapped in the consequences until they grow old enough to escape, as I did.
The technologies we developed also brought two things to everybody which can set them free of money woes: the computer and the internet.   For the first time in history, the average person can know exactly what they own.  They can know their costs, their cash flow, and their retained earnings.
With the discipline to use these tools, and to start early enough for time to work for them, everyone can be on their way to real financial freedom.  However, they have to thoroughly overcome all forces that urge them toward unwise consumtion!
Stay Vigilant!

Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


More 2012 Election Results 
All of the cacophony springing from the "Rabbit-Hole" into the mainstream media today involves the three "sinister Senators" flapping on about "Behghazi".  All of this idiocy is beginning to look like an elaborate cover-up.  What they are keeping out of the public eye is serious questioning of the video;
that, even they admit, sparked the demonstrations in Cairo that spread to Benghazi. 

You know, really important stuff like: who paid for the video, who distributed it, how did the Romney campaign know about it early enough to get so far out in front of events and have to back-track.  NOBODY is talking about of any of this, inside or outside the "Rabbit-Hole".  Once again, "faulty intelligence" raises its head amidst political tampering by Congress.
Election results are showing very important things about the white vote; by age group, income, location, etc.  Of particular importance is the break-down of the Millenial Vote by race.  The younger whites voting from inside the "hole" outnumbered the younger whites on the outside.  The combined minority youth vote carried the election.  The percetage of white votes overall continue to drop, most likely because death rates of that cohort overshadow birth rates.  The future begins to take shape!
When I was 14 years old, the 1954 Supreme Court Decision, Brown v. Board .. was handed down by the Warren Court.  I had just finished the 9th Grade at C.C. Hubbard; my first year in High School, in those days.  C.C. Hubbard died seven years earlier, and we were struggling with the deep-South black replacement imposed by the white overseers.  I was afraid that I would have to go the white school and I discussed it with my grandfather.  He said, as I remember, "you have to believe there are some good white folks; otherwise none of us would still be here".  The entire "Rabbit-Hole syndrome we face today can be traced to that time and that Supreme Court decision. 
The white powers decided to begin "integrating" C.C. Hubbard with the primary grades; a year at a time, firing all black teachers and administrators as they progressed.  I was able to finish my High School without dealing directly with the "enemy".  The 2012 election results provide a measure of our "progress"  as a nation over these ensuing 58 years.
Stay Vigilant!
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All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Monday, November 26, 2012


The Road Ahead?
Under their twisted, macbre world-view, the Repoobs led the Rebublican Party down their version of Lewis Carroll's "rabbit-hole", and, perhaps, to their demise!  The voters resoundingly let them know they would NOT drag the country there.  Will the party get free from that world?  Will the country have to create a new, viable, Party to counter the Democrat Party?  We need two viable parties to make our government system work.
In their world, where what is "real" is dictated by the likes of Fox News; up is down; day is night; fact becomes opinion, belief trumps experience, -- in short, it's C-R-A-Z-E-E!!  And there is a color-line attribute to just about every issue; from abortion, to jobs, to immigration, to voting, to gun rights, health-care, women's health, and "religion"!  It will take a VERY smart person to map a sane path out of such wicked wackiness.
Also to be found down the "rabbit-hole" are the Red States -- those states, mostly poor and white, that voted against the President.  These states, deep-South and Mountain-mid-West, are sparsely settled, extremely religious, and poorly "educated" by the likes of Rush Limbaugh.  Now THAT makes sense in a pathetic way.
The election was, ostensibly, about our economy!  But, NO!, Mitt and the Repoobs started a fight over just about any and every issue that stirred the right-wing extremes.  Witness the clown show led by the "representatives" of each wing-nut cause.
Let's hope and pray that somewhere there is a "sanity table" to which all with decision authority are invited.  Those that sober up in time (the deadline is midnight on December 31, 2012) will, hopefully, attend the table and save the country from more damage and ridicule.
Stay Vigilant!
Copyright © 2012:  Williams LLC
All Rights Reserved: Williams LLC 

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Even When Thine Enemy Lies Within 
Speilberg strikes again!  I saw the movie, Lincoln,  yesterday.   As a 73-year old, African-American military officer and disabled veteran,  and a citizen of these United States, Speilberg managed, yet again, to make me feel like I was deliberately excluded from  his intended audience.  The Color Purple, another of his travesties, was similarly delivered;  as  if  he were telling white people a story about black people.  There was no mention of Frederick Douglass!  Or Douglass' deliberations with President Lincoln regarding emancipation.
It is reported that Spielberg did not want the film released until after the election.  Maybe he was part of the 47% pulling for Romney?  For the non-white voters who got the message of the 2012 election, its now time for deep reflection.  After all that has gone before, its now clear that this damnable practice of perpetuating the color line, Hollywood style, has to be faced and contended with.
For all those of any color who refuse to face facts, (and themselves), its long past time to realize that the economic situation of non-whites, or of the total population, will not improve in this country until new strategies are adopted to combat this form of racial discrimination.   Sacrificing your own dignity to gain financial advantage can bring malignant dividends for all.  The individual, no matter how cunning, will not prevail in the long run, over long-standing, institutional behaviors; unless those institutions are successfully countered.
The enemy can be a collection of ideas, beliefs, practices, habits, traditions, and norms that are held or practiced by individuals, groups, or institutions. You can share in those beliefs, thereby aiding in the perpetuation.  These practices are corrosive, producing great damage over generations.  They can  cover large territories, countries, and regions.  There is an economic impact or component masked in these acts disguised as "art".  I once sat in a movie theater in Guadalajara and watched a Hollywood cartooned version of Mexican history that full of blatant Lies!

Why does it persist into the 21st Century?  Is it possible that only those in the 53% can dectect, and are willing to combat this syndrome?  Is the 47% of one mind in maintaing these practices?   Will employment, business relations, investment decisions, continue to turn on such tactics that have existed since Birth of a Nation and Gone With the Wind?

Stay Vigilant!

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