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In the mid-80's Peter Drucker explained to my class, in detail, how the "Oil Shock" of the early 70's reverberated around this planet, and the economic (mostly financial) fall-out that resulted. From this story and others he told us, it is easy for me to understand the events that have occurred since. I have no doubt that many "leaders" in our government(s), industry and academia have known about and/or and participated in the more devasting of these events; it is the "public" that has been "mushroomed" (see earlier blogs).
The title to this blog headlines the most significant factors driving the un-folding of these events. Acclimatization is not included because things like hurricanes, may be influenced, but are not driven by economics and politics. If you believe, as I do, that this planet is an organism, then the planet will respond to mankind in its own way.
As my sub-title suggest, we can pick up the story we must all understand by returning to FDR. On the heels of a devastating Depression at home, he knew, as World War II was coming to and end, that the Western Powers should not try to revert to their old Colonialist practices. Churchill and De Gaulle chose not to follow his advice, setting in motion events that led our nation into the Viet Nam War.
Truman, a fellow Missourian I remember for his whistle-stop in my home town in 1948, was a descendent of Klansmen, but decided we had to break the color barriers in this country and integrated our Military by edict. General Benjamin O. Davis, Jr. led the military portion of the Negro Movement pressures for relief from Jim Crow and economic discrimination (See "Red Tails" for "Hollywood's" trivialization of that effort). It was the Warren Court, in 1954 that blew the roof off, so to speak, and the citizens of the United States have been fighting the inevitable, at home and abroad, ever since.
I wrote my Masters Thesis in 1972 as a "birds-eye" view of what was going on in the military at that time. My career lagged behind that of Colin Powell, by a couple of years. We both began in Army ROTC, but I was able to switch to Air Force ROTC and slogged through 20 years, retiring as a Lt. Colonel. The "back-lash" within the military continues to this day. We may never see any more Colin Powell's.
You saw in the past four years just how stubborn the old tribal mind-sets concerning color and privilege are, in the election and re-election of President Obama. Had the 2008 economic melt-down not occurred, I am sure the decline this country is struggling to overcome, would be much steeper, and our future more bleak. The Grand Old Party, following the disastrous lead ot Nixon, has been walking a slow trail to its demise as a result.
Stay Vigilant!
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